My Little Dancer

Chapter 24: Psycho Regrets His Behavior

"Tara, we are riding to the Black Hills. Will you ride behind me? I know what you are thinking. I have a cut for you. I took the cut from Fang and showed it to her."

"Under the protection of Venom."

I grinned and grabbed the cut. I put it on. I saw both Venom and Fang smile. Fang if you all do not know is Venom's brother. We walked out of my RV and over to meet the members.

Psycho and his members looked over and watched as Venom lifted me on the back of his bike and put a helmet on me. They gasped as they saw what I was wearing.

Psycho does not know that some of Venom's members found Norman and took him to their clubhouse. They do not like what is happening but they can't stop it.

I wrapped my arms around Venom. This is what I dreamed of since I was 17 years old. Now it is real. Venom started his bike and he headed to the gate and onto the road.

Several other bikers are joining us as a group ride. When we get there lunch will be served. And an hour later we start the ride again. We will all be staying on the Indian reservation and enjoying supper with them.

We will be staying in teepees. And in the morning eat breakfast and start the ride back to the campground. Before going to bed Venom asked me to take a walk with him.

We walked over to where they had horses and he stopped and looked at me. "Tara, I need for you to be very careful when you go home. In fact, I would rather we pick up your daughter and you and Angel come to my clubhouse."

"I know you can take care of yourself. It is for me I want you to come. I would feel more relaxed knowing you are where I can protect you."

"Norman was strong. And they still took him. And, you would get to spend more time with him. Once he is up and about, we will make a plan to get even with Psycho."

"Will you please let us go pick up your daughter and then go to my clubhouse?"

"I will go. I want to see my brother."

"Thank you. I feel much better knowing you are where I can see you. Besides, I like sleeping with you."

We walked back to where the others are setting and poured ourselves a cup of coffee and sat down to watch the performance and dance. I sat between Venom's legs and watched the show.

I started to drift off and heard a member tell Venom that we all should go to bed. We stood up and walked to the teepee and lay down. Venom and I were surrounded by the members.

In the morning we all got ready to ride back to the campground. In two days we will be leaving. I will ride my own bike and follow Venom and Fang to his club where I will park my bike.

Venom will drive his truck followed by his members to my uncle club. We will pick up Angel and drive back to Venoms club.

"I will need to stop at my house before going back to your clubhouse. I have to pack some clothes for myself and Angel. I will want to grab her favioriate toys and clean my refrigerator out as well. Not to mention grab my laptop."

"Tara, we will get whatever you need. And do what you want done."

"Good. Because if we don't I won't come."

"You always were a stubborn girl. I can see that has not changed. I am glad to see."

"I won't change Venom. Not anymore."

"I don't want you to change, Tara. I feel in love with a beautiful, stubborn, strong girl. Who is loving and will fight for what she believes in."

"Now come on. We need to get our sleep before going back to the RV."

I again was surprised that I slept so well. I didn't have the nightmares I have when sleeping alone."

When we arrived back to the camp ground Fang, Venom and I entered my RV. We turned the TV on and sat watching some movies, drinking beer and laughing.

Fang left my RV to go over to his and Venoms around 2 in the morning. Venom and turned the lights off and went to my bedroom. Venom and I took showers and dressed for bed.

I slept in his arms not knowing that Psycho sat across the street with his members around a fire watching my RV.

"Psycho, forget her. You are never getting Tara back. Venom is back and besides you destroyed that relationship."

"That is what I am afraid of. Tara can be very vindictive. After the things I have done she will want her revenge."

"She has not done anything yet. I don't think she cares what you do anymore."

"It's not that she doesn't care anymore. I took her brother, Norman. I tourtured him. I threw Angel away, and her."

"I did somethings I am not proud of. And one day, she will make me pay for all that. I don't know how or when, but she will get her revenge."

"Most likly if you find a woman, have kids she will take one of them and hurt them like you did her brother. I would also say, if she is as vindictive as you say she is, she will take your woman when she is pregnant."

"She would not hurt a child. I know that much."

"No, but she might take your woman and hold her until she gives birth. Then she will send her back to you without your child."

"Maybe. I just don't now."

"Believe me Psycho. If she wants to hurt you that would be the way to do it."

"Before she would send your woman back, she would tell her everything you have done. You will never see your child, and your woman would blame you and divorce you for it."

