My Little Dancer

Chapter 31: Unwanted Visitors.

Jagger and I were helping to carry old furniture out and throw it in the dumpster when we heard mom yelling for someone to get their fucking hands off her.

We walked out of the room to see a biker with his hands around moms throat. I pulled my gun and pointed it at his head.

"My mother told you to get your dirty fucking hands off of her. You have one second to do just that. Or I will blow your brains out right here, right now."

When he let go of her she ran behind me. "Who the hell do you think you are to order me to let go of that whore?"

"I am the president of this club."

"The hell you are. Where is Psycho?"

"My sperm donor is no longer the president. I am. And you will not come to my clubhouse and treat a woman like that. If you do not like it get the fuck out. And if you ever come back here I will give the order to shoot you on sight."

"Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, loud and clear."

"Now, no biker will ever come here and disrespect me, my mother, members, or the ladies of the night or physically abuse them."

"I am not like Psycho. I will not tolerate it. I also will not have hard drugs or any illegal things in my clubhouse."

"Again if you do not like that go somewhere else. This club is going to be respected."

"I think we should leave."

"I think that is a very good idea."

"Trust me you will not like me when I get angry. I will protect my clubhouse and anyone that lives in it."

We watched as they walked out of the club. "One of his members told him; we could have taken him and fucked her."

"Then they heard. Think again. They turned and saw guns pointed at them from everywhere. Best remember. He has Psycho's blood running through his veins."

"Now the president told you to leave. And do not come back. Believe us. We will shoot you on sight. No questions asked."

We watched as they started their bikes and rode out of the compound. We do not want their kind around here. We never did. But, Psycho let them keep coming.

We did not like how they treated the whores when they were here. We are going to be a respected club again. No one and nothing is going to stop that.

We put our guns away in their hiding places and continued to work. Soon the second dumpster was filled. Again they will pick it up in the morning and bring in a third dumpster.

We looked around the front yard and smiled. It looks 100% better. We all walked inside and looked at Fire.

"We are in the last room that has been kept locked. So start carrying this, that, those two chairs, those broken bookshelves, and if those beds are broken take them as well. Set them along the wall of the house to be thrown in the dumpster when it gets here."

"The rest of this stuff can be taken out of here and placed in the building. Then we have time for the girls to sweep the floors and wash the walls. But before that, We need to rip up all the carpets and put them out front as well."

"After the girls sweep the floors and wash the walls we are finished for tonight. Tonight we all rest, drink some beer and eat the food cook has been cooking all day."

"Dakota, are you ready to go?"

"I'm ready, Angel." We walked out the door and over to my charger. I stopped seeing a dirty biker leaning against my car door.

"Get the fuck out of my way."

"I don't think so, pretty lady. I want to have fun with you and my four friends over there like you friend."

I looked over his shoulder and grinned at Dakota. "Now Dakota." We kicked them in the knees and opened the doors climbing in and locking them.

"We won't make it to my house, but I know where to go. I grew up at the clubhouse not far from her."

They were following us trying to run me off the road. "Hold on."

I turned into the gate of the compound beeping my car horn. Men started running out of the club as we jumped out of my car.

"Fire you have to help us."

"Angel, baby girl is that you?"

"Yes, I ran behind Beast as the bikes stopped looking at us."

"You have something we want. You need to give them to us one of the bikers said looking at Fire."

"Well, now that is a problem. Seeing this one grew up in this clubhouse. She is her friend. And we sure as hell are not going to give either of them to you."

Just then guns were aimed at the five bikers. "Tell me, just what did you plan to do with them if you caught them."

"That is none of your business, sonny."

"Now, that is where we disagree with you. I am the president of this club. We do not take kindly to women being harassed. Especially one that grew up in this clubhouse."

"I will not ask you again. What did you plan to do with them?"

"And I told you, it was none of your business."

"Revenge shoot that one in the leg."

"You crazy son of a bitch."

"I will ask you one more time. After that, they start shooting."

"What were you going to do with them?"

"We were going to have some fun with them. That is what we were going to do."

"You mean you were going to rape them."

"Boys take the trash out."

"Angel, you and your friend come inside."

"I followed Fire inside and then I saw Sara."

"Aunt Sara, I screamed running into her arms."

"You are safe now Angel. You did right coming here. Come on you and your friend sit down. Get them a beer."

"Aunt Sara, I had to come here. They were following us and tried to run me off the road."

