My Little Dancer

Chapter 15: Tara's Heart is Broken

Later that night we girls noticed that Psycho was acting funny. I tried to get him to talk but he just told me to forget it. I also noticed that Sara and Donna were glaring at Psycho.

I didn't know what was going on until I walked out to have a cigarette. Psycho followed me. "Did you tell your wife Psycho we heard a woman ask?"

I turned around and saw the whore standing against the wall. "Tell me what?"

"It's nothing, Psycho said."

"Really, Psycho. Keeping secrets from your wife are we?"

"I will tell you. While you were fighting. Psycho and I were on the other side of the house making out."

I turned and looked at Psycho. I saw his face was red. "Is that true Psycho?"

He didn't answer me. "Psycho, I asked you a question."

"Yes, it's true."

I walked away from him into the house. I walked over to Elizabeth. "Can you take me home, please?"

"I saw Devil looking at me in shock."

"Nothing against you Devil. But I need to leave right now. I don't want to be anywhere near Psycho and that whore right now."

I followed Elizabeth around the house and to her car. As we drove out of her brother's club compound we saw Psycho arguing with the whore.

I turned and looked at Tara's friends. "What the hell is going on, I asked them."

"While Tara was in the ring, Psycho and that whore disappeared. They were making out."

"You have got to be kidding me."

"No, we saw them."

"I can't believe Psycho would cheat on Tara."

"It seems she can't get a break."

"I turned and looked at the whore walking around the clubhouse followed by Psycho."

"I arrived back at the club and thanked Elizabeth for bringing me home. I will see you tomorrow I told her."

I didn't realize I had tears flowing down my face. I walked past club members who looked at me in shock. I didn't stop until I got to my bedroom. I walked inside closing and locking the door.

I walked over to the window and opened it. I lit a cigarette and sat down on the chair next to the window. I started out thinking about how I have the worst luck with men.

I will make Psycho pay for cheating on me. Downstairs the members were talking. "What the hell did Psycho do that Tara did not come home with him and to make her cry?"

"Tara never cries."

"Preacher looked at them. Only one thing would put that look on Tara's face. Psycho cheated."

"Why would he do that?"

"Lord only knows. If he doesn't come home tonight you can bet she will divorce him. She will leave and take Angel from here. She will go back to her house."

I was still setting in the chair when Preacher knocked on the door. I opened it and he handed Angel Marie to me. She has just finished eating Tara.

I took Angel Marie from him. Thank you, Preacher. I shut the door and locked it again. I carried Angel to her room and lay her in her bed. I walked back to our bedroom and over to the window.

I lit another cigarette I soon head the bikes and looked up to see them drive into the compound. I watched as Psycho parked his bike.

He walked into the club with the others following him. It was quiet as they walked into the club. I looked around and noticed the members glaring at me.

I sat down at the table and beer was slammed down in front of me. As the whore turned to walk away she said under her breath. "Fucking cheater."

I now know why it is so quiet in the bar. And why everyone was glaring at me. They knew or they suspected. Hell, even Sara, Donna, Revenge, and Renegade were not talking to me.

I don't know why I did it. I love Tara. Now everything is falling apart. I knew what the whore wanted. But, I didn't plan on fucking her. Hell, I didn't fuck her. I made out with her.

I even saw Devil glaring at me. I knew he knew. After Psycho left I stormed to my office. I looked up to see my VP, third in command, and sister walk in.

Bring that fucking whore here. I looked up as she was drug into my office with a grin on her face. I backhanded her and she fell to the floor. "What did I tell you before they got here?"

She didn't answer me. I kicked her across the room. "I asked you what the fuck I told you not to do."

"Not to make a pass at them."

"That's right. You didn't listen did you?"

"Now you will be punished."

"You will be wiped by Elizabeth. The next time I tell you not to do something you will listen. And from now on, the men you turned down will be the only men that will fuck you."

"I won't do it again, Devil."

"I know you won't I will make sure of that."

I watched as she was dragged from the room. "Elizabeth. You know Tara. What is going to happen now?"

"She will grow cold. She won't talk to Psycho. And you think you have seen a woman that is cold. You have seen nothing yet. But you will."

I took a shower and put on shorts and a t-shirt. I walked into Angel's bedroom and climbed into the twin bed in her bedroom. I won't be sleeping with Psycho for a long time.

He wants a whore. He can have a whore. He won't have me now. I won't even be riding behind him anymore. I will ride my own bike.

I looked around the club and stood up. I sighed as I walked out of the bar and to our bedroom. I opened the door and walked inside the bedroom. I closed the door and looked over at the bed.