"Either Tara will do it, or Norman will do it."

"We all know that you better watch your back. You have some how managed to get every Mc here hate you."

"Not to mention once we are home. Most of your allies will break their contracts with our Mc. Psycho I think there is something else you should know."

"What Anger?"

"When we get home, half the members have sworn to leave the club. They all stated that what you did here was the last straw, They are finished with you."

"And all of them served in military. They are honorable men. They want an honorable, leader and you are not one."

"You, Psycho are not what they are me thought you were. As your younger brother I can no longer remain with you either. I will be going to another club."

"So he finally got to you did he?"

"No, I am going to mom and dads club. I no longer want to deal with your shit either. You have become an evil person, Psycho. That is something I will not stay around and watch."

"You no longer have the deep respect of the members. But not one Mc respects you anymore. The only woman you will be able to claim now will be one that is nothing but a money, power, hungry bitch."

"The kind of woman that will give you one child. The child you will make your next president. Then she will make sure you never get another one. The kind of woman once she gives you a child will fuck your members, and any Mc that will had dealings with you."

"No respectful woman will touch you anymore. And who can blame them? After all, you did divorce a good woman for a whore. A whore you no longer want since Tara cut her face."

"We all know some of what Tara can and will do. We also know that is only the top of the iceburg."

"We all took bets that what is below the surface can be very evil and we want no part of that. So, yes we all know she is going to bid her time and make you feel the pain you have never felt before."

"Heartfelt pain. Pain a father never wants to feel. A pain that will drive you insane and make you wish you had never been born."

"Anger, no woman is that smart."

"Psycho, any woman who has felt pain, been beaten, scared, kicked, punshed, raped, or cut can become very smart indeed. And Tara will make you learn that in a most painful way without touching you."

"Hell she doesn't even have to attack your clubhouse. She will hit you where it hurts the most. And she won't even lose sleep over what she does."

"I am going to bed. We have one more day here and I for one want to enjoy my last day. I don't want my last day to end up being a day that is not fun."

I watched as he walked away. I looked back at the fire. I still don't think, Tara has the kind of spite, Anger is talking about. She doesn't have it in her to go that far as to take a woman, keep her until she gives birth and then send her back with no baby.

One day, I will wish I had listened to my Anger. That will be the day that I forgot about Tara and Angel. The day I would learn that karma will come back and not only bite you in the ass. But rip your heart from your chest.

Once we arrived back to the club two weeks later I started noticing several members moving out of the clubhouse. One week after that houses started to be up for rent. I had driven by Tara's house several times but her house remains empty.

I miss Angel she no longer come to visit. I got what I wanted. She is out of my life. I really didn't think that Tara knew people with the power to do that. I was wrong.

Two weeks later more than half my members turned in their property cuts. And many of my prospects left to prospect for other clubs.

I lost more than half my allies and everyone of them told me they cannot respect a man that did the things I have done.

I had finally met a woman and Anger was right on point with what she would do. She told me she wanted power and money. That she would bare only one child from me no more.

We are going to claim each other in next month. She is a bitch. because of her more of my members left. They stated they do not mind being asked to do somethings however, they draw the line at my woman asking them to fuck her.

She found out she was pregnant one week before we claimed each other. At our claiming only 10 Mc's came. When I claimed Tara, over 300 came to celebrate with me.

I destroyed my reputation and the clubs. One day we were out shopping as we found out she was having a son. I saw Devil, Norman, Venom, and my parents togeather at Wal-Mart.

They were buying food, getting ice, and things for the yearly party they have. My club however has not been invited. I tried to warn my woman she would not listen.

Hello, she said to mom. "Did we miss the invitation to the party?"

"Well, dear. Did Psycho not tell you he is not invited. We are no longer allies with his club. So, no you did not miss an invitation."

Then mom and dad turned and walked away. My woman turned glaring at me. "I thought by now we would have more allies and your parents would let you back in the fold."

"Never going to happen. I turned and saw mom looking at her belly then she looked up glaring at me. They were all looking at her belly."

They turned and walked away. I knew mom was still angry that she had not seen Angel. I also know that Angel is about 15 or 16 by now. I miss her too. But it is my fault. I am to blame for that.

When my woman was 8 months pregnant she was taken. I have been looking for her however, no Mc has seen her, or knows anything about it. And if they do they are not talking.

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