My Little Dancer

Chapter 26: The Wedding of Venom and Tara

We had finished dressing and Donna walked over to talk to Venom. "Everything is ready and we go live as you and your groomsmen walk out the door."

I was standing near the arch when I went live. "This is Donna reporter for Biker News. As you can see around me we have quite the bikers here at Venom's Clubhouse."

"Today Venom and Tara, Psycho's ex-wife are getting married. That is right folks. First they will be married the biker way, and then a minister will marry them legally with wedding rings and all."

"As you can see, Venom and his groomsmen are waiting for Tara's brides maids, and maid of honor to walk through that door. And here they come now."

"Here comes Tara being walked down the isle with her brother Norman now."

"It is time for the wedding to start."

I stopped talking and Venom and Tara said their vows. Venom put the property cut on Tara. Now they are putting their rings on each others fingers.

"I now pronounce Venom and Tara man and wife. You may now kiss your bride."

"There you go folks. Venom and Tara are officially off the market. Venom has waited for this moment since Tara was 17 years old. And will you look at that. That, their daughter Angel has caught the bocquet."

"Which she has handed over to her best friend. As Angel says she will never get married or let a man claim her."

"We hope that you all enjoy your day and now see you during the 6:00 news. Goodnight everyone."

I walked over to Venom and Tara and hugged them. "Tara you look so beautiful."

"Thank you, Donna. And thank you for doing this live."

"No problem."

"Donna, have you seen Sara and Beth lately?"

"Yes, I have and they are both doing good. They miss you so much. They told me that the plan is going very well. Now, I am going to see my husband."

I walked over and put my arms around Norman. "Hello, do I know you? You look like my husband, however, I am not sure about that. You see, I have never seen my husband in a suit before."

"I better be your husband because I would not like another man holding you in his arms like this."

I smiled up at him. "Norman, do you know how much I love you?"

"As much as I love you, Donna. I leaned down and kissed my beautiful wife. I never thought I would find a woman to love as much as I love her."

We continued to celebrate and enjoy ourselves. I will tell him tonight in our bed that he is going to be a father. I know he will be so thrilled. We have waited two years to have the news I was pregnant.

If you are wondering what happened to Renegade he was killed when his bike was hit by a drunk driver. He was a good man. We never had children of our own. We did want them. I was pregnant once. I lost that child from the shock of hearing he had died.

It took me a long time to get over Renegades and our childs death. I was scared I would never get pregnant again. Now I am. I left Psycho's clubhouse after Renegades death.

I called Tara and we patched things up. She forgave me for staying with Rendgade but she also understood.

We are not as close as we used to be. But we are patching things up. She is after all my sister in law now.

Soon we were sending Venom and Tara off on their honeymoon. We threw bird seed instead of rice. Rice is not good for the birds. I also was feeling sad as in two days, Angel will be leaving and moving to her old home.

The plan is starting to be put in place. First she will be seen for quick glances making people think that Tara has moved back to town.

The members have remodled the tattoo shop with escaping doors in the wall. The door leads to the building next door which Tara bought. That way if someone says they saw her in the shop the door can be unlocked to prove they are seeing things.

A button will be under Shawns desk which she will press letting Angel know she has five minutes to put things away and leave the room.

I really wish I could be there to see the looks on his members faces or Psycho's when no one is in the office.

Revenge is a sweet thing. I can tell you that. Even Tara's mother is in on the plan. This is the first step of the plan. No one knows that Venom and Tara are going to the house for their honeymoon.

Once a week Tara will be seen walking down town shoping on one side of the street and Angel will be seen riding her bike past Psycho's clubhouse at the same time.

His members will tell Psycho they saw her ride by, and when other members get back to the club they will tell him they saw her shopping in town at the same time.

When Tara and Angel stand next to each other you cannot tell them apart. Well, we can but they won't be able to.

I left dad's clubhouse and drove the truck pulling the small trailer with my bike on it. I drove through town on purpose really slow and looked at Psycho's members.

They got a good look at me as I drove past the older members. I arrived at the house and parked the trailer. I opened the garage door and rode my bike off the trailer.

I parked it next to the garage and hooked it. I then backed the truck into the garage and closed the door. I unloaded the truck with dad and mom's help.

