My Luna Mate

Chapter Chapter Two


"Oh my god. I am so sorry," the girl on the other side quickly apologised. "I didn't think anyone would be in here."

Her scent told me she wasn't from my pack. Plus, my members didn't dare barge in to their Alpha and Luna's bedroom in the manner that this stranger had.

"Did you need anything from this room?" I asked her, curious to know what business she had in mine and Alexander's room.

The girl widened her eyes and scanned the room quickly before shaking her head. "No. I, erm, I'm just lost. I was looking for the bathroom."

My wolf growled loudly, but I tried to keep her suppressed, not wanting to scare the girl in front of me. My wolf found everyone unfamiliar a threat. And she most definitely did not believe this stranger. Who would confuse a bedroom for a bathroom? But this was supposed to be a good day, and I couldn't doubt every stranger I met.

Getting lost was normal, especially in an unfamiliar territory.

Smiling, I turned my focus on the brunette before me. "That's okay. The bathroom is down the hall to the right."

The girl gave off a strange vibe, but I put that down to the fact that she was from another pack. Though, taller than me, she didn't appear a threat.

I brushed it off as nothing, realising I was probably being a little crazy. The girl was here for tonights ceremony, that was all.

Without muttering another word, the girl scurried away. She glanced back at me a couple of times before she disappeared out of my vision.

Shaking my head, I closed the door and tried to brush off the weird feeling coursing through my body.

How odd.

My thoughts remained on the girl even after she was long gone.

It would be my first time holding this ceremony and my first time meeting wolves from other packs. Perhaps, that's why I was feeling on edge. I was nervous, and not used to this feeling.

But I wasn't afraid.

Becoming Luna to the largest pack in the country had its challenges and I overcame many hurdles to get to where I was today. I was no longer the timid girl that I used to be.

I carried Alpha blood in my veins and I was a Luna, and a damn good one at that. Nothing could phase me anymore. I was also very comfortable with my wolf and knew her like the back of my hand.

"Am I interrupting something?"

At his familiar voice, my thoughts vanished and I snapped my head to find my mate standing by the door. His presence alone made my racing thoughts disappear.

Alexander was dressed in a black tuxedo suit with a slim tie, looking breathtaking as always.

"No, of course not. Come in," I told him, as if he needed permission.

My mate arched a brow and stalked towards me. Once near me, he wrapped his arms around my waist. "You alright, baby?"

I nodded. "Just the usual pre-ceremonial nerves," I explained, trying to conceal my thoughts.

"I know something that might help," he murmured before dipping his head down to pepper soft kisses along my jaw.

I tilted my head slightly to give him better access, but made no move to reciprocate his kisses. My wolf purred in contentment, but I ignored her as well, mainly because of my thoughts.

Before Alexander could turn me on, I pulled my head away enough to get him to halt his actions. If I didn't stop him now, we would end up late to the event that we were hosting.

My mate glanced at me with curious eyes. "Is something wrong?"

Unable to camouflage my emotions, I blurted, "Do you think this ceremony is a good idea?"

Alexander narrowed his eyes, probably confused as to why I would ask that. "It's a brilliant idea," he promised. "It was a mutual decision that we came to with other Alphas to help our people. Are you having second thoughts?"

I quickly recalled how after I had proposed the idea a couple of months ago, my mate had called other packs to invite them on making this ceremony an annual tradition for unmated wolves. Most had agreed, which brought us to today.

When my mate guarded me with intense, confused eyes, I cleared my throat.

"It's not that." I sighed.

"Then what's wrong? Did something happen?"

It was unnecessary for me to feel indifferent, but Ava's words had affected me. Were we practically forcing wolves to participate in this event? Would they feel worse if they didn't find their mate in this ceremony?

"We're doing this for the pack," I echoed, looking up at my mate. "Is it really to help the pack?"

Alexander's brows furrowed. "Lyra, we're not the ones benefiting from this."

"No, I know," I quickly responded. "I'm just worried it's not what everyone wants. I mean, we didn't even ask for their permission."

My mate chuckled softly at my words. "Come here," he said.

Taking my hand in his large one, he guided me towards our bed. He took a seat, before wrapping his arms around me and placed me on his lap.

"The pack trusts us, as their Alpha and Luna, to make decisions in their best interest," Alexander declared. "This ceremony will help many unmated wolves find their mate. That's what we want, am I right?"

Pursing my lips, I nodded hesitantly. "I guess so. But what if they don't find their mate?"

"Then they don't. We're not matchmakers. We are simply trying our best to help the mateless ones. Whether they find a mate or not, well, that's a different story."

"I'm just worried," I admitted. "I don't want to let them down as their Luna."

Alexander's arms tightened around my waist. "They love you, baby. You're doing a great job."

I sighed lowly and let myself rest in to him, my head nestled in his neck. Being a Luna came with many pack concerns, it could be quite exhausting but having Alexander helped.

"And as much as I love this position, you do need to get ready," he mumbled, his voice low and husky. "Unless you want to be fashionably late to the event that you're hosting."

"Give me a minute," I whispered in to his neck.

"We can stay here if you want," he suggested, seductively.

When I could feel his hand roaming down my sides, I pushed at his chest. "We shouldn't."

Alexander ignored me and leaned in to kiss me. I thought it was going to be a quick peck, but my mate had other plans. I let myself get lost in the kiss with how our tongues were intertwined, but when Alexander's hand squeezed at my ass, I pulled away.

"We can't let the pack down," I told him, panting, but it felt more like I was trying to convince myself.

I, myself, had little to no control around him.

"Of course," he agreed, smiling lovingly at me. "But we will finish this later."

A shudder ran down my spine with how lustfully he glanced at me. His eyes were a darker shade, with the beautiful ocean blue specs swimming through them. It was enough to drive my wolf wild and as much as I wanted to stay with him, I knew we had a pack ceremony to attend.

Alexander refused to leave whilst I got ready. It only dragged out the time that it took for me to get prepared to leave. But eventually, by some miracle, I was ready to leave.

The dress was tight in all the right places, highlighting my curves. My hair had been straightened and was left down. The make up on my face was light, with a soft smokey on my eyes.

I was in front of the mirror when Alexander appeared behind me.

"My beautiful girl," he murmured, coming up to admire me closely. "Perhaps, I should have reserved this dress for the bedroom."

When he approached me from behind and placed a lingering soft kiss on my shoulder, my stomach tied in to knots and butterflies erupted inside of me.

"You're not so bad yourself," I replied, grinning at his mirror reflection.

"The pack is really lucky to have you as their Luna," he commented, completely catching me off guard. "And I'm very lucky to call you mine."

I bit my bottom lip as I could feel my face heat up at my mate's corny words. He always knew when to say the right thing.

"I love you," I told him, and turned around to face him. Standing on my tiptoes, I tilted my head and kissed the outer corner of his mouth.

The scent of his musky cologne filled my nostrils and I almost wanted to beg him to take me right here, right now, but I decided against it.

Alexander wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me flush against his chest. "I love you, baby," he replied in a low, husky voice, before dipping his head to kiss me.

The kiss was short and sweet, and over before I could even complain about running late. My wolf was disappointed at how short the kiss was, but she was like a frustrated sex addict who wanted her mate to take her every two minutes.

Alexander tugged at my hand, before turning to me.

"Mrs. Rathborne, let's go play cupid," he grinned, before guiding us out of the room.

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