My Little Dancer

Chapter 14: Devil

I followed Psycho down the hallway. I pulled a chair out across from him and sat down. I opened the beer bottle that was sitting down on the table in front of me.

I looked up as I heard the little girl scream, daddy. He lifted her into his arms and sat her on his lap. I watched as his wife, Tara wash the highchair before placing it against the wall.

Then she walked back to the table and sat on the chair next to Psycho. He leaned over and kissed the top of her head.

She was a short woman however you can tell she is healthy and muscled. I looked over at the bar and had my bottle of beer halfway to my mouth when I saw it.

I turned and looked at her again. I know who she is. She is the woman's Karata champion and kickboxer. She is one tough cookie.

"I now know who you are and why you looked familiar. You fight by the name of "Black Widow." my members love you. In fact, they have your picture of the bar in our club."

"We also have one of you dancing."

"Why have you stopped dancing? You are really good."

"I have my reasons. I have not really danced professionally for five years."

"They especially like watching you belly dance to "Wipe Out."

I looked at Devil across the table. "Glad they enjoy watching the video."

I looked up at Donna, Sara, Revenge, and Renegade walked in the door and over to the table. They pulled the girls onto their lap.

Psycho introduced Devil to them. We girls looked over as we heard yelling. I noticed that whore arguing with one of the new ones.

The whore, Katrina told the new one if she wanted to get slapped down try it. Because I would beat her to the ground.

I looked away and saw Psycho and the others grinning. "You want to see a fight you are about to see a whore get her ass handed to her, Devil."

The whore walked over to the table and stood next to Psycho. Then she looked at me grinning. "I think I will be taking your place in bed with psycho tonight bitch."

I looked over grinning at her. "No, you won't. Even if I am not here you won't be sleeping in our bed."

"You do not talk to me that way she said."

I stood up and looked up at her. "I can talk to you and anyone else anyway that I want to. I am second in command, his wife, and mother of his daughter."

"She brought her arm up and just as she swung at me I grabbed her wrist twisting it and threw her to the floor."

"Is that all you have? You are a weak pathetic whore."

I brought my foot up kicking her in her side. I stomped on her stomach and then kicked her in the face.

"Do not ever come over to this table again. The next time you disrespect me, I will kick your teeth down your throat. Now crawl back to the whores table."

She started to stand up and I kicked her again. "I said crawl back to the table."

We watched as she crawled to her table. I sat down and drank my coffee. I looked across the table at her. She is strong and she doesn't take shit from anyone.

"Devil, I told you she was not to be messed with. She has to put every new whore in their place."

I looked at the clock and walked to the kitchen to get Angel a glass of milk and a snack before her bedtime. When she finished I wiped her hands and lifted her out of the high chair.

I cleaned the high chair and took Angel from Psycho. I carried her down the hallway to our bedroom. I gave her a bath, dressed her, and put her in her crib.

I took a shower and put on shorts a t-shirt and climbed into our bed turning the TV on. I fell asleep before Psycho came to bed.

I woke up wrapped in Psycho's arms. I stretched and before I knew it we were making love. We took a shower dressed and then went and dressed Angel Marie.

"I have that meeting after breakfast. I will let you know what the punishment will be for that prospect that touched Mary. Then you can decide what the punishment should be for the whore."

"I kissed Psycho and we walked out of our bedroom with Psycho carrying Angel and we walked down to the kitchen."

"Devil went back to his club. He asked if we would visit the club this afternoon for the cookout they are having to meet them."

"Who will watch Angel for us?"

"The members will. We won't be staying late. We should be back home around 6 tonight."

"Alright. I am ok with that."

Psycho, myself, Revenge, Sara, Renegade, and Donna will leave at 10:00 am. After the meeting regarding the prospect.

After eating Angel, the girls, and I walked out and sat on the porch. I put Angel in the playpen with some toys.

We waited for the men to come out and meet us. I looked up to see Preacher walk over to the playpen. "It is my lucky day. Angel, we get to spend it together."

We arrived at Devils clubhouse and once Psycho lifted me from his bike we heard whistles. "That is enough you all know better than that."

"But it's her. "Black Widow."

"Yes, it is and she is Psycho's wife."

"Besides she can kick the shit out of all of you."

"Come on in, I told them."

Once inside the bar we walked over to the VIP table and sat down. I passed a member who was staring with his mouth open and he dropped his bottle of beer.

"It can't be her. He told the member standing next to him."