She was not there. I walked to Angel's bedroom and saw her sleeping on the twin bed. I knew right then I really fucked up.

I turned and walked to the bathroom. I took a shower and put on shorts before walking into the bedroom. I climbed onto the bed and sighed. I closed my eyes.

I reached over and then remembered she is not in our bed. She is never going to forgive me for making out with that whore.

I tossed and turned unable to sleep without Tara. I didn't hear Tara get up and dress or carry Angel out of the bedroom.

I carried Angel down the hall to the kitchen. I put her in her highchair and placed her food in front of her. I didn't say one word.

I filled my plate and sat down in my chair. I finished eating and rinsed my plate putting it in the dishwasher.

I washed Angel's hands and face and lifted her out of her highchair. I didn't pay attention to the members watching me.

I put the highchair against the wall. Then picked up Angel and walked out of the kitchen. I walked to the hall closet and grabbed a blanket.

I then walked back into the kitchen and grabbed some snacks and bottles for Angel before walking out of the kitchen.

I looked up and saw Psycho looking at me. Instead of passing him I turned and walked out the back door.

I carried Angel Marie through the woods to the creek where I lay the blanket on the grass. I watched Angel as she played in the water.

Soon I gave her the snack and bottle. She fell asleep and watched over her. I sat thinking about everything that happened to me.

No one knew everything. I never told my brothers or mom what dad had done to me over Ruth. I will never forget the pain of his belt against my back.

Now, I will never forget that Psycho cheated on me. I should have left everything the way it was. I should never have given him the chance to be more than just a friend.

I didn't need him to raise Angel Marie. I don't need his money. I thought he really loved me. I guess I was wrong.

Back at Devil's clubhouse, he called for everyone to go outside. "I called you out here because most of you know what happened last night."

"I gave an order. That order was not followed. Now one of our whores will be punished for not following that order."

"Bring that whore here and tie her to the post."

"This whore just had to go and make out with Psycho. Now she will be whipped. Not only will she remember to follow my orders but the rest of you whores, prospects and members will never forget to follow them."

"After she was whipped she was left tied to the post. She will stand there for three days before she is taken down."

I was never so pissed as I am now. I can't believe that she thought because she was beautiful she would not be punished. I saw the look on Tara's face. I will never forget it.

She looked like she had lost not only her husband but her best friend. I wanted to hold her myself. I am sure every one of my members wants to as well.

She looked like the rug had been pulled out from under her. Like her world just fell apart. Back at Psycho's club, the members kept looking around for Tara and Angel.

It was getting dark when we watched her walk from the woods carrying Angel. She didn't look our way. I walked out of the garage with Vengence and Renegade.

She walked right past us as if we didn't exist. We watched as she walked into the clubhouse. Then we saw Elizabeth drive thru the gate and park her car.

She got out and looked over at me glaring at me. Then she walked inside the club. I came out of the kitchen carrying a bottle and Angel's food. I saw Elizabeth standing at the door.

Come with me Elizabeth. We walked down the hallway to our bedroom door. I opened the door and walked inside followed by Elizabeth.

I walked into Angel's bedroom and placed her in the highchair we keep in her bedroom. I introduced Angel Marie to her. As I fed Angel I told her everything.

"How the hell could your own dad do that to you?"

"He thought Ruth was better than I was. I proved him wrong. Now he has no money. I told her about Ruth trying to kill Angel Marie and that I killed Ruth."

"Tara, that whore was punished. When Devil found out what she had done he blew his top. She will never make the mistake of messing with another married man."

"Doesn't matter, Elizabeth. You know it is over with me and Psycho. I won't stay with a cheater."

"I know that Tara. I also know you love Psycho."

They didn't know I was standing in the bedroom and heard everything. It hurt to hear her say that. Then I felt like my heart had been ripped out when she told her friend; "It is over, Elizabeth."

"I will be leaving the club moving back to my house and taking Angel with me. He can have her on the weekends."

"I won't take Angel from him or his members. They all love Angel. If he wants a whore he can have a whore."

"Tara, you don't mean that."

"Elizabeth, how long have you known me?"

"6 years."

"Then you know I mean what I say."

"I know."

"When are you moving out?"

"This weekend."

"I see."

"When will you tell Psycho?"


"Well, I am going home. Will I see you at the clubhouse again?"

"I don't think so. After all, that is where his whore is."

I watched as Elizabeth turned to walk into the bedroom to leave. I walked into the bedroom and saw Psycho standing there. I didn't say one word. I just walked out the bedroom door.

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