My Little Dancer

Chapter 32: Dad Talks To Fire

We were sitting there talking when the door slammed open. We looked over to see mom standing there.

"Where the hell is my daughter?"

"I am over here mom."

She walked over and looked at me. "Honey they told me that some dirty ass biker tried to take you. I had to make sure you were alright."

I looked at mom and laughed. "You can put your swords away. No one here would hurt me you know that."

"I don't know that Psycho's son would not hurt you. Where is he?"

"I am Fire. Psycho's son. I would never harm a woman. You can believe that."

"I know. Those older members behind me would kill you first."

"I am Tara. Angel's mother, Venom's woman, and wife."

"Pleased to meet you, Tara."

"Hello, Sara."

"Hello, Tara."

"Where are those bastards."


"You didn't leave me any fun."

"No, her brother's barely left me and Lightening any fun."

"Mom, this is a friend, she works at the shop with us. Her name is Dakota."

"Hello, Dakota. I am Angel's mother."

"Angel, did your father tell you we just moved to the clubhouse?"

"No, he didn't."

"I had to order the members to stay there. I did bring our new VP, Spider with me."

"Spider this is our daughter, Angel. Angel this is Spider."

"Hello, Spider."

He just nodded his head at me. Sit down mom, Spider please have a seat. Mom, you should not be driving here in your condition.

"Angel, I am pregnant, not sick."

"Well, that may be the case but you are close to delivering my brother or sister."

"Do not fuss, Angel. I am fine."

"Says you."

"Beast said; like mother like daughter."

"Beast just what do you mean by that remark?"

"She sounds like you when you were her age. That's all."

"By George, I do believe you are right."

"I brought her up right then."

"At least she didn't try to fight them. She did the right thing coming here instead of the house."

"She is not stupid, Beast."

"I would not say that, Tara. After all, you used to take some risks that pretty much almost gave most of us heart attacks."

"Shut up Beast you all survived."


"Angel you and Dakota will come and stay at the clubhouse tonight until we can be sure there are no more of those bikers in town."

"Mom, we can go to the house."

"No, you will not. I want you both at the clubhouse. You have a room and we have plenty of guest rooms."

"Besides if we don't take you home the members will be upset."

"Fine, we will to the clubhouse. Can we stop at the house and get a change of clothes."

"No need we brought your clothes with us. And we will find something for Dakota to wear."

I looked out of the side of my eye at the new VP. I noticed Spider watching me. He can kiss my ass. I looked over at Dakota and smiled. This is going to be fun.

"Mom if we are going to the clubhouse we should get going."

"You are right. Mom stood up and said, Thank you Fire. We will all meet again. But Angle is right. It is getting late."

"We walked out the door and I and Dakota got into my car. We followed mom's truck and the guys rode behind us."

As we pulled into the new club compound men started pouring out. I parked my car and Dakota and got out shutting the door.

"You alright, Angel?"

"I am fine. I managed to get to Fire's clubhouse before they could run me off the road."

"Right now, I think Dakota and could use a shower and get something to eat."

"Follow me mom said."

"Dakota and I followed mom up the stairs and down the hallway. "This is your suite, Angel. Dakota, you can stay with Angel. She has two bedrooms."

"Thanks, mom, I told her."

I opened the door and walked inside. Wow, I have a living room and kitchen. We walked to a door and down the hallway. I opened the door on the right first. This must be the guest room. And it had its own bathroom.

I opened the door on the left, I knew it was my bedroom. I walked over to the dresser and pulled out a tee shirt, a new pack of underwear, shorts, and socks.

"Do I need a bra?"

"Nope, they will not pay attention."

I watched her go to the guest bedroom. I walked into my bathroom and took a shower. I put on clean underwear, shorts and a tee shirt then pulled the thick socks on.

"Ready to go downstairs?"

As we walked into the bar I turned left and walked into the kitchen. I saw Cookie and he asked what he could make us.

"Cookie can you make me a hamburger, with lettuce, tomato, onion, and may? With coffee?"

"Same for me please."

"I will take care of it. You girls go set down. I heard you had a bad day."

"We are fine, Cookie."

We walked into the bar and over to the table I sat down next to my brother. Spider dad's new VP was next to River. I put my legs across River and he grinned.

"So, Dakota how was your day?"

"Just great. I didn't think Angel would make it to that clubhouse without them running us off the road. Your sister can drive."

"Yes, she can. She sure isn't afraid of speed. And Angel is stubborn. She was not going to let them get their hands on the two of you."

"I know that now. We don't even know where they came from."

"They might have seen the two of you in the window and decided to wait for you to come out."

I looked up to see Cookie bring our plates out and walk back to the kitchen to bring our coffee out. "Thank you so much, Cookie."

"Any time girls."

We ate and listened to the others talk. When we finished I took our plates and cups to the kitchen. I rinsed the plates and cups and put them in the dishwasher.

