My Little Dancer

Chapter 33: The Tattoo Shop

I parked my car behind the building and walked inside. I walked through the secret door into the office. I had the locks changed on the back door of the building.

I looked through the peephole and saw that no one was in the office. I made a pot of coffee in my office. I completed the 10 designs and scanned them into my computer. I then sent them to Shawn's computer.

I took my cup and rinsed it out before going through the door. I walked out the back door and got into my car. I backed out and drove home. I drove into the garage and turned it off.

I am off for a month. I knew mom would go into labor sometime within a few days. I sent Aunt Shawn a text telling her was going out of town and would return at the end of the month.

I carried my suitcase out and put it in the trunk of my car. I backed out and drove out onto the street and headed to the freeway.

I drove to Tennessee and got a motel room. I took my laptop out and started working on my book. I finished it and then sent it to my editor. Now I wait.

I looked at the text Aunt Shawn sent me. She asked why I was going out of town when mom's baby shower was this weekend. And my sibling will be born before I get back.

I text her about what happened two days ago. She text back and told me not to lie. Mom and dad would not let the VP talk to me that way.

I text back that I do not lie and she knows it. I also told her I will not be coming to the office anymore. I will send my designs to her email."

I looked up from the text at Dakota. I told her that Angel was throwing a temper tantrum. That is until Dakota told me what Angel said was true.

Shit, I yelled throwing the stabler across the room. I am surprised she didn't fire me. What she did was worse. She will not talk to me or see me. She will work from home and only talk to me threw emails and texts.

"Jesus H Christ, Shawn the president from the "Fire Storm" president yelled."

"I don't know what crawled up your ass but you do not have to throw things at me."

"Sorry, Beserk. I just made one big mistake."

"VP of Venom's clubhouse said something that made my necise walk out of their clubhouse. I told her not to live, that her mom and Venom would not have let him talk to her that way."

"I was wrong. Now she will not go to her dads Mc, which means she won't go to the hospital or his club to see her newborn sibling."

"She will not stay where she is not wanted and Venom's VP called her a spoiled brat."

"One thing, Angel is not is a spoiled brat."

"The Angel that owns this shop? She is Venom's daughter."

"The very same."

"Hell, everyone that comes here knows she is not a spoiled brat."

"She must be pretty stubborn."

"She is. She is just like her mom, Tara."

"Now she will not come into the shop when I am here. She will not talk to me. The only time will be related to business."

"She must really be stubborn."

"She is, and she knows how to hold a grudge."

"So, she won't go to the hospital or club to meet her new born sibling?"

"No she will not."

"She learned the hard way. One way or the other someone has pushed her to the side. She has been hurt so many times. She has stopped letting too many people get close to her."

"Especially men."

I looked up as I saw her care park across the street. "That is her car. Watch she won't turn and look this way. Nor will come over."

Dakota and I got out of my care shut the door and walked to the door of the resteruant. I didn't turn and look over at the shop. I walked straight to the door opened it and walked inside.

"What did I tell you."

I could tell she had a nice body on her, but I could not see the front of her. I will wait and watch as she and the woman with her walks out.

30 minutes later they walked out and turned left and walked down the street. She is beautiful and she has breasts the size to fit perfect in a man's hands.

We walked into the second hand shop and started looking around. I walked to the back and looked around. I saw an old fashioned cradel.

"Do you deliver?"

"Yes, we do."

"I want that cradle sent to Venom's clubhouse."

"Who should we say sent it?"

"Just say your previous daughter."

I saw the woman look at me funny. "That is what I want on the card."

"I paid $399.00 for the cradle then turned and walked out the door."

"I will never see my sibling but he or she will have something really old and beautiful to sleep in. At least for a while."

"Dakota and I walked back to the car got in and drove to Dakota's apartment and went inside to get her clothes to wear to the festiville."

We walked back to the car and she put the small suitcase in the backseat. Once back at the club house we walked inside the door leading to the kitchen. We decided to have a few bills and take a nap before going down town around 9:00 tonight.

I told Dakota I was going to take a nap before we dressed to leave. At Venom's club the cradle was delivered. Two of the prospects carried it into the club and over to the table.

They sat it down next to Tara and handed her the small envelop. "Who is it from Venom asked?"

I opened the envelop and took the card out. As I read it tears flowed down my face. I handed the card to him. "Tara, I'm sorry."

