My Little Dancer

Chapter 25: Three Months Later

I do not know where I am, who took me, or what they want. They do not talk to me. They feed me and treat me good. No one has touched me or harmed me in anyway.

Then I went into labor. I was delivered of the baby. Then a man walked into the room wearing a mask and clothes that I could not identify. He sat down on a chair looking at me.

You will be dropped off a block from Psycho’s clubhouse. You will not be taking the baby with you. In fact. Neither Psycho or you will ever hold or see the child.

The baby will be raised and treated very well. You did your duty. You bore him the one child you told him you would. You are now free to do whatever you want.

However, Psycho now has no next president for his club. He will never have a son or daughter to become the next president.

You will return to his clubhouse and you will tell him to think twice before he decides to destroy other peoples lives. In one week you will have healed enough to go home.

I watched the man stand up and leave never looking back. I didn’t understand what he was talking about however, I can care less about that kid.

I grinned as I thought about what that man said. He is right. I did bare Psycho a child. That said child was taken from me. That said child will never be seen by Psycho and myself.

I really do not care if I see that child or not. I only want power and money and it seems I need to throw in the towel and move on.

In three months I will be completely healed and at that time I will divorce Psycho. I don’t care what he thinks he can not give me what I want.

She was walking slowly thru the gates and her knees started to buckle. I suddenly felt myself being lifted in strong arms. I knew it was not Psycho. This man smelled really good.

I like the smell of Stesson. I looked at his face and saw nothing but darkness. I was carried inside and taken to the medical rooms.

“How is she he asked a prospect.”

Psycho’s woman. She went missing when she was 8 months pregnant. This was done out of revenge. She is not pregnant now, I told the prospect.

“They kept the baby. Revenge for Psycho has done in the past.”

I arrived back at the clubhouse after my run to be told that my woman was set free. I didn’t wait to be told she didn’t have the baby with with her.

I ran to the medical rooms where she was laying on the bed. She looked at me in anger. “Where is my son?”

“Is that all you care about is that baby?”

“They kept him. They would not let me hold him or see him. The man told me to tell you from now on you will think twice before you decide to destroy other peoples lives."

"Psycho, what have you done to make everyone hate you so much? I even hate you now."

"You will give me a child."

"I gave you a son. They took him. I fullfilled our contract. I even thought about divorcing you. I changed my mind. I will never give you another child that would be the next president."

"You do not deserve to be a father, let alone a husband. And before you think about divorcing me think again. The contract stated that after I gave you a child I am free to do what I want."

"And that contract also stated as long as your child lives you will never divorce me."

"Your child lives. Just not with us. And he never will. He is going to be raised by someone else that will show him love."

I started laughing. "I overheard them talking. The will send your son back to you when he turns 18 years old full of hate for you."

"Then they said something about how he will become the next president and kick you out of the club. He will refuse to let you run the club anymore."

"They are not done with you, Psycho. Hell, after what you have done. I will make your life miserabe. I can leave this club house anytime I want and come back anytime I want. We both can fuck other people but god forbid if fall in love with someone else."

"So, you really will not divorce me?"

"Hell no I will not divorce you. My son will be the next president. When he is sent back her on his 18th birthday."

"One more thing. They told me he had a birth mark in the shape of a falcon. Isn't that funny? It is on his back right shoulder. Just like yours."

"Now get the fuck away from me and let me sleep."

I turned to leave the room when I saw several members standing at the door. They heard everything.

I shoved one of the members aside and walked to the bar. I sat down at the table and picked up the beer that had been sat in front of me. I opened it and took a long drink.

I know that Tara had to be involved in taking my son. Even Norman and Venom but how do I prove it?

I took my cell phone out and called Venom. "I want my son back, Venom."

I heard him laughing. "Psycho, I don't know what you are talking about but whoever took your son has to be very close to you. Or your woman in order to take your son."

"I don't have him. I hope who ever does keeps him far away from you."

"Then Tara or her brother has him."

"Afraid not. Tara, Angel, and Norman are in Florida with me at my clubhouse. They have been here since we left Sturgis."

"Are you fucking telling me that you and Tara have claimed each other?"

"Not yet. But you should know that my name is now on Angels birth certificate. I am her father not you."