I walked back in and sat down. Spider looked at me and said. "I hope you rinsed them and put them in the dishwasher."

"I glared at him. I was raised with this club. I would never let them set for Cookie to take care of. Of course, I rinsed them and put them in the dishwasher you dumb son of a bitch."

"You listen here you spoiled brat. You do not talk to me that way. You do not disrespect me."

I saw all three of my brother's chairs fly across the room. "No, you listen here jackass. We do not care who you are. You will not disrespect our sister. You will not call her a spoiled brat not ever."

"The one thing our sister isn't is spoiled. She has had to fight for everything she got. She had to rebuild her self-esteem, and she has tried to learn to trust over and over again only to be thrown away again and again."

"You better what your mouth and how you talk to our sister. We will not stand for you disrespecting her."

"If you don't like it take your sister and leave."

I stood up and looked at dad and mom. Mom was angry, dad was furious and the members stood up growling.

"I stood up and said. It's alright boys. I refuse to have my mother upset. Come on Dakota."

We walked up the stairs to my suit. We put on fresh jeans and our boots. We grabbed our jackets and I grabbed my phone and keys.

We are not staying here to be insulted by the mother fucker. We walked down the stairs. As we reached the car I heard dad, mom, and my brothers yelling at me to stop.

I ignored them. Buckle up, Dakota. We are going for a ride. I backed out with them watching and then I was on the road doing 80 miles an hour.

I looked in the rearview mirror and saw bikes coming after me. I was then going 95 miles per hour. I slowed down and turned onto the road leading to my house.

They were still coming. I hit the button for my garage door to open. I was in the garage shutting the door. We got out of the car and walked into the kitchen.

I hit the button to lower the steel window shades and the next one to slide over the doors. "How dare that VP treat me that way.

I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two beers. I then opened a drawer and pulled out a joint and lit it. I passed a beer to Dakota and we walked into the living room.

"They are here, Angel."

"They can all leave. I don't want to talk to them."

"We sat down then heard them yelling for me to open the fucking door."

I ignored them. I looked at Dakota and passed her the joint. "You are one stubborn woman, Angel."

"Yes, I am. They can all go straight to hell."

"Just so you know. I can carry a grudge for a very long time."

"I can't believe your dad or mom didn't say anything to him."

"They looked as if they were shocked. Your brothers sure didn't put up with his mouth."

"They won't. They always tried to protect me. I don't need their protection and to be honest. If you had not been with me when those bikers followed us. I would have shot them."

"I am sorry you had to go through everything that has happened today."

"Angel I need to tell you something."

"What is it, Dakota?"

"I was raised in a club. My dad is Jim. He is the president of the "Eliminator Mc".

"Well hell, you should have told me. We would have killed them all."

"I have no idea what is going on and how Dad let Spider talk to me that way. I just know he will never do it again."

"Why is that?"

"Because I will never go back to dad's clubhouse voluntarily again."

"What about your mom's baby shower and your sibling."

"I won't go to that baby shower, and I won't go to see the baby."

"I don't need the hassle."

"Your mom knows that doesn't she?"

"Yes, she does. When people say I have her attitude they are right. More than they know. In fact, I am 10x'a stubborn than mom."

"They finally quit. Sounds like they are leaving."

"Good for them. I don't want them here."

"Does your mom and dad have keys to the doors?"

"Yes, they do."

"I intend on fixing that in the morning."

"My phone started ringing but I turned it off."

"Time to change my phone number as well."

"I like you, Angel. I would do the same thing."

"In fact, that is why I moved here."

I stood up and took her empty beer bottle and walked to the kitchen. I threw them in the trash and grabbed two more and another joint.

I walked into the living room and handed her the bottle of beer. I sat down in the chair and lit the joint. We sat talking and finished the beer.

I threw the bottles away and told her to follow me. This is one of the guest bedrooms. Feel free to take another shower. My bedroom is at the end of the hallway.

Night, Dakota.

"Night Angel."

Back at Venom's clubhouse, all hell broke out. "Spider, how dare you talk to my daughter like that. My daughter is not a spoiled brat. And you best remember your place."

"You are my VP, not the president of this clubhouse."

"My daughter will not come back here again. She will not come to her mother's baby shower, and she will not go to the hospital to see her brother or sister."

"And these mother fucking keys are useless now."

I looked at the keys he threw on the table. She will have those locks changed. "The one thing about Tara and Angel is that they will not stay where they are not wanted."

"This was her home. Until you disrespected her. Because you are my VP, she will not come back here. She will not want to cause issues between you and me."

"Congratulations, Spider. You just broke my family up."

"She is not that vindictive, Venom."

"Oh, but yes she is. She won't even look at us if we run into each other in the store or on the street. She will turn and walk the other way."

"You will find out. I am telling you. She will never hold or look at her sibling."

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