My Little Dancer

Chapter 21: Word Gets Out

Word had gotten out that Tara was riding by herself to Sturgis. Bikers on the road started looking for her. It is not safe for a woman to ride alone.

I arrived at the motel. I turned my bike off and walked into the office. I paid for the room for one day. I then took the key card and walked out of the office.

I unlocked the trailer and took one of the suitcases out. I locked it again and walked over to unlock my motel room door. I walked inside closed it and locked it.

I was leaning against the wall next to my room watching her. I knew she was Tara. The woman Devil asked us all to keep safe on the road.

I can see why. She is beautiful. I wonder how Psycho could divorce her for a whore. She looked as if one big wind would blow her away. I have not been looking for a woman, but there is something about her.

I heard my VP calling my name. I turned my head and looked at him. "That is her, isn't it? The woman that Psycho divorced all for a whore he couldn't claim."

"That's her."

"She sure looks angry."

"Guess she has every right to be angry. She is not going to be easy to get to know."

"Nope, she sure isn't."

Back at Devil's clubhouse, no one has noticed the man setting in the shadows. He was listening. He knew he was going to have a pissed-off boss when he tells him that Tara was not in town.

I walked out of the club and lit a smoke. I looked around before putting the earbuds in. I pushed the button that dialed the boss.

"Well, where is she and when will I get her?"

"She is on her way to Sturgis."

"You can't take her from there you idiot. When she is on her way back snatch her and bring her bike with her."

"Boss, wouldn't it be better to take her from her house? She is being watched by friends of Devils."

"I just know that she better be here within one month. No longer. If I do not have her in my hands after that you are a dead man."

Shit, the boss means business. I don't know what that woman means to him but, I know she seems to be very important to him. Two men that had tried to take her before made a very big mistake.

They broke her jaw. For that he killed them. That was about a year ago. I do not plan on being his next victim. I don't know how we will even get our hands on her daughter.

That will be a big mess. After all, she is Psycho's kid and the next president of his club. That man is just as bad as the boss.

When I told the four men helping me all that they looked over at me. "That is where you are wrong. The man to be feared in our world is Venom. You do not want to mess with him, his woman if he has one, and his club."

"I heard he was back. He is on the hunt and he is hunting for his woman. He doesn't have one yet. I also heard you better say your prayers if he finds the one he wants and anyone touches her."

Back at the motel the VP, whose name is Fang looked at his president. "Venom are you thinking what I think you are?"

"I am. I need to test her temper, to find out what her attitude is like. Is she a fighter, a good mother? And will she kill anyone that tries to harm her family?"

"That woman I will test. And so help me god if she hits, kicks, or throws anything at us she is not to be harmed. Let the members know. I found her and it is time we test her."

"I want to see the worst in her. What she can handle. I want to know if she has humor, can joke around, and what she would be like if her man touched another woman. Or a woman touched him."

"I will look her up and what I can find on her."

I watched as Fang walked to his room. I walked into mine leaving the door open. It was next to hers. I heard her talking to someone. I listened.

"Angel, how is my baby girl doing? I bet you are having fun at Uncle Jim's club."

"You are, wait, what did you say? You put Jagger on the phone right now."

"Jagger so help me god if she put one hand on my little girl I will cut it off."

"Joke, it is a joke. Why the hell would you tell Angel to tell me that? You know right now is not the fucking time to joke with me. I am in the mood to kick the shit out of someone."

"Sorry, you are sorry. Fuck you, Jagger. You have known me since I was 15 years old. You know I do not joke when it comes to family."

"Jagger the next time I see you I will kick your ass. Just take care of my daughter. And she better not be eating junk food all day long."

"I know Jagger. You are right but that fucker didn't want me. He lied to me, he cheated on me, he plain out used me and he divorced me."

"I made sure he would have to put a flag over her face to fuck her now didn't I?"

"She got what she asked for and so did Psycho. I warned them both. Now no one will fuck her but from behind."

"Jagger, watch what you say to me. You know I do not play around when it comes to my man."

"I love you too, Jagger. You have been a good second brother to me. You gained a fucked up sister. I am sorry about that. Norman would have been proud of you."

"Maybe he will be found soon. He would never have blamed you for him being captured. You almost died trying to get to him, Jagger."

"Just take care of Angel for me until I get back. Tell Granny I love her."

I sat up straight when she mentioned Jagger, Norman, and Granny. That can't be her. The girl I fell in love with when Norman showed me the picture of his 17-year-old sister five years ago.

The girl I planned on going to see when we got out of the service. And what happened to Norman and how long has Jagger been in her uncle's club?

One more item for my list. Find everything about Norman. He, Jagger, and I were buddies in the Army. If someone took him it was for one reason. They want him to give them his sister.

