My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Nineteen


"She did what?" I growled, dropping my hands on his face in utter shock.

She had taken advantage of Alexander, knowing that he was not in the right state of mind from mourning his father. Just how twisted could someone be to do that?

Then it dawned on me that Alexander was still entertaining the bitch despite the horrid past he shared with her.

"And yet, you still entertained her," I spewed, feeling anger course through me at how he allowed this to go further than it had to.

Alexander's jaw tensed, his brows furrowing. "Baby, that's not true. I have never entertained her. Not once."

Arching a brow, I glanced at him dryly. "You let her hug you," I reminded him. "And I don't understand. If she did that to you, I'm shocked to know that you didn't kill her the second you found out."

"I couldn't," he replied instantly, his eyes dark. "I despise her and her brother, but her father is a man of honour," my mate elaborated.

I narrowed my eyes, completely shocked by what he was telling me. He had refrained from killing the siblings because of their father. Why? Especially, after what she had done to him. No Alpha would forgive such an incident.

"That doesn't even make sense," I spoke but only then remembered the fact that the bitch had spiked his drinks. "You're an Alpha. I thought human drugs wouldn't have an effect on you."

I was genuinely curious, because from what I had learned, wolves were pretty good with substances and it didn't affect us exactly the way it would a pure human.

I mean, it could affect us, but not to a point where we would pass out. If anything, it would make us less orientated, just not purely unconscious.

Alexander ran a hand through his hair frustratingly. "No, baby. It's not simple human drugs," he told me, shaking his head. "When you have the right connections, you can find specific substances that will have a negative impact on wolves too, that including Alphas."

I frowned at his words, realising this information was new to me. But why would the beta's daughter go to these lengths? What was she trying to achieve by doing this?

"You said you've known each other since you were pups," I echoed, swallowing the lump in my throat. "Why would she do that to you if you go way back? Is she in love with you or something?"

My mate scoffed, but his tensed facial muscles told me he was suffering in pure agony. "She's the craziest bitch I have come across," he spat, anger behind his voice. "After that incident, I never returned to Sirius pack. It ruined my relationship with her father. I withdrew from other packs, hardly able to trust them."

Alexander paused for a second to catch his breath, before he lowly muttered, "In an attempt to cope with what had happened, I put all my focus on protecting my pack, instead. This pack."

I reached up to touch his cheek, making my mate glance up at me. His charcoal eyes were slowly returning to their ocean blue.

"Why didn't you just tell me this?" I whispered, lowly, almost feeling bad for how I had reacted. "I was going crazy thinking that you were seeing her behind my back."

He had been right. I had misunderstood the situation, but considering what I had seen, how was I ought to know that?

Alexander rose from his kneeled position and took a seat by my side. Wrapping his arms around me, he embraced me tightly, inhaling my scent a couple of times.

"I could never do that to you," he promised, pulling back to glance down at me, his eyes boring in to mine. "I wanted to tell you the second that I saw her, but I could hardly believe that she had the audacity to return."

"I'm sorry for not trusting you," I apologised, feeling a horrible ache in my chest as my wolf whimpered lowly. "I didn't know what to think and your responses were so vague."

The whole situation was a pure mess. Alexander had told me something that no one knew about, except the bitch that had caused the issue. My heart ached for him. Meanwhile, I had hated him, I hadn't taken in to consideration his side to the story.

A sense of déjà vu coursed through me, but I paid no attention to it considering how much I had suffered in the past day.

Alexander pulled me in to him again. "I know, baby. I'm to blame for your suffering," he murmured against my hair. "I want her nowhere near you. I warned her to stay clear from my territory that day, but here she is, years later."

Frowning, I pulled back to glance up at my mate. "So why is she here? What does she want from you?"

Alexander tucked a strand of my hair behind my ear, the back of his index finger lingering on my face as he stroked my cheek.

"I invited the beta and his wife, not expecting for their daughter to attend," he stated. "I was surprised when I saw her and my initial thought was to kill her, but I couldn't ruin your ceremony."

"The balcony," I commented, putting two and two together. "I knew it."

My mate appeared surprised. "You saw that?"

Scowling, I nodded. "You reeked of her, it was hard not to notice."

Alexander sighed. "I should have told you then," he agreed, making me nod. "I didn't want to ruin the night that you had worked so hard for."

Swallowing hard, I stroked my hands on his arms, noticing how traumatising it must have been for him to see her again. "It's okay, we're okay. Whatever it is, let's communicate with each other. I hate being mad at you."

"You don't understand, baby," he said, softly, but his voice had an edge to it. "She is not supposed to be here."

"Okay, so ask her to leave our territory," I said, not understanding why that was an issue.

Alexander shut his eyes tightly, exhaling loudly. I didn't understand what the issue was. If she was causing problems for us, considering she didn't even belong in our pack, getting rid of her should be the least of our concerns.

"I want to kill her," Alexander growled. "And I will in due time, just not right now."

"I don't want a war between the packs," I whimpered, but my wolf was ready to snap the girl's head off.

Alexander tugged at my hand and pulled me off of the bench. Without uttering another word, he wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest.

"I can't promise that won't happen," he warned. "She is dangerous, and I will risk a war if that means keeping you safe. Lyra, you are the most important person to me."

His words made me sigh, but I didn't understand the extent of the situation, so I remained quiet.

One of his hands cupped the back of my head, as the other tightened around my waist. He held me close in his arms.

"I can't tell you how sorry I am for how poorly I handled this situation," Alexander continued. "I never mean to hurt you."

His words stirred something within me, and I couldn't help but beat myself up for the way that I had initially reacted.

"We will deal with this together, like we should have in the first place," I told Alexander, pulling back to glance at him through my lashes.

"Baby, there is something that I need to tell you," he mumbled, his voice low. "I need you to try and remain calm when I do, okay?"

I glanced at him in confusion, not understanding what he was saying.

"What is it?" I asked out loud, feeling slightly concerned.

My mate gulped loudly. "I told you that I would have killed her already, if I could."

"But you can't," I added, fighting the urge to roll my eyes at the fact that he was still protecting her.

Alexander's hold on my waist tightened. "It's not because I don't want to," he promised, his eyes on me the entire time.

"It's because of her father," I concluded, already expecting him to say that.

Alexander's brows furrowed, but he simply shook his head. "No, baby. I didn't kill her then because of her father," he corrected me. "I warned her to leave the other night, but she didn't. And I haven't killed her because of what she told me today."

I raised a brow at my mate, gripping on to his shoulders as I awaited for him to speak. I didn't have anything to say, because frankly, the whole situation was a mess and confused the heck out of me.

He still didn't even know that I was pregnant with our pup. I couldn't even tell him, not right this instant anyway.

"What I am about to tell you, I need you to stay calm, please," my mate slowly said, his eyes already glistening with a hint of red rim to them.

His eyes were slowly darkening, and by the time he finished his sentence, his eyes were completely charcoal.

But I ignored his appearance and went limp in his arms at his next words. His words echoed repeatedly in my head, "The wolf claims that we have a pup together."

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