My Little Dancer

Chapter 30: Changes in The Clubhouse

I looked over at Fire. "So, you are going to make a lot of changes in the club now that you are the president?"

"I am, you can count on that. We will be respected again. I plan on talking to the victim witness and work with them to protect children that have been abused and transport them to court and home."

"We will be going to school and talking about being bullied and how to stop it. We will even go to a woman's home that her husband or boyfriend is abusing them."

"There are a lot of things I want to change all for the good."

"You will make a good president, Fire. You were raised the right way. We can help women and children. And we can make sure the men or women that harm them do not do it again."

"The laws have to change. As bikers, we are in a place to learn and hear things the police do not. But there are also bikers out there that deal in illegal things."

"My club will not be using hard drugs. They can smoke marijuana but that is all. And they can drink but I do not want them getting out of control and fighting over stupid shit."

"I don't know how the older members will take an 18-year-old stepping in as the president. If they do not want to follow me they are free to leave."

I looked at the clock. "We have to head out to the furniture store. Mom and I are buying new bedroom furniture for the four bedrooms."

We walked out the door and climbed into my truck. I drove to the furniture store and parked the truck. We walked inside and looked at the beds first.

Mom picked out the beds, the dresser, end tables and lamps. If the bedrooms are big enough for a couch or chairs we will get them later.

Next we walked down to the carpet store. "Mom, I think we should buy some dark brown carpet for the bedrooms. We checked on prices and wrote them down.

Then I drove to Bob Evens where walked inside and sat down. After eating we went to the motel where had rooms.

I walked mom to her room which is next to mine. "Mom I think the we should go to club tomorrow and go through the office. However, I think Jagger should meet us there. He is going to be my VP after all."

"I will need you to look thru the locked rooms and find an office for my wife when I find one."

"I can do that for you."

"Thank you, mom. I want it to be perfect for her."

I called Jagger and waited for him to get on the phone. "Hey, Fire how did it go?"

"It went really well. That sperm doner and bitch is out of the club. Wait to you get here and I will tell you evil he really is."

"Wait, what did you just say?"

"I need you at the clubhouse tomarrow. We have so much to do. I need to talk to you about some things while we clean his office out."

"What time do you need me there, Fire."

"As soon as you can get there. If you arrive tonight come to this motel."

I gave him the address and hung up. I looked at mom and told her smiling, "I bet he shows up here tonight."

"I think you are right Fire."

"So the first thing we need to do is look at the office and box up all the files from the file cabinets and the desk."

"Then I will see if the desk is in good shape. If it is we can paint it to make it look new. As for any tables and end tables we can do the same if you want a table in the office."

"If not maybe one of the locked room would make a good conference/slash meeting room. I would definetly get rid of any couch or chairs. We don't know if he fucked on them."

"Good thinking mom. We should do that. Then they can tear the carpet up and clean the room out. If the file cabinets are in good shape we can pain them as well."

"Fire, you will bring that clubhouse back to life. We can also bring in big dumpsters to get rid of the shit you don't want in the club and clean up the yard at the same time."

"We do not want the property to look like a junk yard."

"Mom, you are going to be such a big help."

"Thank you, son. I do not want to get in your way though."

"You could never do that mom."

"When you do the office make sure to find the books. We need to go through those with a fine tooth comb. That is where Jagger will come in for sure. He went to college for business."

"I agree with that mom. We need to find out what Psycho is hiding. If anything."

We looked at each other smiling. We opened the door and watched as Jagger parked his bike. "Hello, Jagger. We knew you would not wait until tomarrow."

"Of course not. I want to go to the club with you after breakfast of course."

"I will go and get you a room. Mom said."

She came back a few minutes later with a card key. "You are on the other side of me she said handing him the card key."

An hour later we left mom's room and went to our own. We all showered and went to bed. We all set our phone alarm for 9:00 am. We dressed and met outside.

"Why don't we walk to Bob Evens for breakfast, mom said. No sense in driving over there it just next door."

We walked across the parking lot to Bob Evens and walked inside. After being seated we ordered and talked until our food arrived.