"And as a matter of fact, we are claiming each other in one month. The invitations have been sent out. So far we have most of the Mc in Ohio coming. It is even going to be on Biker News."

"That is because it is said to be the biggest celebration other than the King and Queens."

"We do hope that you watch it live. Have a nice day Psycho."

I can't believe that they had nothing to do with my son's disappearance. Then I thought of Devil. I stood up and stormed out of the club and over to my bike. I started it and headed to Devils Mc.

I rode into Devils compound and parked my bike. As I stormed toward the porch I threw the door open and looked around. I looked over at the VIP table. I saw him holding a beautiful woman on his lap.

I stormed over and looked from her to him. "New whore, Devil?"

"No, this is my wife. So forget thinking about fucking her, Psycho."

"Now what the hell are you doing at my club house?"

"I want my son."

"What the hell are you talking about? I don't have your son. If you even have one."

"I claimed a woman, she was 8 months pregnants when she was taken. They kept her until she gave birth. The let her go today. Without my son."

"I want him back."

"You have to look elsewhere I don't have him. Why the hell would I even take your woman? You didn't do anything to me. I have no reason to take a baby from its mother."

"You best look elsewhere. It has been what 3 years since we last saw each other. And that has not been long enough."

"I would say you either made new enemy's or someone has waited a very long time to get their revenge."

"Devil you have to help me find him."

"Psycho, I do not have to anything for you. We are no longer allies. You shoved everyone out of your life after what you did to Tara and Angel. And I would not help you if your were the last man on earth."

"Think long and hard about all the people you have hurt especially the woman. Maybe one of them took your son to raise as theirs."

"I really don't care one way or the other. You know what they say about karma. Becareful what you wish for."

"Now get the hell out of my clubhouse and never come back. And Psycho. No one will help you find your son. They will say the same think I am going to tell you. What goes around, comes around."

I watched as Psycho walked to the door and slammed it shut. I smiled as I did know who has his son. But, I will never tell.

And it is someone very close to him. Someone he will never suspect. And let us say. A child for a child. He will never find his son until she is ready to take him to the clubhouse when it is time.

Psycho will suffer for 18 years until he will see his son for the first time. I also do not feel sorry for his woman. She never wanted a kid. She only wanted money and power.

Hell, she got the power, but not the money. I know if she had the kid at the clubhouse she would never have held him or taken care of him. He is better off where he is.

At least he will grow up loved, and taught morals unlike Pyscho who has none. He only cares about what he can take without earning it.

I noticed that Psycho looks so much older than his age. He looks like he is in his 40's. And he is still as angry as ever and still feels as if he is entitled to what he wants.

I walked to my office and sat down at my desk. I made the phone call. "He just left my clubhouse. He thought I took his woman and child."

"He called Venom's club as well. So, he is making his rounds."

"I do not feel one bit sorry for him. Is Angel ready for her part?"

"I talked to Venom and Tara. She is ready. She will be moving back to town and living in the house. She is also going to start running the shop for Tara."

"Make no mistake when you see her, Devil. She is not Tara."

"She is just as strong as her mother. And she shows no emotions unless she wants to. And she is an expert in all forms of self-defense and weapons."

"I wish I could be there the first time he see's her. But of course I can't be."

"When will she arrive?"

"Next week."

"All right. I will talk to you later. Take care of yourself."

"Will do."

At Venom's clubhouse in Florida we all watched as Angel rode her bike into the compound. She walked over to Venom and Tara.

"Mom, dad I got everything done as you asked. Everything is ready for the wedding."

I know you are wondering if Angel knows who her real father is. She does. She has even met Lightening. He called and asked Tara and Venom if he would stop by the clubhouse.

He told them that Angel has three brothers and they want to meet her. Once they met her they tried to boss her around and Angel informed them to stay out of her business.

Her brothers often visit her at the club and she has gone to Lightenings. She has worked on everything to get even with Psycho. No, she does not have Psycho's son.

It seems that he disappered into thin air. No one is talking. In fact, everyone will be shocked to find out who has him.

"Angel, you will be leaving for Celina, Ohio while we are on our honeymoon. Be very careful and stay away from Psycho."

"Make sure to keep your brothers posted on where you are, and remember to keep the necklass on, and the bracelet with the tracking device will be soldered togeather so it can't be removed."

"I understand mother. Don't worry. You and the others have taught me well."

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