We carried everything to the guest room. I will be redecorating my old room. I am an adult now. Not a baby.

I walked down the hallway to the kitchen. I sat down at the table and while we ate mom asked me how it went.

It went better than we hoped. Several of the older members stared at me with their mouth hanging open. They looked as if they saw a ghost.

Mom and dad started laughing. We keep the shutters down for now. We do not want them to know we are back. At least not yet.

"Shawn called and stated that Psycho will be at the tattoo shop in three days. You will go in the office through the other building. Take these papers and hand them to Shawn. Stand next to Animal only giving a glimse of your walking into the office."

"Once you hear the buzzer get out of the office and come back home."

"Your dad and I will be watching the cameras"

Now, once you are in the building next door remember to change your clothes and put the wig on. Walk out the back door of the building and do not stop until you get here.

I smiled at mom. This is going to be so fun. "When are we going to wear the wigs and go out to eat?"

"In a few weeks. The waitress will tell us when the club calls to reserved a few tables. She will reserve a table for two in there eye sight."

"Do not worry, Angel we are ready. We have prepared and planned for this for three years."

"Mom, he deserves what he has coming to him."

"I know darling. I would not do this if he had not used me, taken your uncle Norman and physically abused him for years, and hurt you."

"But you have a better father now. Thank god, for Venom."

"He is a really bad and evil man. He didn't care who he used or hurt. But to hurt a child. That I would not stand for."

"I love you and dad, mom."

"We love you as well."

"With that said. When are you going to give me a sister or brother?"

"Why would you ask that?"

"Because I want to be a big sister. I have waited for 18 years. Now you are married and claimed it is time to give me a sibling I can spoil."

We laughed at Angel and finished our food. We cleaned the kitchen and turned on the dishwasher before making a pot of coffee.

Later we turned the kitchen light of and walked into the living room. As we sat down watching the new horrer movie I jumped up and ran over to the couch and sat on dads other side.

"You do know it is just a movie, Angel. Dad said looking down at me."

"Bad things like that happen every day dad."

"But, you can protect yourself if you have to. Remind me to tell you how I saw what your mother did at a gas station one day."

It was getting late so I kissed mom and dad goodnight and went to my bedroom. I showered and put on my P.J.s before climing into bed.

I woke up to mom knocking on my bedroom door. "Time to get up Angel. Breakfast is on the table."

"I will be right there mom."

I ate my breakfast and looked at mom. Time for stage two. We walked out the door. Mom driving her car to town. Me to ride past Psycho's clubhouse.

I got the text that she was just seen. I drove by the club and saw his members and Pyscho starring at me.

"Psycho, that's Tara. When did she move back?"

"I don't think she moved back. If anything she and Venom are at the house on their honeymoon. Most likely going to sale it."

We turned and looked at the members who had been shopping stop the trucks and get out. "Psycho, we just saw Tara at Walmart. When we called her name she didn't even turn to look at us."

"You could not have seen Tara at Walmart. She just drove her bike pass the clubhouse not five minutes ago."

"You could not have seen Tara. Here, look. I took a picture of her."

I looked at the picture and back at the member. "That sure as hell looks like Tara. But we are telling you we just saw her ride by."

"Look, I took a picture of her and the time is stamped on it. A member said bringing the picture of."

"There is no way Tara can be at two places at the same time."

"Come on. We are going to her house. I want to know who the hell those two women are."

We arrived at the house to find nothing had changed. The shutters are still down over the windows and doors.

The grass had not been mowed. Then we watched as yard services truck pulled in with a trailer. "Hello, do you know if the owner is retruning to the house?"

"Not that we know of. We are paid to come once a month to cut the grass and trim the trees. Have you seen anyone here in the past couple of weeks?"

"Nope, just us."

"Thank you, I said to the men."

We started our bikes and drove back to the club house. What the hell is going on I wondered. A few weeks later other members have reported seeing Tara outside the shop, driving though town, at Devil's clubhouse.

I had an appointment at the shop today. I plan on going to the shop. I am going to find out what the hell is going on.

I was standing talking to one of my members when I saw the woman come out of the office and it was like Animal walked in front of her. Then she turned and walked back to the office shutting the door.

"I want to see, Tara, Shawn."