We finished eating and walked to Fire's truck and climbed in. Fire drove to the club house and found that everyone was finishing breakfast.

As the members walked into the bar they sat down. The current VP looked at me. "We have the bedrooms ready to be painted, and want to know what is next."

"Right now, you all can do what you normally do and I right now I want to meet with you. You are the VP after all. Show us to the office."

We followed the VP to the office walked in and closed the door. "Jesus christ, open a winow Jagger."

As fresh air came into the room we looked around. Drawers to the file cabinet were opened with files practically falling out of them.

"First off what is your name?"


"Well, Revenge how close are you to Psycho?"

"I am his brother."

"How do you feel about me taking over and changing things?"

"Happy as hell. I hated how evil Psycho started becomeing. We all hated him after what he did to Tera. And he took our little Angel away from us."

"Tera's daughter I take it?"

"Yes. we all loved her."

"Look, Fire. I want to retire. Because of him I lost everything. I will help you out until you get things settled. But then I will leave."

"Revenge me my new VP, Jagger. He went to college and majored in business. He will need the books."

What I need is for you to write every current members down and give it to him. Then I want boxes to put all these files in. We are going to empty the file cabinets and his desk."

"Next what is in good shape we will keep. We can repaint the cabinets. The desk looks to be in good shape so do the endtables. We can paint them as well."

"I will have a large dumpster brought in and that couch, those chairs and that table can go inside it. This carpet torn up, the walls washed, the floor cleaned and then we will paint the walls and lay new carpet."

"I think you will do just fine Fire."

"I want you to set with mom and Jagger while this is being done and go threw the files. We will burn what is no longer needed."

"About dam time this get dones. He would not let me get rid of anything."

"I need the keys to all the doors that are locked to be given to my mother. We are going to make changes to this clubhouse."

"So, let us get started. Get boxes in here. Is there another room we can put them in that is half clean and go threw them?"

"I will take care of it."

"I want boxes labeled A, B, C, D, and so on. Then boxes that say burn, and review. As we fill the burn box we threw them in a burn barrerl."

"On it. And I will send someone in to move the furniture we are keeping in the building out back. Right now it is empty. We used it for parties and celebrations."

"Well then, lets get started."

We emptied the file cabinet and put the files on the table to be orginized and when the file cabinets were emptied we had them removed and taken to the building.

We all worked for two hours getting the files sorted and placed in the right boxes. Once that was finished they boxes were carried down the hall to a room that Revenge set aside for just that purpose.

Once the office was emptied out Revenge told us the dumpster arrived. We walked outside and threw the furniture inside while the carpet was being ripped up.

Then the whores were sweeping the floor and washing the walls down. I could not believe how dirty the walls were. They looked fresh and clean and the room smelled so much better.

The bedrooms were finished and mom, me, and Jagger will be moving from the motel to the clubhouse.

That way we can work as long as we want to. I was shocked to see the files in the burn box. Mom stated the files were over 10 years old. We do not need to keep files that long.

So far at least 10 boxes were emptied in the barrel. It took all three of them three days to get rid of what was not needed.

Mom had the file cabinets painted black along with the end tables. She also found a bigger room to turn into a conference/meeting room.

She had told prospects what to get rid of and what to keep. Later that night the dumpters was full and they will bring another one in the morning and remove this one.

We stopped working around 9:00 that night. I ordered pizza's for everyone and it took three men to deliver them. We watched the news before going to bed.

Jagger had gone to the motel with a prospect to get our things. I was happy with the bedrooms and I slept like a baby. I was to tired.

I know that we have a lot to do to make this clubhouse look and feel like a home. But it will get done. I am sure of that.

Mom keeps insiting that she go back home. I told her this now our home. She can stay as long as she wants.

She can be in charge of the whores. I do not like that name. I think they should be called Ladies of the night.

Mom said she will use the office made for my wife when I find her. I am fine with that. Mom is currently my second in command.

I did tell mom for the woman that do not work outside the club the ones that clean, do the laundary and all that should be paid by the men. $10.00 an hour. I know to keep this club in good shape it will take a lot of hours.

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