My Little Dancer

Chapter 29: Fire Arrives at The Clubhouse

I looked over at my mom and smiled. Let us do this. We walked into the clubhouse and slammed the door.

We all looked over to see a handsome boy and Sara. "You took my son from me?"

"I did with the help of Beth."

"I am going to kill you. Psycho yelled storming towards Sara."

"I do not think so, Psycho. Touch my mother and I will kill you."

"How do I know you are who you say you are?"

I handed my gun to mom. "Shot anyone that moves mother."

I removed my shirt and turned my back so they could see the birthmark. "I have come to my place as the president. And before you run your mouth about me needing you to stay and teach me I don't need you."

"I have been trained by the best presents there are. What you will do is pack your shit and get out. Where is the woman that gave birth to me?"

I saw a woman stand up and look at me. "Why is she not talking?"

"Because she is a traitor. I had her tongue cut out."

"you can go as well."

"If anyone else wants to leave you can throw your cuts on the table there on your way out."

"After they are gone we will have a meeting to discuss what I plan to change about this club."

"I also want to see his VP before that meeting."

"My mother and I will be back in two weeks. I want the president bedroom striped of all furniture, the carpet pulled up. The walls are to be washed and the floor scrubbed and the walls painted white. I want the same for the bedroom on each side of the president and the one across from the president."

"I want this done before I come back inside this clubhouse. Do you understand me?"

"We understand you."

"I want the both of you gone by the time I come back."

We watched as he and Sara turned and walked out the door. "Shit he means business."

We watched as Psycho removed his cut and threw it on the table then he walked to his bedroom to pack. The whore did the same thing.

I really didn't care where they went just as long as they left the club. Mom and I went to Devils clubhouse. As we arrived and walked in they were all laughing.

"Devil sees us and yells, The man and woman of the day."

"We walked over and sat at the table looking at Devil in confusion. What the hell are you all laughing at?"

"We hear that you walked right into Psycho's clubhouse and made it clear that Psycho and his women are to leave the clubhouse today."

"And what rooms you wanted to be torn apart and cleared by the time you return with Sara in two weeks."

"Anyway, Psycho called and asked if he and his whore could come here and stay. Of course, I told him no. With his current reputation, I did not want my club associated with him."

"Fire, I believe you are on the right start. Let them know you are not going to play with any of them."

"Congratulations, President Fire."

"And the shock at finding out that Sara and my own sister planned the whole thing. And raised a good man."

"To my mom and Aunt Beth."

We all stopped laughing and were talking when the door opened and I turned and saw Aunt Beth. I lifted my glass and yelled out; "To Aunt Beth."

Everyone followed and she looked at me in shock. "What did I do to receive that, she asked?"

"I will leave Devil to explain, Aunt Beth."

Once Devil explained everything Aunt Beth laughed. "Wasn't that hard. We, women, are smarter than you all think. We have had years to learn."

" Besides, who would think us little woman without a brain would think all that up and no one looks our way."

"Well put sister. Because you are right. None of us thought it was you and Sara that planned all this."

"It wasn't just me and Sara. It was Tara, Donna, me, and Sara not to mention Brenda and the doc."

"It was easy to do as Psycho had made so many enemies. And two other people."

"Doc, bring Brenda and come on out."

"What does Brenda have to do with this?"

Brenda reached over and took the bowl of water from one of the whores. She held it as the doc put a rag in the bowl and rang it out. We all watched as he started washing Brenda's face.

"Son of a bitch members yelled. Your face was never cut?"

"It was cut, but Tara's knife was full of blood and the blade was flat, not sharp. We made Psycho and all of you think that she destroyed Brenda's face."

"But why would you all do that?"

"Brenda knew what Psycho was up to. After all, she went through it in college. He found out her family was really rich. She investigated him and refused to marry him."

"She made him think it was because she thought he would never become a President of his own club. She got with Beth and the girls managed to meet without Psycho suspecting anything."

"She also had proof that Psycho was fucking other women who are from families that are rich as well. When he found out that he would never get his hands on Tara's money he started setting it up to get her to leave me."

"After what he did to Angel we decided it was time to move forward and set him up, and gave him enough rope to hang himself."

"Besides he also thought that Fire's mother's family had money. He thought by claiming her and signing a contract with her to have a son her family would accept Fire into the family."

"It didn't work. He was wrong. She did have the same last name however, she is not related to them at all."