"You are safe now Angel. The boys would never have let them harm you or your friend. You know that."

We drank our beer and soon Beast walked over to the table. He lifted me in the air hugging me. Baby girl it has been a long time. We all missed you."

"Beast give her to me. I want to hug her too."

"We all do. Angel, you look like your mother. You have grown up. And you knew to come here. We will always protect you."

"Angel, did you really grow up here, Dakota asked?"

"Until I was five years old."

"What did you do with them?"

"We did what we told them earlier what we would do to them."

I don't really care as long as they never bother us or any woman in town again. "I could not take them on I had to think about Dakota."

"I think you were smart not to take them on. I don't see any weapons on you."

"You are right. Besides I could not shoot them in town."

"Sweety we heard you were in town. Why have you not come to see us?"

"I got busy at the shop. I really planned on coming to see you all. I promise I was."

"Well, you are here now. That is the important thing."

I looked over at Fire. "So, Psycho is gone now and you are the president."

"Yes, that is right."

"I am glad you came here instead of going to your house. I told you to come here if you needed help. I didn't think you would do it."

"Well, I sure as hell was not going to let them run me off the road. Or put their hands on Dakota and me."

"I was just glad you all were here."

"Fire, did you kill them?"

"We did. And the boys are taking them to their club sending a message to their fucking president. Telling them to leave town."

"I meant what I told them when they were here earlier this morning."

"I will not have dirty-ass bikers like that in our town. The woman and girls will walk down the road without fear of being harassed, or raped."

"I have already talked to Devil about them and Venom as he is moving his Mc back here. Who by the way, I found out is your father, Angel."

"He is not happy. He asked that if they do not leave town we capture them and take them to our building outside of town and holed them."

"Excuse me. I have to take this call."

I walked out onto the porch. "What have you found out Revenge?"

"They are not leaving town. There six of them in a house outside town."

"I will send you some help. Capture them and take them to the building and chain them. Venom is on his way."

"Will do Fire."

I walked inside and told 20 of the members to go help Revenge and two prospects to take two vans with handcuffs.

I watched as they left the clubhouse. Revenge will call me when they have all five of them at the building.

About two hours later my phone rang. "Fire, they refused to leave town. We have all of them, including their bikes at the building. I am sending all but 10 of the members back to the clubhouse."

"Good job Revenge. As soon as Venom gets here Jagger, I and Venom will be there."

"Angel, I think you and your friend should stay her the night just in case there are more of them out there."

"You and your friend can sleep in the bedroom next to mine. Mine will show it to you. She will also get you something to sleep in for the night."

"Thanks, Fire."

"Not a problem. I don't want your dad to kill me if I let you go home instead of staying here until we are sure they are the only bikers here."

We heard several bikes ride into the compound.

"I would bet that is your dad and some of his members."

I looked up to see lightning and my brothers walk in the door with dad.

"That is Lightening my biological father, and three half-brothers."

They all walked straight over to me and looked me over. "I am fine. They didn't touch me."

"That is a good thing. However, they tried to run you off the road and thought they would have fun with you. They are going to find out just who they were messing with. My oldest brother Slice said."

"You must be Fire."

"I am. Thank you for taking care of our daughter."

"I am Venom, this is Lightening. And those three are her brothers."

"Take us to those bastards."

I stood up and looked at Jagger. We walked out the door followed by Venom, Lightening, and her brothers.

We all sat on our bikes and started them. We drove out of the compound to the building. Once we got there we turned off our bikes.

We walked into the building and Revenge looked up grinning. Then he turned and looked at the five bikers. " Venom, good to see you."

"What the fuck does that bitch have to do with Venom?"

"She is my daughter, she is Lightenings, biological daughter and those three are her brothers."

"Well fuck me. I didn't know."

"Doesn't matter. You thought you would run my daughter and her friend off the road. You all thought you would have fun with them. That is your mistake."

"Boys you can have your fun first. Just keep them alive."

Three hours later they were all dead. We took clean clothes out of the saddle bags and took a shower. Yes, they have a shower to wash the blood off.

We put our old clothes in a plastic bag and handed it to Revenge. "You know what to do, Revenge."

"I will take care of it. You all can go back to the club. We will be there when we finish here."

It was around midnight when we finished burning the bodies and clothes. We drove back to the clubhouse, parked our bikes, and walked inside.

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