My Eternal Mate

Chapter Chapter Twenty Nine


I must have cried for a good fifteen minutes, not seeming to calm down. My wolf wasn't helping either, she was in a worse state than I. I had to comfort her, to assure her that she couldn't have done anything else to help our mate.

Drowsiness was slowly starting to engulf me, but I refused to let sleep take over, not until I made sure Alexander was really okay. My head rested on top of his hand that I had a tight grip on, with my eyes fixated on his face. Despite the condition he was in, he appeared breathtaking.

I turned my head in to the bed, whimpering as newly formed tears escaped my eyes, crying in to his hand. I was sobbing quietly, praying that Alexander woke up soon, when I felt his fingers twitch in my hand.

My brows furrowed at the sudden muscle spasm of his hand, almost as if I had imagined it, when I felt a hand on my head, stroking my hair gently.

Gasping lowly, I raised my head to glance at my mate, my eyes widening when I locked gaze with his blue ones staring back at me. His eyelids remained weak, but his eyes were open, making me exhale a shaky breath, realising he was okay. He really was okay.

"Hey," he muttered, his voice low and croaky, whilst his fingers brushed against my cheek, gently.

Hearing his voice made me weep immediately, probably throwing him off by my sudden action. I pulled myself up and hopped on the bed, cuddling in to him as I cried hysterically in to his side.

"Lyra," he said my name softly, holding me close to him. "Baby, it's alright."

I shook my head, crying. "I thought the worst. I wasn't sure if you would wake up. I was so scared."

"Shh," he cooed, before he kissed my forehead. "I am alright, aren't I?"

I lifted my head to examine him, swallowing the lump in my throat. His eye muscles seemed stronger now and his eyelids weren't as droopy, his eyes were bright and blue, a small smile tugged at his lips as he watched me search his face.

Except, I couldn't help but continue cry, grateful to know he was alright, after all. My wolf was whimpering, wanting to never leave his side again. She was ecstatic to know he really was okay, but had definitely become clingier.

"Oh, baby, come here," Alexander said, before he pulled me flush to him. "I promise you, I am perfectly fine, a little groggy that is all."

"The doctor said there was venom involved that's probably why," I croaked, sniffling loudly. "You told me I'd be safe at the undergrounds, you never listen to me."

Alexander inhaled sharply, making my head move with the movement of his chest. "You were right, I will admit," he agreed, his arm around me holding firmly to him. "I am glad that you are alright, Lyra. I lost complete control thinking that bastard had hurt you."

"He didn't, but you got hurt instead," I whimpered, feeling my voice break off as more tears accumulated in my eyes.

"Alright," Alexander murmured, his chin rested on top of my head. "Let's calm you down, hmm? I am perfectly alright, baby. Come on."

He held me for a good ten or fifteen minutes, whilst murmuring words of endearment in my ear. I wasn't sure where all my tears came from, but I didn't stop crying until the sun rose, brightness shining in to the room.

The doctor walked in just as my tears had dried, but I made no attempt to move from Alexander's side. The physician didn't mind me, instead, proceeded with a quick check up on my mate.

Once he was happy with the results, he told Alexander that he should take it slow for the next week or two, just until he settled back in. He also advised that food would help speed up the process to clear the venom, so I was going to ensure my mate was fed the second we reached home.

Most of the venom had exited his body, but there was still a small amount remaining which should be gone by end of the week.

Alexander was happy to know he could return home, since he would have left despite the doctor's recommendation. He was still a little groggy when we entered our house, so I had him lay on the sofa to rest up.

"How are everyone else?" Alexander asked, once he was settled on the sofa.

"Dyami told me everyone on our side were fine," I responded, briefly recalling what I remembered Dyami filling me in on the way when we had taken Alexander to the doctor. "All the wolves that attacked from their side are dead, though."

Mentioning the beta reminded me to let him know that Alexander was alright and had woken up, so I quickly mind-linked him. He replied immediately to let me know him and Zynthéa would be over soon.

Alexander nodded after I returned my focus back on him, his eyes had narrowed as he stared off in to the distance. "Hmm," he hummed. "I will have to call Jonathan."

"Not until the venom has cleared from your system," I ordered, frowning.

Alexander glanced at me before he chuckled softly, as if to let me know I was being dramatic, but I wouldn't let him exert himself. I trudged towards the kitchen to prepare breakfast for him.

"Yes, my Luna," he replied, a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes, glad to know he was already back to his usual self as I turned the kettle on whilst I popped bread in the toaster. I turned to the refrigerator to fetch the rest of the ingredients that I needed to make him egg and avocado on toast.

Other ingredients in the refrigerator tempted me to make an English breakfast, but Alexander probably needed food that was on the healthier side right now.

'You know, a cuddle would have the same effect as the food you are making,' Alexander teased, filling my head with his voice.

I closed the refrigerator door, a smile tugging on my lips, before I turned around to start making the desired breakfast. My wolf wanted to abandon the kitchen and comply with his words, but he needed food as per the doctor's recommendation, and since his health was my priority, that was exactly what I would be doing.

Around ten minutes later, his breakfast was ready so I served it on a plate and placed it on the side table near my mate, catching a glimpse of his intense eyes on me.

"Don't give me those eyes," I told him, nodding towards the food. "You have to eat."

Alexander glanced at the food briefly before his eyes landed on me again. Without warning, he tugged at my hand and pulled me on top of him, making me yelp in surprise.

"I much rather have you," he told me, huskily, his breath fanning my neck, before he peppered kisses along my shoulder blade up to the spot behind my ear. "I want to show how grateful I am to know that you are alright."

I pushed at his chest and pulled myself up, enough to glance down at him. "And I am just as grateful that you are okay," I told him, feeling warmth spread through me at how good it felt to have his eyes open and on me. "For now, you will eat. Everything else can wait."

I pushed myself up off of him, and leaped out of his grasp when he tried to reach for me again. Luckily, the doorbell rang before he could say or do anything else. I knew already that it was Dyami and Zynthéa, I could hear them.

"You will have to pay for that later," I heard him say after me as I strutted towards our front door, with my eyes rolling in the process.

There was a lot to discuss and talk about, but for now, knowing he was home and safe, meant everything to me. Alexander in an unconscious state had scared the living daylight out of my wolf and I, and we would never take his presence for granted again.

That was for sure, with that thought, I swung our front door open.

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