"Then when he found out he was going to have a son he decided to teach him to be just like him. We could not let that happen. So we planned to take Fire once he was born and raise him to be a good man."

"Believe us, it is not over with yet. Several of the women he used and planned to try and get their money lets just say those women have males waiting their turn with him."

"He is going to get a first-class lesson in how not to treat women they he has all these years. And the big lesson is learning he has at least four other grown sons."

"Remind me never to mess with all of you. You all are experienced in getting revenge. And Doc how the hell did you get involved in this anyway?"

We watched him smile and look at Sara in a loving way. "Sara is my sister."

"All you girls knew that and we didn't?"

"Of course, we are not going to give everything away. Now we can set back and watch the fun begin. Soon Psycho will leave town due to shame and fall into depression and feel the way we women felt."

"All Psycho will have to live with are the memories of when he was really liked and how he started changing. And how his life will end."

"He will die alone either by his hand, or someone else who he harmed."

"But he will die alone with no family, children, or grandchildren around him. The loneliest way to die."

"Now, Brenda what are your plans since you are beautiful again?"

I started laughing. "I am going back to my old life. I plan on going home to New York City, and my modeling."

"It was fun while it lasted. And I learned a lot from my short time here. I learned to handle the men who do not know what the word no means."

"I think it is time to bring those men back down to earth."

"Thank you, for agreeing to help bring Psycho down."

"Not a problem. We, women, are not put on earth to be used and thrown away. That they can easily be knocked off their high horses. And never underestimate women."

"I will be leaving in the morning. So I wish you all well. Maybe we might even get together and start a new company. "How to learn to bring men down to size."

Everyone laughed but then looked at us. "That's right boys. Don't think you can get away with using anyone. One day you could find yourself in Psycho's place."

"We women will give you the world. But we will stab you in the back if you treat us like whores, sluts, or we are nothing."

"As for whores. Remember they choose that lifestyle. They are women with brains. I bet none of you know a thing about any of them."

"Take, Karan did you know she is a college professor, Or, Tammy? She is a surgeon, and Kim is a psychiatrist. Should I go on?"

"Everyone of them is smarter than all of you put together. It just so happens they like men. All kinds of men. And it is safer to be a club whore than working out on the streets."

"Here you protect them. You let them choose who they fuck. Out there a pimp doesn't give them the choice. Not to mention they take the money."

"Point is, you pay them by feeding them, giving them a place to sleep. Not that they really need it. You protect them from men beating on them, or trying to kill them."

"So you should treat them with more respect. They don't have to be here. They make a lot of money. In fact, most of them own really nice houses. They hate being alone."

"In fact have any of you men saw the bikes they ride? I bet you have never paid attention. They own bikes that will make your mouth water. They really do not want to marry because a husband is not worth having."

"What they are also learning is how a man really thinks. And believe me when I tell you rich men do not know how to make a woman feel good. Or how to pleasure them. One more reason they choose to be here."

"We all know that you are more than bikers. We know some of you are doctors, lawyers, CEOs, and business owners. You just want to get your anger out, and ride. To be with men who have been where you have been. In the service."

"You also just want to be loved for who you are. We, women, are no different Brenda told them. Now I said what I had to say. I sure hope you think about that."

We watched as she turned and walked across the room to the basement door. We knew she was going to pack her room up. Then she would have the boys take the boxes to be shipped to New York.

It was quiet as the men really started thinking. Maybe they would learn from what Brenda told them. Personally, I never thought about the whores and where they came from, and what they did all week long.

Maybe we should get to know them better. And not just call them club whores. Maybe Lady of the evening, or escort. I do like that name better.

I will talk to my woman, Mira, and have her told to the women. They can decide what they want to be called. Mira always hated to hear them called the club whores.

We men never thought about how it made them feel. We need to be more respectful of them in this clubhouse. After all they do choose to be here. We don't force them. And we do not make them stay.

They are free to leave anytime they want. We are going to have to make some changes. Better changes. After all, those that do not work outside the club work for us.

They help cook, clean, and wash our clothes. Our clubhouse is a lot cleaner than some. It even smells clean.

We need them here they make the club a home, not just a clubhouse. And we like coming to the clubhouse. Walking into a club with clean floors, clean tables, and fresh smelling. Most of all we like walking into a clean bedroom and clean bathrooms.

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