My Eternal Mate

Chapter Chapter Thirty


Dyami and Zynthéa embraced me immediately after I had opened the door, before they attended to Alexander. Luca was here too and had brought a bouquet of flowers to give to his uncle, settling on Alexander's lap as he did so.

"My little man," Alexander beamed at Luca when the pup gave him the flowers, after my mate had finished his breakfast.

I smiled adoringly, biting my lower lip as the thought of Alexander being a father crossed my mind. I wasn't sure where the thought came from, and it was very random, until I felt the slight movement in my lower abdomen, making me yelp in surprise.

At first, I thought it was just butterflies or maybe lack of sleep combined with hunger that caused a twist in my stomach, but then I felt another kick-like movement, I gasped lowly.

I didn't know what to think, until my mind immediately switched on to the fact that I had missed my period this month. Mentally, I began calculating the days since my last period to confirm that I was in fact late. I hadn't realised because of the chaos around us.

'Pup,' my wolf beamed, whistling loudly, making me narrow my eyes. If I had thought a missed period wasn't confirmation enough, my wolf's words definitely served as a complete shock.

Zynthéa noticed my reaction and raised a brow when her gaze met mine. We were stood by the kitchen island, with the men in the living room.

"What's wrong?" she asked, her eyes filled with concern, as she stole glances from me to the men, before her eyes settled back on me. "Is everything okay?"

Alexander must have heard her because his head snapped in my direction from the sofa, a frown covered his face as he eyed me.

'Baby, are you alright?' he asked, immediately, through the mind-link.

I swallowed loudly, frozen in place, not able to respond. I wanted to jump up and down in ecstasy, and run in to his arms to tell him, but I was too shocked to move. My wolf was going wild inside, with me trying to make sense of the shocked state that I was in.

We had lost a pup, and now we were expecting another. The timing to discover this wasn't the most ideal, but I didn't even care right now. My breath seemed stuck in my throat, and I could feel heat build up, making me tear up, without realising.

"Yeah, uhm," I quickly said, my voice low. "Give me a minute."

Without waiting for their response, I dodged from the kitchen and headed towards the stairs, not stopping until I reached mine and Alexander's bathroom.

In the bathroom cabinet, I fished for a pregnancy test, quickly using it as I waited impatiently for the results to appear. My heart was beating out of my chest, as I eyed the white stick, waiting for the small window to confirm what I already knew would be true.

My wolf had already confirmed it, but I was in too much of a shock to react without confirming it myself. Once the two lines appeared on the window to confirm that I was indeed pregnant, I exhaled a shaky breath, feeling my legs give away slightly. I held on to the black sink in the bathroom to steady myself as I inhaled a couple of deep breaths.

A pup. Alexander and I were given the blessing of another pup. I was extremely happy, but a bittersweet feeling coursed through me. This was what we both wanted, and I knew he would be ecstatic to hear the news. My heart felt really heavy, but so grateful.

I couldn’t help myself when tears accumulated in my eyes.

"Lyra?" I heard Alexander say, our bedroom door swinging open, before he rushed in to the bathroom. "Baby, what happened? Are you alright?"

I nodded as he approached me, his eyes scanning my face and my body, to check if I was alright. He walked towards me and snaked his arms around my waist, bringing me flush to him.

"I think I'm okay," I told him, my voice hardly above a whisper and that's when I realised I was really crying.

Alexander regarded me with curious eyes for a second before he spoke, "If you are alright, then why are you crying?"

I was about to respond to him when another kick-like feeling erupted through my abdomen, making me gasp lowly as my hands covered my stomach. "Oh, my God," I yelped, unbelievably, as my eyes widened.

Alexander's eyes searched mine, a puzzled look on his face. "Baby, you are starting to worry me. Are you sure you are alright?"

"Hold on," I urged, before I snatched out of his embrace and walked out of the bathroom, not stopping until I was in our closet, in front of the large mirror displayed.

Alexander, confused and quite concerned, appeared behind me. "Can you please tell me what the hell is happening. My wolf is going kind of crazy.”

Swallowing, I gulped loudly as I stared back at my reflection. My eyes travelled down to my waist, before my hand traced the outline of my stomach. There was nothing visible to the eye, and my stomach was quite flat. But now that my focus was fully on the pup, I could feel it inside of me. How I had missed it before, was beyond me.

My wolf was ecstatic, already acknowledging the pup. I was even surprised she had managed to communicate it to me, and I assumed it was because she recognised it from last time.

My eyes met with Alexander's in the reflection, as the thought of the last time crossed my mind, causing for more tears to trail down my cheek. His eyes narrowed, whilst his brow raised questioningly. It must have taken him a second, before his eyes widened and his muscles tensed in place.

I hadn't uttered a word, and I wasn't sure if he got the message, but eventually, after his initial shock, he trudged towards me and wrapped his arms around my waist from behind, tightly.

His head settled in the crook of my neck, where he peppered a couple of kisses on my mark. "My baby," he murmured, his teeth grazing down on my skin, making me whimper against him. "A pup? Our pup? Are you serious?”

When I heard the tone of his voice, I instantly turned in his arms, only to find his eyes slightly darker with a red rim to them. His glistening eyes told me he was just as emotional as I was, and I couldn't help when I buried my face in his chest and sobbed loudly. It was a happy and grateful cry.

Pulling back after I had calmed down, I asked, curiously, "I can’t believe it. How did you know?”

"Your wolf told mine," he explained, dipping his head down to place a lingering kiss on my temple, before he embraced me again. "I can only say that our bond has strengthened."

"I don't know what to say," I said in to his chest, my words muffled. "We are going to have a pup."

Alexander chuckled softly, pulling back to glance down at me. “You are perfect,” he beamed, brushing the back of his index down my cheek, as he eyed me. “This time, I will protect you and the pup. I promise you, Lyra. Nothing will happen to you both.”

I sniffled and nodded, feeling more tears pool in my eyes. When Alexander dipped his head and pressed his lips against mine, I chuckled softly against his lips as my eyes closed and tears spilled down my cheeks.

His hands trailed behind my legs and he pulled me up to him, my legs straddling his waist as the kiss intensified. I was well aware that our family were only down the stairs, but I didn’t care right now since this was a moment for Alexander and I. After what we had been through, we definitely deserved the good news.

“I love you,” he murmured against my lips. “Forever.”

I smiled against his lips. “I love you, Alexander.”

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