My Little Dancer

Chapter 23: Psycho' s Members

Right now no one was talking to Psycho. They glared at him. He took something they cherished and loved away from them. He never could keep his big mouth shut when he was angry. No, he no longer can see Angel or have her at the club. He is no longer her official father.

She is no longer their next president. All because of his hate and temper when he didn't get what he wanted. We noticed all the single women looking at Psycho with hate now instead of lust.

He threw the little girl away that knew him as daddy. Threw her away like she was a piece of trash. Divorced her mother for a club whore. Even the whores glared at him.

The whores knew their places in the club. It was not riding behind the president, having kids with him as they knew they could never be the next president.

"I hoped to fuck Psycho one whore said. But not now. Not after finding out what he has done. Hell even if I was not a whore. I would not fuck him with his VP's cock."

"No good woman will let him claim them now. Not after what he has done. They would be scared that if he got mad at them he would take any child they might have right of being the next president away like he did his daughters."

Word was spreading through the grounds about what Psycho had done. He has lost the respect of every club he knows.

Devil and his member had just arrived and some of his members heard what had happened. The woman that had videotaped everything sent his VP a copy of the tape.

"Devil, some real shit went down just before we got her. Between Tara and Psycho. Then as Psycho was going to hit Tara, Venom stopped him."

"That is not possible. Venom is dead."

"Nope. He is very much alive and has made everyone know that Tara is hands-off. She belongs to him. Looks like Angel does too."

"That can't be right."

"just then we heard an announcement. "Listen up everyone. We have something to show you. No one but no one hits a woman on my campgrounds. Everyone, please look up here at the stage."

We all watched the big screen and heard every word Psycho said. And then what Tara and Venom said.

I was so fucking angry. I was ready to explode. "What the hell. He hurt her when he cheated, then he divorced her. Then I hurt her. And now he hurt her again. This is too much."

"And what the hell. Venom is not dead. This keeps getting better and better. Wait."

"Did Venom just let everyone know that Tara is hands-off?"

"Afraid he did, Devil. He and his members claim she belongs to their club. That she is their queen. And that Venom plans to claim her."

"That is what I was afraid of. He doesn't deserve her. That may be. But we all know that Venom never did fuck around."

"I know that. He always said he was waiting for the special one. Devil, why should you care anyway?"

"You didn't even want to let her ride with us. That was pure bullshit. You let her ride by herself here. With no one to protect her. She is nothing to you."

I turned and walked away from my brother. Right now I can give two shits about him or Psycho. They are both the same. If a woman doesn't get him what he wants she is useless to him.

Our sister, Beth can't stand to look at him because he cost Beth her best friend. And Tara and Venom would make a good match.

We all walked to watch the Flaunt girls. We all just sat down when Karan walked out on stage. "We want to welcome back your favorite dancer for one week only. Leggs."

There were whistles when she walked out onto the stage. Jesus fucking christ. We were all looking at Tara. The bikers were going crazy and she is good.

Then we noticed that Venom's members were guarding the flaunt girls. Venom and his VP fang were guarding Tara.

We all looked at Psycho. He had lust in his eyes. "Forget it, Psycho. You had her and you lost her. You divorced her and don't forget what you did early today."

The afternoon show was over until 10:00 pm tonight. Fang and Venom walked Tara to her RV and went to theirs.

After I showered and dressed I walked out of the RV. I want a tenderloin and onion petal. I walked to the tent I bought my other ones. I ordered them paid for them and then got a beer.

I sat down at a table and started eating. I looked up to see Psycho standing on the other side of the table. "Go away, Psycho. We have nothing to say to each other."

I reached out to her and grabbed her wrist pulling her arm across the table. "Psycho let me fucking go. Right now."

A hand came down on his wrist and he looked around him. Five of Venom's members were standing around me.

"She said, you have nothing to talk about. If you do not let go of her wrist we will cut yours off."

I slowly removed my hand from her wrist. She moved it back toward her. I was then thrown on the ground.

"We believe you were told to stay the fuck away from Tara. Now you will have to answer to Venom."

Everyone watched as Venom and Fang walked across the ground and stopped next to us. "Falcon, I believe you were told not to touch Tara, go near, or talk to her."

"Take him outside."

"I turned and looked at her wrist. I grew angry."

"Eat your food, Tara. I will be back in a minute."

Once outside I stopped in front of Psyco. "You know who I am Psycho. You know what I am capable of. And you know I mean what I say."

I slammed my fist into his stomach. "Stay away from Tara. She belongs to me. She always has and you know it. If I have to tell you again, I will kill you."

My members shoved him to the ground. And we walked into the tent and over to the table and sat down.