"He should be sorry for what he said. Did you read what she wrote?"

"Angel will not be at the hospital when I have her sibling. She will not come back to the clubhouse. She will not talk to us."

"And you did not put him in his place."

"He had no right to talk to Angel like that. This is her home. Now she will never sleep here. Never walk back through that door. At least not willingly."

"I might see my daughter shoping but she will act as if she doesn't know me."

"She would not even open the door when we went there that night. She changed the locks on the house."

"This is all his fault."

"I'm sorry, Tara. I put my foot in my mouth. How was I to know she would leave and not talk to any of us?"

"Spider you should never have talked to my daughter the way you did. You don't even know her. You don't know how many times she was rejected. So do not let my daughters name out of your mouth."

"You know nothing about her."

"Tara, we are going to the festivile tonight. I will have the prospects carry this cradel to our bedroom."

"You go get some rest."

I slowly stood up and walked out of the bar. She lost the only person she loved more than life. I need to keep her calm.

I turned and looked at Spider. "Do not mention Angel's name ever again, Spider."

I than turned and looked at Donna. "Tell me, Donna. Is Tara right?"

"Yes, Venom, you know that without asking me. One reason is the only ones that had Angel's back was her brothers."

"You as her father, and Tara did not stand up for her. She feels you betrayed her. That you didn't want her here anymore than Spider did."

"I knew she was right. We didn't stand up for Angel. We didn't put Spider in his place. She is my daughter."

"Not what that card says."

"Lightening is her biological father. But someone I do not think she will go to his clubhouse either.He didn't want her when Tara told him she was pregnant. Angel knows that."

"Congratulations. Angel has been throw away again. After all you don't need her either. Not now that Tara is having your child. The next president of this clubhouse."

"You do know that she turns 23 this weekend. The one night she will get drunk and you can bet she will get into a few fights."

"This time, those fights just might spill some blood. Most likly hers and whoever she gets into a fight with."

"I saw her the other day. She is angry. And her eyes are cold. She has no reason to live anymore."

"I woke up and sat on the side of the bed. I looked at my wrist. I want to cut so bad. But tonight is not the night. Three more days. I will be 23. Mom doesn't need or seem to want me anymore."

"My brothers will always love me. But they don't need me either."

"I will write my letters Thursday night and Friday go see the laywar and make my will. I have no children. So I will leave my money to my little sister or brother."

One day I hope she or he will learn I was not a bad person. That I just couldn't take not being wanted anymore.

I dressed and walked out of my bedroom. As I walked into the living room, Dakota handed me a beer and lit a joint.

We drank the beer and finished the joint before walking to the garage. I started my charger and backed out of the garage. I closed the garage door and drove out of the driveway and headed to town.

I found the last spot across the street from the festivel. We got out and locked the door. I put the key in my jacket pocket as we walked across the street.

We stopped at a tent saling baby blankets. We found a beautiful blue and pink one. I bought it. We bought a few more items and Dakota ran to the care and put them in the trunk.

We walked over to a food vender and bought tenderloins, and an onion petal. We bought two beers and sat down eating.

I looked up to see Venom, mom, Spider and some of the older members walking our way. Dakota and I stood up and threw our things in the trash.

I heard my name being called. I didn't turn my head. Instead we walked over towards a bunch of people and got lost in the crowld.

I looked over at Tara and saw the tears flow down her face. "Venom, I want to go home."

"Come on. I will take you home."

"Angel hates me."

"No she doesn't."

"Yes, she does. If I were here. I would hate me too."

Some of the members caught up with Dakota and Angel. I felt someone grab my arm and jerk me around.

"How dare you do that to your mother."

I showed no emotions. "Let go of my arm or I will make you."

"You and who's army?"

I cut his arm that fast. "Just me."

"I knew he would need stitches."

I walked away from Spider hearing Venom's members laughing. "You should never have put your hands on her, Spider. She always carries knives and a gun or two on her."

"You didn't think she would cut you did you?"

"You should have known. We all told you what she is like. She doesn't care if she lives or dies. She never has."

"I don't want her to die. That is the last thing I want."

"Won't matter what you want. She is going to take her own life and soon."

"Why the hell would you say that?"

"Her mother doesn't need her anymore. She is having another child. After being thrown away by Lightening, then Psycho, and not Venom and her mother. She has not reason to go on living."

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