My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Four


My heart flipped a couple of times in my chest as I watched the stranger practically eye-fuck my fiancée. He was very good looking, but no one dared to look at him with such intense eyes.

No one but me.

I was grateful when Alexander paid no attention to the guests, meaning he wasn't paying attention to this girl. I wasn't the jealous type, or at least I thought I wasn't. But something about this girl was putting me on edge. My wolf hated her guts.

When Alexander snapped his head in my direction and grinned, I couldn't help but return a smile of my own. He was perfect.

'My Luna, care for a quick dance?'

I bit my bottom lip and as tempting as my mate's offer was, I shook my head. I wanted to spend some time with Zynthéa and Luca, seeing as we hardly saw each other these days.

'Aunty duties call.'

Alexander had the audacity to chuckle at my words, but he sent me another message telling me that he loved me before he returned his attention back to the men around him.

I used this time to glance at the mysterious brunette to see her reaction, and to my shock, her eyes remained on my mate.

When Luca fell asleep, I was about to ask Zynthéa if she knew the brunette that had taken an interest in my mate, but Ava rushed over in that exact moment, interrupting us.

"You have to come and see this," Ava exclaimed, coming to stand in front of me, blocking my view of the mysterious girl.

"What is it?" I asked Ava, concerned when I saw her expression.

Her eyes were wide and she looked pale. "It's Jaxon."

Immediately, I stood up from my chair. "What about Jaxon? Is he okay?"

Ava nodded hesitantly, before she cleared her throat. "He, um, I think he's found his mate."

"What?" I yelled, subconsciously.

"Yeah, I saw them, and I quickly ran here," Ava explained, using her hands to express herself.

"Where is he?" I asked in pure shock.

But before Ava could respond, my mate rushed over and quickly claimed me in his arms. "Baby, is everything alright?"

I put my hand on his arm to steady myself. "Jaxon found his mate," I said in a whisper, shocked.

"Isn't that what you wanted?" Alexander asked in return, confused.

"Yes," I gasped.

"This is really happening," Ava commented, her own voice hardly above a whisper.

"I don't understand. Why are you ladies upset at the news?"

Ava and I turned to Alexander at his question, but neither of us spoke. He didn't know Jaxon like we did and how much we had prayed for this moment. We were far from upset, but before I could tell him that, his sister pulled through.

"Wait. Evan is his mate?" I heard Zynthéa shriek, making us all turn our head in the direction of her gaze.

Jaxon walked in, with a young man behind him. The man was the same height as Jaxon, with fiery eyes that were currently on the boy ahead of him. His dark hair was in locks and was styled perfectly on his head. The shirt and trousers he was wearing matched his dark hair.

"That boy is Jaxon's mate?" I asked, curiously.

The auburn haired girl next to me nodded. "Isn't he so handsome? Jaxon did well for himself."

Ava continued talking, but I tuned out on the conversation and focused on Jaxon.

Without warning, I leaped away from my friends and headed towards Jaxon. Before the boy could comprehend what was happening, I attacked him with my embrace.

For some reason, I was overly emotional and tears began flowing down my cheek as I held Jaxon tightly.

Jaxon had been a brother figure to me all my life. When all of us had found our mates, he had been the only one left alone. And after his brother had been killed last year, Jaxon had tried to make up for the pain that his family had inflicted on the packs as much as he could. He went above and beyond to righten the wrongs that weren't his fault.

It was about time fate returned the favour and treated him back. And not to mention how good looking his mate was.

"Lyr, what happened?" Jaxon asked, concerned as he pulled back to look at me. "Why are you crying?"

I sniffled. "I can't believe it!"

Jaxon's brows narrowed and he looked past me, his jaw squaring at whatever he was looking at. Before he could say anything, someone ripped me out of his arms.

When electrical currents coursed through me, I realised it was my mate. Alexander pulled me to him, wrapping an arm around my waist.

"You found your person," my mate spoke, voice stern.

Jaxon glared at my mate for a brief second before his facial expressions morphed back to normal.

Clearing his throat, he gestured to the man beside him. "Yeah, erm, this is Evan," Jaxon introduced, glancing between Evan, Alexander and I.

Evan smiled widely and stepped forward. "You must be the Luna," he told me, outstretching his hand.

After shaking my hand he turned to Alexander and greeted him in the same manner. Jaxon's mate seemed very respectful and I was so happy for my best friend.

Zynthéa pushed past us and embraced Evan in her arms. "Oh, Evan. It's so good to see you," the girl said after pulling away.

Apparently, Evan was a good friend of Dyami's. What a small wolf world.

Suddenly, all the concerns that I had prior to the event regarding the event was in the past. I was glad that I had initiated this ceremony and helped Jaxon find his mate.

Now, life really felt like it was coming together. Like it was perfect.

"I'm glad this ceremony served its purpose," I told Jaxon when we were alone by the drinks stand.

Jaxon smirked, giving me a side glance. "I won't lie, I thought this ceremony was pretty lame to begin with. But now, I can only thank you for being innovative."

I gave him a knowing look. "The boy who thought the idea of mates is revolting has actually found his mate. I have to say, great success on my part," I cheekily told him, grinning.

Jaxon chuckled before he playfully bumped his shoulder against mine. "Well, they say you won't know until you've tried it," he cockily replied, before downing his drink.

"So, Evan seems nice," I told him as my eyes travelled in to the distance where the boy in question was currently dancing.

My best friend grinned sheepishly. "I met him an hour or so ago but it already feels like I've known him for years."

I smiled, knowing exactly what Jaxon meant. Finding a mate was like that. It was instant attraction between the wolves and they didn't have a sense of timing like humans did.

"I will say though, I was surprised to know my mate is a man," Jaxon said, letting out a nervous laugh.

I turned my head to look at him. "How are you feeling about that?"

Jaxon shrugged. "It doesn't really matter. Now that I think of it, I wouldn't want anyone else. I mean, look at him. He's a clear ten."

I laughed out loud at his words and nodded in agreement. His mate was handsome, that was for sure.

"I'm going to find my man and make the most of the night," Jaxon told me and dumped his empty glass on the table. "Thank you, Lyr. This is another thing added to the list of many things that I owe you."

His words made my smile falter ever so slightly.

Wrapping my arm around his waist, I told him, "You don't owe me anything, Jaxon. What happened in the past, stays in the past. And none of it was your fault."

His emerald green eyes held mine for a moment before he placed a gentle kiss on my head. He then pulled away to look at me. "We'll always have each other, you know that, right?"

I nodded in agreement as Jaxon headed towards his mate. I couldn't help but watch them eagerly.

A warm feeling radiated through my chest as I eyed the new couple. The moon Goddess really knew how to pair a couple, because the two ahead in the distance were like a matched puzzle. Looking so perfect for each other.

After a while, I decided to look for my own mate, confused as to where he was. He didn't seem to be anywhere in sight.

And just when I was about to mind-link him, I stopped in my track when I caught the strange brunette again. She had been out in the balcony, currently in the process of slipping back to the venue, a smirk on her face.

I couldn't understand why she peaked my interest. I really couldn't care less, but my wolf did.

I was planning on ignoring her and the absurd feeling that I had, until my eyes caught the person that came up behind her.

My mate.

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