My Little Dancer

Chapter 22: The Campground

We parked our bikes at Jakes office. I walked inside with Fang. Jake looked up and came around the counter hugging me.

"You son of a bitch. We all thought you were dead."

"Nope, I came home from the war to claim my girl only to find out she was gone, and her brother, Norman is missing."

"Venom are you telling me that Tara is the woman you came home to claim?"

"Yes, didn't Norman tell you I fell in love with her when she was 17 from her picture?"

"Yes, but we all thought it was a joke."

"Nope, never was a joke. She belongs to me. She always has and I came for what is mine."

"Shit, Venom you don't know what she has been through. I know. And I am to change that."

"Good luck."

"I also aim to find Norman. He would look for anyone of us and you know it. You also know they have him and alive because however has him wants his permission to claim her."

"He won't do it because he doesn't like them. They will torture him until they get what they want. We all know he will die before he gives permission for someone to claim Tara he doesn't trust or like."

"Well anyway we came early to get next to Tara's camper. You are in luck. She told me to move Devils RV's next to Psycho's across the street."

"I will have your campers and your RV's moved next to Tara's. I have to tell you that I am so going to enjoy this year."

"I take it that your members will be guarding Tara while she is here? Well there may be a few fights here and there. We won't kill anyone but word will be gotten out she is hands off if you want to keep them attached."

"I am glad because I really do not want her killing anyone. She has had a rough time lately. She is very angry and out to hurt someone."

"Venom, she is going to dance with the Flunt Girls this week."

I grinned. "Is she now. Well guess you will need some protection for the girls around the stage. Especially for Tara."

"You are right at that. Want the job. I for one want to see the looks on bikers faces when they see that Venom is not dead but back in the fold again."

"You are on, Jake. My members and I will be the guards for the girls. I will personaly guard Tara, along with Fang."

"My other members will guard the other girls."

"You got it. I will have Karan introduce you and your members during practice. Which is right now."

We followed Jake to the stage where Karan was talking to the girls and they welcomed Tara back for the week.

"Karan I have the guards for the girls."

"She saw Venom and ran over hugging him. Venom welcome back home."

"Now, Tara, Venom, and his VP, Fang have offered to be your guards while you are on stage. Then the other girls were paired of with two members each."

"Your guards will walk you to and from the stage so you are not bothered from unwanted advances. If any of you have a problem they will take care of it."

"Right now they are getting their RV's and campers moved to their assigned spots which is close to the stage."

"Once the grounds start filling up they will watch over those that are not married or have boyfriends. But their jobs are to take care of you and keep you safe during the shows."

I looked over at Venom and Fang. I frowned. Why is his name familiar? In fact, why is his face familiar to me."

"I am glad that I have been assigned the president and his VP."

We watched as they all walked off the stage. Then we got back to our practice. This year not only are we dancing but, I will use the scarves, and the ring.

I waited for the music to start and then reached for my ring. I was going so fast and my moves looked dangerous. The other fluant girls gasped.

One said; "Fuck me. I can't do that. Tara you are going to bring more bikers to our stage. Show us what you can do with the scarves."

"When I started rolling down the scarves so fast they thought I was going to fall out and hit the stage."

"There was a lot of whistles, clapping, and yelling when I stopped two feet from the stage floor and stood in front of them."

"Son of a bitch girl. You should have the stage without the rest of the girls when you work the ring and scarves. Karan yelled."

"In fact. I think we should come up with a plan where we start dancing and you do you thing and we back away from the stage."

"I can do that. I suggest we open with us girls working the poles, half way through the show I work the rings and final the scarves."

"That is a good idea. Lets practice she yells."

Soon there were bikers sitting and standing watching us practice. When I did the ring we had even more bikers and their women watching. And when we finished with me working the scarves you would think the ground was full.

It wasn't instead they were people from other clubs coming to watch the show. There were whistles, clapping, yelling and men screaming Legs I want to marry you.

I walked to the tent that makes the best tenderloin and onion petles and asked for one of each. I went to pay for them and was stopped.

"Put your money away, Tara. I looked over to see the VP fang pay for my food. They also paid for theirs."

They walked one on each side of me. As we past bikers they gasped. Then they started to whisper. I didn't care what they were talking about. We reached my RV and sat our food on the table. Fang started a fire, and I grabbed three beers placing them on the table.

As we sat eating I noticed several bikers walking past my RV. "What the hell is wrong with everyone? Why are they staring at you like that, Venom?"

"They thought I was dead and my club no longer a club. They are wrong. While I was at war my members laid low."

"One of my brothers faught in the war. When he was fighting, my other father whipped me over Ruth who I thought was my cousin. Found out she was my half sister."

"He beat me for slapping he in the face and trying to kill her over a boy I liked when I was 17 years old."

"Who was the boy? An army buddy of my brothers. He brought him home with him on leave. Ruth tried to fuck him. He would have nothing to do with her."

"For some reason my dad thought she could do no wrong. Me, he wished I had never been born. When Norman was home he disn't dare touch me."

"Ruth told my dad after Norman and his friend left she caught me in bed with his friend. That I stole that friend of my brothers from her."

"My dad beat me leaving scars on my back. He didn't believe me when I told him we didn't do anything. We didn't even touch or talk much to each other."

