My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty-One


"Lyra, baby, breathe," Alexander urged, holding me firmly in his arms.

I glanced at my mate absentmindedly, feeling as though my breath was caught in my throat.

The thought of my mate sharing a pup with another female, with another wolf, especially her, made me feel nauseous.

Pushing at my mates chest, I rushed over to the nearest tree and retched, not actually bringing anything up. Pain radiated throughout my chest, making me clutch on to my torso tightly.

"Lyra," my mate said softly, steadying me with his hands on either side of me. "Please, try to remain calm. I have yet to confirm this. It might not be true."

Wiping at my mouth, I lifted myself to face my mate, only now realising that I was crying. My chest was moving up and down with each breath, my insides feeling completely hollow.

I was pregnant with our pup. And as horrible as it was to think it, there was no excitement running through my blood. I was so disappointed to know that Alexander probably already had a pup with another she-wolf. Why was it not mine? How?

My wolf whimpered loudly, making me cry out silently. I thought I was going to tumble to the ground when my mate picked me up swiftly in his arms and carried me.

I snuggled in to his chest and sobbed lowly, every emotion in my body now surfacing. Alexander was murmuring words of endearment, but I could hardly focus on him. Every possible thought that I could think of was running wildly in my mind, giving me a headache.

My wolf whined in pure shock, remaining completely silent because she had no way to react to what was happening. She wasn't even angry, just utterly upset. I didn't even blame her.

When Alexander placed me on our bed and pulled away to leave, I grabbed hold of his hand tightly, stilling his movement.

"Don't go," I whimpered, my vision blurry.

Alexander frowned, but joined me on the bed. He wrapped his arm around me, and pulled me in to him. "Baby, I'm not going anywhere."

I closed my eyes and rested my cheek against his muscly chest. The tears flowing down my cheeks stained my mate's shirt, but he didn't seem to mind.

For some reason, I felt extra clingy with him after knowing he shared a piece of him with another female. After learning about his past with her, I couldn't even be mad at him.

It wasn't his fault. He didn't know. I could hardly imagine how he was feeling, only now understanding why he had hardly been able to tell me about this. If I felt this shocked, I couldn't even fathom what he was going through.

"We will figure this out," my mate murmured before placing a soft kiss to my head. "I don't want you to stress yourself out over this. Leave it for me to deal with it, hmm?"

I couldn't respond, and only nodded in to his chest. Frankly, I didn't seem to be able to form a coherent response. The sound of his voice stimulated my emotions, and I was crying in to him again.

Alexander rubbed his fingers up and down my back soothingly. He was holding me firmly in his arms, not for a second leaving me alone. I hated that this was happening to us.

We were expecting our little ray of sunshine, or so it should have felt like. We should have been overjoyed by the news. The thought of a mini Alexander or mini me running around our pack house should have been the only thing running through my mind.

Except, there was a possible chance that he already had that with her. My brows knitted together and I whimpered loudly, sobbing in to my mate.

"Is there anything that I can do to make you feel better?" Alexander whispered, pulling back to glance down at me. "Baby, speak to me."

Swallowing loudly, I glanced up at him, with teary eyes. "If," I said, my voice croaky from the crying. "If that pup is yours, what are you going to do?"

Alexander frowned, clearly something he hadn't considered as he took my words in to account.

"Whatever the outcome is, we can decide together," he promised, squeezing my waist gently. "In the meantime, I don't want us to concern ourselves with what may not be the case."

"How do we know if the pup is yours?"

Alexander rested his chin on my head, pulling me close to him again. "We're running some DNA checks. It should be ready by tomorrow."

Bitting my lip, I held back from telling him about our pup. It was terrible timing. He probably didn't even want to know considering the situation with the wolf from his past.

I closed my eyes tight, wishing this was all a really horrible nightmare that I could wake up from. Everything was a mess, and I couldn't understand why the she-wolf had only now come back to share this news with my mate.

Why didn't she tell him then, that she was expecting his pup? It made no sense.

"I love you," Alexander murmured, bringing me back to him. "If I could do anything to change the current situation, I would do everything in my power to end your suffering."

My eyes fluttered open in realisation that my mate was worried about me despite how insane this was for him. Yes, it was absolutely driving me to the end of earth, but still that was about him.

"What about the other packs," I whispered, only now remembering the dinner that we had hosted.

"They have all returned, the dinner ended a while ago," my mate assured, his chest rising with each breath under my head.

Sighing lowly, I was about to ask him about Mike, when a loud knock had me yelping in fear.

Alexander growled lowly, before he placed a soft kiss on my head. "It's okay, baby. It's only Dyami."

With that, he hopped off of the bed and rushed over to swing the door to our bedroom open, revealing the beta.

Dyami's gaze was on my mate, hard and intense. He didn't pay me any attention, probably not wanting to pry in to my privacy.

"What is it?" my mate asked, his back to me.

"Rogues," Dyami responded, his jaw clenched and eyes black.

I watched as my mates back tensed up. He must have mind-linked the beta, because the boy bowed once and disappeared.

Alexander slowly closed the door, before turning around to face me, his eyes completely black.

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