My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Three


"Jensen, my brother, thank you for travelling all the way out here," Alexander told the middle aged man standing opposite us.

"Alexander, the pleasure is all mine," the shaggy haired man responded before engulfing my mate in a quick embrace.

The pair grinned at each other, looking like a couple of old friends.

"And I have to say, what you're doing for these wolves is very admirable," Jensen commented when he pulled away, but kept his arm around my mate's shoulder.

Alexander smiled, and turned his head in my direction. "The credit goes to my Luna," he proudly said before breaking free from Jensen's arm and pulled me to his side. "Lyra, this is Jensen, Alpha of Moorgate pack."

The man gave me a wide smile, and I returned it as I stepped forward to shake his outstretched hand.

"Lovely to meet you," I told him, sternly, shaking his hand promptly.

"Likewise, dear," Jensen responded, before returning his gaze to the man beside me. "You've got yourself a beautiful one, Alex," he stated before retreating his hand back to his side.

Alexander smiled down at me lovingly and nodded in agreement, his hand on my waist pulling me closer to his side.

The conversation continued in the same manner when I was introduced to the next three or four Alphas and their Luna. I couldn't thank them enough for coming. They all seemed like such nice people and so well respected.

There were nearly a thousand wolves gathered tonight, and as overwhelming as it felt, I was extremely excited. This was the place for everyone to meet each other, and there was nothing nicer than packs being civil. I had learned that the hard way.

When Ava and Matteo rocked up, I gaped at the girl. The maroon dress looked even better on her than I had imagined.

Her hair was placed in a high ponytail, leaving her back exposed and her make up consisted of smokey eyes bringing focus on her brown eyes. She looked beautiful. Matteo was wearing a black suit, with a bow tie, looking dashing himself.

Giving me a twirl, Ava beamed. "What do we think? Do I look like somebody's fiancée?"

I chuckled at her behaviour. "I think it was a good idea that Matteo proposed before this event. You'll have everyone going crazy for you tonight."

Alexander's hand on my waist squeezed slightly at my words and he leaned his head closer to me, pecking at my temple before he mind-linked me.

'I think you're the one driving everyone crazy tonight.'

At his words, I could feel warmth spread across my cheeks, but before I could say anything or react any further, my mate spoke aloud.

"It's nice to see you both here," he said, reaching forward to shake Matteo's hand.

After the pair of men had greeted each other, Alexander turned to me. "Do you want anything to drink?"

"Sure, any drink at your recommendation will do," I responded. "Thank you."

He leaned down to peck at my forehead quickly before he excused himself, somehow getting Matteo to tag along with him without the need to verbally ask him.

"Who would've thought those two would be friends, huh?" Ava said, coming to stand by my side as we watched our men disappear in to the crowd.

"It's crazy to think he could have killed you all, but he didn't."

"Hmm. What an odd thing to say," Ava said, frowning before turning to me. "Is everything okay? You seem a little bit, I don't know, off?"

Turning my gaze to her, I smiled. "Yeah, no, of course. Let me see your ring again!"

Ava squealed excitedly and she proposed her hand, but my thoughts lingered on the past.

I was grateful that Alexander had accepted my friends and most of my old pack, but something was bothering me and I wasn't sure what. It was the doom feeling of something bad happening soon.

Maybe, I was just being pessimistic. I needed a drink to drown that feeling. Becoming a Luna had made me too serious, and I was going to let loose tonight.

When Alexander returned with two drinks, I took one and almost instantly downed it. My mate raised a brow questioningly but he didn't pry further. I knew he would ask me about it later.

"Everyone's already at the party, I see," Jaxon commented as he joined the group.

Jaxon was wearing a navy suit, his hair sleeked back. He looked very handsome.

"Hey, you," I said, stepping forward to give him a hug.

"Hey, you. Look at you," he responded, whistling before his eyes roamed up and down my body. "You clean up nice, Lyr."

Alexander growled lowly, but we paid no attention to him.

"So do you, Jax. I'm glad you could make it tonight."

"My best friend hosted a party, I wouldn't miss it for the world," he replied, making me feel all types of emotions. "Besides, a party without me is no party."

His words made me chuckle out loud and I embraced him tighter, leaning my head against his chest.

"Okay, that's enough," Alexander interjected, before pulling me out of my best friend's grip.

Jaxon and Alexander exchanged a strange look before my mate's eyes travelled to me and he quickly covered the expression on his face with a smile.

Before I could even question it, my mate had pulled me to the dance floor and was swaying us.

"So, are you going to tell me what that look was about?"

Alexander glanced down at me. "What are you talking about?"

I arched my brow. "You know, that look you gave to Jaxon. Is there something that I should know?"

Alexander eyed me warily for a second before shaking his head. "No, baby. You're overthinking."

My eyes narrowed at him, trying to decide if he was being honest. He did seem on edge, but I couldn't decide if that was because of the event we were hosting or because something was bothering him.

After a year of knowing him, I had come to realise that he would tell me if there was something I needed to know.

I was about to tell him that it's fine, and whatever it was bothering him, he could tell me when he felt it was the right time to, when his facial expression caught my attention.

I was taken aback. He was glaring off in to the distance, past me, at something or someone. I wasn't sure. His eyes were dark and his jaw was tensed.

"You okay?" I asked, reaching my hand up to touch his chest, not understanding the sudden change in demeanour.

Alexander snapped his eyes back to me, but instead of responding, his hands on my waist pulled me flush in to him and he dipped his head down, catching me off guard when he locked his lips with mine.

The kiss was rough, but satisfying for my wolf. Alexander was behaving odd and I couldn't understand why.

What I thought would be a quick kiss turned in to a heated make out session, and I had to push at his chest to remind him that we were in public.

"Alexander," I warned, panting loudly.

"Sorry," he mumbled, before grinning widely. His eyes were almost their normal colour now. "I can hardly control myself around you."

As much as I had enjoyed the kiss, I was curious to know what he had seen. "What happened? What did you see?"

I turned to glance back, but before I could see anything, my mate pulled me flush to him again, bringing my focus back on him.

He held my gaze for a second before sighing. "It's nothing. I thought I saw someone but it's not important."

I was going to question him, but my mate had other plans when he took hold of my hand and had me twirl in his arm, making me forget about what had just happened.

Half way through the night, I was playing with Luca, when Zynthéa came to join us.

"Thanks for watching him," she told me, before she leaned forward and kissed her boy on the cheek. "Hello, baby, look who's here."

I watched in awe as Zynthéa cooed her baby boy, who was starting to giggle in return. Luca was such a good pup, not to mention super cute.

His little tight curls hung over his eyes, dimples on either side of his cheeks with sparkly emerald green eyes that covered half of his face. Dyami had been right, this pup would break hearts. He was almost eight months by this point, already growing so quickly.

As Zynthéa continued to play with her son, I turned my head towards the party ahead and had a quick glance around when my eyes caught someone.

The strange brunette that had entered mine and Alexander's bedroom earlier on in the day was leaned against the wall.

Thinking nothing of it, I almost tore my eyes away from the innocent wolf when I caught the person she was so intently staring at.


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