He would never do that if he didn't like the man. He would rather die first. I looked up to see Fang step into my bedroom. "Fang go look up information on her brother Norman."

"Your old army buddy?"

"Yes, seems someone took him. They would do that for one reason. They want his sister. The sister on the other side of that wall. I want him back if he is alive and the man that took him dead."

"Tara is the girl you have been looking for isn't she"

"Yes. I know that there are something like three other brothers."

"Why have they not taken them?"

"Something tells me that a deep dark secret is going to come to life. And no one in that family is going to like it."

"We are going to war. So prepare the members. And tell them Tara is to be protected no matter what the cost. I lived through that war to come home and make that woman mine."

"I plan on doing it. Make no mistake about that."

"Understand, Venom. Your orders are, if anyone tries to harm her, or take her we kill them. No questions asked. I understand."

"Remember, protect her at all cost. Do not let anyone at Sturgis touch what is mine. She might know it. But she belongs to me. She always has."

Venom's club is called the " Fire Worriers Mc". Everyone knows who they are. They all thought the club just broke up. They wrong about that. We have been laying low until Venom came home from the war."

"They are about to show they have returned. And they are the Mc not to fuck with. And don't fuck with their family or friends."

I sat on a chair outside the door smoking. I was thinking that Psycho will know to keep his distance from Tara now I am back. He took her from me. He used her, and then he divorced her for a fucking whore.

"He will know the second he sees me what I am here for. He knows I will get her and to stay away from her. I also know that he only claimed her daughter to keep her safe."

"But then he said he fell in love with her. If he calls that love I hate to see what he means when he hates someone."

I looked up as I heard the door shut. I saw her walk over to her trailer and unlock it. She put her suitcase inside closed the lid and locked it.

She walked to the office and I smiled as I looked at her legs and ass. She is short. Then I noticed she was wearing a swimming suit top. I stopped smiling as I noticed the scars on her back.

I turned and saw Fang and a few members looking at them as well. I need to know who did that to her. Then she pulled the shirt down over her back before she walked to the office.

"Someone needs to pay for that. I said."

"She is the woman we keep safe no matter what?"

"Yes, she is."

We all watched as she walked over to her bike put her lather jacked on then her helmet on sat down and started her bike.

We watched as she drove her bike across the parking lot to Bob Evans. We ride I told them. In a few minutes we were walking into Bob Evens as we were seated we smiled as the waitresses were terrified to come near us.

I sighed and walked over and grabbed one of the waitresses pad. "What can I get you all?"

"We all smiled as she took our order then handed the pad to the waitress. Go serve them like any other customer bitch. They are not going to bite you."

Then she sat down and finished eating before she stood up and walked up to the counter. We watched her pay the bill and walk out.

We finished eating and left a tip on the table. Then we paid our bill and left. We followed behind her and an hour later we all pulled into the same gas station.

I walked into pay my for my gas and saw three men standing around. As I paid my gas I turned to leave when one of them stepped in front of me.

"Where are you going pretty lady, why don't you stay and play with us for awhile?"

"Get the fuck out of my way."

"Then he grabbed her arm pulling her towards him."

Then he was on the floor with her foot on his throat pressing down. She looked at the other two pointing a gun at them.

"Why the fuck would I want to stay and play with you three?"

"I came in to pay for my gas. Not play with some fucking men I don't know. In fact. I fucking hate men right now."

"You three need to learn some fucking manners. And I am just the woman to teach them to you."

We watched as she shot one man in the leg, the other one on the floor in the hands. "That should teach you not to put your fucking hands on a woman you do not know."

Then she stood up and looked at the man behind the cash register. "I didn't do anything to you."

The man on the floor called her a fucking whore. We watched as she put her gun away and pulled out a knife.

"You want to call me a fucking whore because I won't spread my legs for you and shot you. Guess you have not learned your lesson about manners."

She sat on his chest and cut the side of his face. I really want to cut that mother fucking tounge out of your mouth. But this will do.

Then she stood up. "Have a nice day gentleman." She walked past us not looking our way. We turned and looked at her smiling. Members smiling thinking, she will make a great queen.

Venom smiling as he knew she would be his woman soon. I turned and looked at the three men.

"My old lady is not one to be messed with. Now it is our turn. Take them into the garage."

As they were dragged into the garage the man she shot had his hand put into a vise. One of the members looked at them.

"Should not have put your hands on our queen." They tightened the vice breaking every bone in both his hands."

The man she shot in the leg was cut on the side of his face. That is to remind you never mess with Venoms queen. As for you. You are lucky. You never touched her or disrespected her. But you remember what happens when men disrespect or put their hands on woman that do not belong to them.

We walked out of the gas station sat on our bikes started them and rode toward Sturgis behind our queen.

Even though she can take care of herself. We will finish what she starts. No one will disrespect her ever again.

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