They looked at me and then the picture handing over the bar. "It sure as hell does look like her."

The bar filled and Devil stood up. "This is Psycho, and his wife, Tara. Yes, she is the "Black Widow." So stop guessing. This is his VP, Revenge and his woman Sara, and this is his third in command, Renegade and his woman Donna."

"We will be visiting each others clubs and attending activities with each other. We are now allies with each other."

"Now that introductions are over we will go out back and enjoy our cookout."

We walked out the back door and followed Devil and his VP, cutter, and his third in command, Socket. Devil stood up. "I forget to mention something. The first who that tries any shit with Psycho, Renegade, or Revenge expect to get your asses kicked."

"These women do not take it kindly when anyone messes with their man. And I won't interfere."

We followed Devil to the food table where we filled our plates and grabbed a beer then walked back to our table. As we sat eating we talked about what we do in our clubhouse.

"I don't have a woman yet, but I hope she and you girls will be friends when I find her."

"We would like that, Devil."

"My sister she is acting like my second in command until I find my woman."

"There she is now. I looked up to see Elizabeth."

"You, fucking bitch."

We stood facing each other and then we started fighting. All in fun. I had her down on the ground fast.

I helped her up and we laughed. "Where the hell have you been Tara?"

"Long story. I will tell you later."

"I take it you two know each other?"

"Of course we do. Devil, Tara is the woman I was telling you about. I told you I was surprised she went into fighting. We lived together for awhile. Even worked together until she disappeared."

I looked at Tara and noticed the changes in her. "Son of a bitch."

"You have gotten colder Tara. I don't like it."

We sat down and I introduced Elizabeth to everyone. "I am going to get another beer do you want one, Psycho?"

"Yes, please."

I walked over to the cooler and bent down to get the beer. My shirt slide up my back. I gasped when I saw the scars on Tara's back. Everyone at the table saw them.

"What the hell happend to your wife, Psycho?"

"Its a long story."

"A story I intend on finding out about, Elizabeth said."

"So, Psycho has she told you what happened to her?"

"She did, but it is not my story to tell."

"I know she has one more man to find. When she finds him he is a dead man. It is her right."

"So for now, lets leave it for another day."

After we all ate, the teenage boys asked if the guys wanted to play football. We watched as they walked out onto the field.

One of the Valkaries walked over laughing. "Looks like you scared the shit out of the whores. Especially that one standing watching."

"She told them she would have Psycho between her legs before the night was over. That is until you and Elizabeth started fighting."

We turned and watched as Psycho and the boys walked over to us. They handed us their cuts and shirts and Psycho leaned down and kissed me before walking back onto the field.

I turned to see Elizabeth glaring at me. "Not here, Elizabeth. I know you saw the scars."

"I did."

"I will come over to the Psycho's club tomarrow and you will tell me everything."

"I will tell you."


We laughed as the teen boys tackled the men and they laughed. They were having fun. We talked to the Valkerie and one of them named Betty looked at Elizabeth.

"Tara is the girl you wanted Devil to find isn't she?"

"Yes, she is. He didn't do it. So he lost out."

"Wait. You wanted me and your brother to get together."

"Of course, I did. Next to Psycho you and Devil would be a good match. You would have put him in his place on more than one occassion."

"They are going to the boxing ring. We need to go over there."

We were standing around watching when a prospect looked at me. "I can kick your ass."

Psycho looked at me. "Go for it baby. Show them all what you are made of."

"You are on shit head."

"Come with me, Tara. I have just the thing for you to wear."

I put on shorts and cut off shirt before Elizabeth and walked out of her room. Wait, she grabbed her boxing gloves and then we walked to the ring.

You could see lust in most of their eyes. After jumping into the ring Elizabeth put the gloves on me. I looked at the prospect. "Get ready to have your ass handed to you."

I knocked him out within three rounds. "Someone take a picture of this. I stood with my foot on his chest."

"That is going behind the bar on the wall. To remind him he is not all that. Devil said laughing."

I followed Elizabeth to her room, took a shower and put my clothes back on. I stepped out of the bathroom and we walked back down stairs.

I passed the prospect who was now holding an ice pack over his eye. "How the fuck can a 5 foot, 100 pound woman kick the shit out of me?"

I literally got my ass handed to me. That is embarrasing. "Dumb ass she is a professional kick boxer. She has been training since she could walk."

"Psycho is one lucky man."

"Yes, he is."

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