"So, you liked this friend of your brothers?"

"Yes, but he was not interested in me or Ruth. He was older than I was. I think he was 20 or 21 years old. What the hell would he want with a 17 year old girl?"

"I asked my brother once about him. I asked Norman to keep him safe. To never leave a buddy behind. Then I asked him to bring him home to me."

"My brother didn't bring him home. My brother thought he died. He was captured, but his friend was badly hurt. He tried to stop them from taking him. But neither Jagger or his friend could stop them."

"When Norman was freed, he and Jagger tried to find him. They never did. At least not yet. Now, my brother is missing and Jagger has not stopped looing for Norman or their friend. I think his real name was Venom."

I turned and looked at Venom. I stood up and looked at him. My face turned red. "Stay here."

I ran into the RV and grabbed the picture of Norman and his buddies he gave me before leaving and going back to war.

I carried it outside and looked from Venom to the picture. I put the photo in the back pocket of my jeans. "Why, Why did you let me talk about you and make a fool of myself?"

"It's you. My brothers friend Venom. Why would you do that. I just bet your laughing inside. Poor little girl had a crush on you. I bet you fucked Ruth after all. Stay away from me, Venom."

"I don't need or want your protection. I have protected myself since the day my brother came home and disappeared."

I stormed into my RV slamming the door shut and locked it. I slid down the door crying. He must be having a good laugh right now. Finding his buddy's little sister had a crush on him.

No, not a crush. He is the man I truly love. But he went back to war and I had not seen him sense. I want my brother. I want Norman. I want him to hold me and tell me everything will be alright.

"Shit, Venom. That girl feel in love with you when she was 17 years old. Just as much as you fell in love with her."

"I remember Ruth. She was a whore. She fucked every boy Tara liked. When Ruth found out that Tara like me she tried her best to climb in my bed. It never happened. I wanted to have Tara in my bed. Not that whore."

"I wonder whatever happened to Ruth. Hope she got what she had coming to her."

We cleaned up and walked to our RV which is on the other side of Tara's. Tonight the camp ground will fill up. What a shame that Psycho will no have the spot he wants.

We heard Tara's door open and we walked outside. Fang and I watched as Psycho walked from the office with his VP. He was madder than a wet hen.

Then he turned and walked toward Tara. "You fucking bitch. You just had to call Jake and take these spots from us. I knew you were vindictive when you cut the whore. I wanted behind me on my bike, in my bed, and become the mother of my child."

"She might have done all that. But you could never claim her by biker law. Her children would never be the next president."

"This is the last straw, Tara. I want, my name removed from Angels birth certificate. I want to have my own child and his or her named the next president."

"If that is what you want, Psycho so be it. I picked up the phone. Uncle, Ray. Psycho wants his name off Angels birth certificate. Can you do that immediately. And make sure to add that he has no rights to Angel. That he has no visitiations with her what so ever."

"Thank you, Uncle Ray."

We all looked at Psycho in shock. Then his face turned white. His VP yelled at him. "What the fuck have you just done Psycho."

"You have raised that girl since the day she was born. Now you deny her."

"You are one stupid mother fucker. You think Tara is vindictive. Wait until Angel grows up. And finds out why you stopped seeing her."

No one knew that everything Psycho said had been recorded. "First you cheat on me, than you divorce me for that whore. I showed you though. I cut her so bad you don't even want to fuck her now. And now because I got the spot you wanted. You no longer want to call Angel your daughter."

"You want your name removed from her birth certificate. And you denounce her as the next president of your club."

"Well, Psycho becareful what you wish for next. I can keep taking from you. Now that Angel is no longer considered your daughter, or the next president of your club stay the fuck away from me and Angel."

"Did you really think I didn't know what you were after?"

"Funny isn't it that only women in my family run the club. Not you fucking men."

"Oh, and let us not forget the money. Yes, all that money. Billions and billions of money. Also owned by the woman in my family."

"I will take you to court. We were married. Half of what you own belongs to me."

"No, Psycho. Did you forget that document you signed?"

"It was a contract. I keep what I had when we got married. You get fucking nothing. On the other hand. I get half of everything you own. That includes your clubhouse."

"You really think women are fucking stupid don't you? Guess my family proved you wrong. And Psycho. I went to law school. I was the best in my class. But I do believe you forgot about that."

"Now get the fuck out of my face and across the road. Stay the fuck away from me. We no longer have any reason to talk to each other. But, I will find someone to sit in on the meetings since I am part owner of your Mc."

I went to slap her across the face when I felt a hand squeesing my wrist. "I would not do that if I were you Psycho."

I turned and looked at the man standing next to her. "This is not possible. You are dead."

"Do I look like I am dead. If you ever try that shit again. You will be dead. Venom is home and it is time for revenge. And, Psycho. I think you have someone that belongs to us. We are coming for him."

I let go of Psycho's wrist and kicked him across the street. "Psycho do not go near Tara, or her daughter again. You know I do not tell people twice."

Sara, Donna, Revenge, and Renegade watched everything in shock. We all thought that Venom was dead. But he is standing right in front of us. Give the devil his due. He is back and out for revenge.

Venom is the one man every biker is terrified of. And Psycho just got on his shit list. Everyone now knows not to touch Tara or her daughter. At least not if you want to live.

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