I had waited for those men to bring her to me. They couldn't do anything right. I had to come out and get her myself.

I looked over at Tara. "We need to talk, Tara."

"I want your full attention when we do. And I need for you to listen to me. We will talk after your show tonight."

"Fine, we will talk, Venom. But do not lie to me."

"I never lie, Tara. I do what I say I will do. And I mean what I say. Do you understand me?"

"I understand you Venom."

"Good. Now your show is in half an hour. We need to get you to the stage so you can get ready."

We stood up and walked to the stage. I went into my dressing room and Venom and Fang stood at the door so no one could get in.

We were now headed to the stage area and then it was time. Men were screaming, even some women. There were more people here tonight. It was my last day to dance.

The last week was my time. And I intended on having fun. I knew it would be with Venom's members.

We walked back to my RV where I showered and changed while Venom sat in the living room. I walked out of my bedroom brushing my long hair.

"Come here, Tara."

I walked over to Venom and he turned me around and sat me between his legs. He took my brush and started brushing my hair.

"Tara, I saw the picture you sent Norman when we were at war. I fell in love with you. I went home with Norman on leave to be around you. Just for a while."

"I loved your laughter and I hated your sister Ruth. She was angry I would not fuck her. She knew I liked you and she thought she would get me to change my mind."

"I never did. When I came home you were gone. No one knew where you were. Then Devil put the word out to watch you so no one hurt you while you are on the road."

"When you ended up in the room next to mine that night. I heard you say Norman was missing. I have been looking for him ever since."

"We found him. Psycho has your brother. He was trying to get your money and it didn't work. We rescued him."

"He is at my clubhouse being taken care of by our doctor. As for you being a fool. I never thought of you that way. I was the fool. I should have told you how I felt about you."

"How I still feel about you. I fell in love with your Tara when you were 17. I was 21 almost 22. I had to wait until you were of age."

I pulled her back against my chest. "Psycho knew you belonged to me. He took advantage of you."

"I came for you, Tara. You are mine. You have been since you were 17. I will not force you to get to know me. But, I hope that you will give me a chance."

"I know you still love me. As I still love you."

"It's ok if you do not believe me. But one day you will. One day I hope to earn your trust and let me claim you. I also want to marry you legally. Put a ring on your finger."

"I liked being held in his arms. I will think about it."

"You will walk with me and my members until we leave. Then you will call me every day. I will come and get you when the doctor says Norman can have visitors."

We lay on the couch watching tv. I must have fallen asleep and I felt safe as I didn't wake up until I heard a knock on the door.

I heard Venom talking to someone. I slowly opened my eyes and stretched. "Baby wake up. It is time to eat breakfast and I have your coffee ready."

I opened my eyes to see Falcon putting three plates on the table. I looked over at Fang and saw him smiling.

"Take that dam grin off your face."

"Touchy are we, Tara?"

"I am not a morning person until I have my first cup of coffee."

I stood up and walked to the bathroom. I went back into the kitchen and sat down at the table. I took a drink of my coffee and moaned. That hits the spot I said.

I ate my eggs, bacon, and toast. I stood up rinsed the plate and put it in the dishwasher. Yes, my RV has a dishwasher. I filled my cup with more coffee and sat back down.

"Thank you, for making breakfast, and my coffee."

"I remember you like your coffee and drank it more than pop, or beer."

"Tara, what are you going to do about Psycho?"

"I am going to hurt that son of a bitch. But first I need to see my brother. Then, and only then will I decide what to do with Psycho."

"That bastard had no right to take, Norman. Now he is really going to live to regret fucking with my family."

"He fooled me. I will make sure he loses members. A lot of them. They never thought he would do some of the things he has already done. He made a mistake regarding Angel. He will pay for that one."

"Something tells me that Psycho and my dad are in this together. I know my father hated my brothers for standing up for me. He hated Norman the most. But he couldn't touch him as long as he was still married to my mother."

"If mother finds out what dad did, she will find him and make him and his bitch pay."

"You will be surprised at how the women in my family get their revenge. We may forgive but we never forget. And we always get even."

"It might take us a week, or year, or 10 years. We get even when they think we have forgotten what they have done to us. We put the knife in their back."

"I will get even with Psycho. But not today. Not even tomorrow. But when he finds another woman, I will take her from him. Make him wish he had never taken my brother."

"Psycho will find out what real pain is. The pain of losing the person you care the most about. Keep her for a few years sending him pictures of her every year letting him know she is still alive."

"Then finally, send her back to him a basket case."

"He will know never to fuck with me and mine ever again."

"Shit, Venom. She sounds like you. She is perfect for you."

"I told you she was the one. For me. The one that can keep even me in line when needed. Not only me. But the members as well."

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