"What the hell are you talking about Psycho? Tara is not here. She has not been here in almost four years."

"I just saw her talking to Animal and she went bac back to her office."

I pushed the button and looked at Psycho. "Are you losing your fucking mind, Psycho. I told you Tara is not here."

I pushed the secret door open and walked into the building next door. I changed put the wig on and walked out the back door.

"I want to look in her office. Now."

"Fine, I grabbed the office keys and walked down the hallway. I unlocked the door and threw it open."

"Are you happy now?"

"That is not possible. The office was empty."

"I would have sworn I saw Tara."

I walked out closing the door and watched Shawn lock it. I am losing my fucking mind. I looked at the member with me. "Call Bob Evens and reserve a table for six for tonight."

"It must be stress not finding my son."

I arrived home and mom looked at me. She handed me brown hair dye. We are going to dye our hair in case he thinks we are wearing wigs.

We looked at each other when we finished dressing and smiled. We looked like sisters. In fact that is what we are going to tell him tonight.

We chose our own names and know them like a hawk. We even have drivers license with our name on them and we are from VanWert, Ohio.

We got the phone call that they just arrived. Dad kissed us and told us to be careful. We walked out and mom got into the new car and I the passanger side.

We arrived at Bob Evans and the waitress escorted us to the table. We noticed Psycho and some presidents staring at us.

We ignored them and talked about the places we planned to visit while here. Then we talked about the college campus and that we would have fun going to college here.

I looked up as Psycho stood at our table. "Tara, why are you playing games with me and my members?"

"Excuse me, mom said. My name is not Tara. My name is Tamica. And this is my sister, Amy."

"You are lying. I would know my ex-wife anywhere."

"Well it is true that I am married but I have never been married to you."

He reached over and grabbed my hair. "Owe, what the hell are you doing?"

"Get your hands off of me."

"Mister I don't know you. I have never met you before. We don't even live around here. We live in VanWert, Ohio. We came to see the college and if we want to go there."

"We didn't expect to be treated like this."

"You are fucking crazy old man. Get away from us."

"Sir, you cannot bother our customers the manager told him. I will have to ask you to leave."

"No, we will leave. Keep that maniac away from the women in here."

"We walked up to the counter and the woman told us our meal was paid for by one the presidents."

We thanked her and walked out the door getting into our car. I knew they wrote the license plate down as we backed out of the parking space and drove to the house.

"Psycho, the license plate came back to a Tamica Brown from VanWert, Ohio. Just like she told you."

"You really are under a lot of stress. You have to get your act together. You are seeing Tara where ever you look."

Back at the house mom and I stripped the dye from our hair. She looked over at me and hugged me. "We are leaving late tonight. Plan 3 is going to be put into place for us."

"Feel free to open the shutters and start being seen going to the shop to work now. Everyone is ready to celebrate your return as an adult now. "

"We will see you later. And call if you need anything."

I walked to my bedroon and showered pulled on shorts and a tee-shirt. Before setting my alarm and going to bed.

I knew mom and dad would not be here in the morning. They would be half way to Florida. I woke up to the alarm going off and got ready.

I ate breakfast cleaned the kitchen. Opened the shutters and walked out to the garage. I opened the garage doors and got into my Charger. I drove to town and parked in front of the tattoo shop.

I got out closing the car door and walked to the door. I opened it and my aunt Shawn ran over hugging me.

"Angel, you look so grown up and just like your mother when she was your age."

"Thanks, Aunt Shawn. But mom still looks like she is 18 years old."

"I am sorry I missed her and Venom's wedding but I did watch it on Biker News. She looked so happy."

"She is happy. They are on their honeymoon right now. But they should be back at dad's clubhouse in two more weeks."

"They promised to come and visit us in a month or two."

I looked out of the side of my eye and saw bikers making phone calls. "I will be in my office working on the new designs. Can you make a fresh pot of coffee and bring me a cup?"

"You know I can and will. See you in a few minutes."

I turned and walked down the hallway. When I got to mom's old office I unlocked the door and walked inside.

I left it open on purpose. I knew if you sat in the right chair you could see me working at the desk. I looked up as Aunt Shawn placed the cup in front of me. Then she walked out of the office.

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