My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 15


“Is that even possible?” I questioned Alec and Insuvai. Everyone became quiet and there were many gasps heard among the crowd. “Sadly, it is. Only because we have not mated. If she wins, the mate bond between us will change.” Alec said as his face was contorted with anger. “Stupid bitch,” Insuvai muttered crossing her arm. “Leah,” Alec called my name. “Yes,” I replied looking back at him. “Do me a favor. Kick her fucking ass.” He said crossing his arms and his wolf eyes appeared. I grinned and looked at the women who challenged me. She had red straight hair, blue eyes, and a crooked nose. She walked forward to me and we both grinned at each other. My wolf because very viscous due to the fact of someone challenging me. “Anna, what in the bloody hell are you doing!” The same red haired women, that I saw earlier today when we had crashed, come out from the crowd. They looked similar, so I assume they were sisters. “I’m challenging a bitch,” Anna said and glared at me. “And I accept,” I replied and many more gasp was heard.

We walked over to a grassy clearing and everyone crowded us. I looked over at Alpha Deniero and he didn’t have a pleased look on his face. When I looked at the women again she had charged at me. She tried to punch my face but I stepped to the side. I watched her formation and everything she did; I was gathering information about my opponent. She made it so easy. She charged at me two more times, I sidestepped her and she fell to the ground on the last room. A couple chuckles were heard from the crowd. She stood up and marched in my direction looking pissed. I flashed my rare red eyes in her direction. She stopped, only a foot away, in her tracks. Her eyes widened, and I punched her square in the nose and she stumbled back. She bent over for a short time and I kneed her in the face. I looked around at the crowd and everyone had shocked looks on their faces. I heard whispering among the crowd talking about my wolf’s eye color. It is unheard of that shifter’s have red eyes. I growled at the women and my claws extracted. I was at a half phase, and that earned another shocked gasp from the crowd. I swiped my claws at her face and continued to punch her. I tackled her to the ground and unleashed hell on her. Blood poured from her nose, and the cuts on her face bled. My fight ended when Alpha Deniero yelled, “THAT’S ENOUGH!” I stood up and walked over to Alec.

I noticed how everyone backed away from me as I walked. “Kyle, take Anna to the cells. I find it very disrespectful to challenge a Luna who deserves her position.” Alpha Deniero said. “What please Alpha no! She’s my sister.” The girl with red hair begged. “Quiet, Rose. Anna needs to know her position.” Alpha Deniero responded and she went quiet.

Everyone went back to the cookout as if nothing ever happened. I would have thought nothing happened at all, but I could see the look in everyone’s eyes. They feared Alec and me, even though they had no reason too. I wandered off into the woods wanting to escape everyone who probably thought I was a monster. All I doing was defending my position, how could that be wrong? I did not want to frighten anyone. I stopped when I heard a stick crack. I turned around only to meet Alec’s wolf eyes. “Why did you follow me,” I said in a sad tone. “Why are you sad?” He asked. “Nothing,” I replied. “Don’t lie.” He growled out. “Fine then. I just don’t want people to fear me. You should have seen the way they look at me. The way they look at us.” I said and sighed. “Don’t worry about them.” He simply said.

“It is hard not too.”

“You could say over the years I got used to the rumors. I can’t get used to something I can’t see. But trust me you’ll do fine. There are benefits of being the most feared.” He said. I scoffed, “Like what.” He slowly walked closer to me. “Anna and no other women will mess with you.” He said. “I suppose.” Was all I said. “Now come, the fun has just begun. The cookout isn’t over.” We both walked back to the cookout and enjoyed ourselves.

“Where is Deniero?” Alec asked me. I scanned the area for him, but I couldn’t find him. “I don’t know I can’t find him or Insuvai. How strange.” I said. “Oh well.” He said. I was going to continue my conversation, but I noticed a little boy crying. “Alec, I will be right back.” I headed toward the little boy. He looked at me and started to move backward in fear. “It’s okay, I’m not going to hurt you,” I told him softly but he still whimpered. I noticed with every step I moved he would move back, but good feet of distance between us. I gave up trying to get closer to him. “What’s wrong?” I asked the boy. “No one will play with me because my parents are dead.” He said. “I’ll play with you. If you want.” I said and his eyes got really big. “Really!?” He squealed and ran up to me. “Tag your it!” He screamed and ran off. I chased him, and when I caught him the roles reversed. After a couple turns a kid asked to play. “Sure!” The little boy seemed excited. We played a little bit more and a couple more kids asked to join. Soon it was a game with all the younger kids. I played for thirty more minutes before I ended up quitting, besides all the kids continued playing.

I walked over to Alec, who was standing against the walls of the house and drinking a beer. “Hey, stranger.” I teased. “Whatever.” He said nonchalantly but returned my grin. “How long are we going to stay?” I asked Alec. He shrugged his shoulders and sipped his drink, “I was thinking maybe we coul-” A sharp scream was heard and then multiple screams followed.

It made my blood turn cold, my wolf’s red eyes came out to play. I was ready for whatever danger opposed. Alec’s face turned cold and he scanned the area with his wolf eyes. Many women and children were running inside the pack house. Seven rogues came out from the forest and attacked the remaining wolves from Deniero’s pack. I shifted into my wolf-like many of the other warriors.

One wolf was about to pounce on a little kid right in front of me. As the wolf leaped in the air, I tackled it to the ground. I bet the wolf’s neck, but he bucked me off. I landed on my feet and we both charged at each other. Our wolves collided with each other, but I had more of an advantage due to my skills. I landed on top of him when we feel to the ground, and I clamped my jaw shut around his neck. He struggled to get me off, but I looked my jaw and ripped my head from side to side. He died. A smaller female wolf tackled me to the ground. She had pain in her eyes as she looked at the dead male wolf. Judging by the sadness in her eyes, I probably killed her mate. She swiped her claws at my face. Blood poured from my wolf’s head, and I let out a big growl. I was going to charge at her, but Alec came up from behind her, grabbed her open mouth. He pulled her jaw apart and snapped her neck while he was still in his human form. “Bitch.” I heard him mutter. I looked around and all the seven wolves were killed.

“Is everyone okay?” Alpha Deniero came out of the pack house with Insuvai following him. “Alpha there’s more.” One of the pack warriors said, but before he could do another thing a rogue attacked him. The rogue comes up from behind him and bit his head straight off his human body. “No!” The Alpha yelled in anger and shifted. He attacked the rogue and ripped him apart showing no mercy. Then twenty more rogues came from the clearing.

The fighting began. I knew I had to be careful because rogues were known to be quite feral. Alec had already killed two wolves, while I was working on my first wolf. When I killed her, I saw a wolf about to jump on Alec from behind. I quickly ran and bulldozed the wolf to the ground. He growled at me and jumped on me. He bit into my leg and ripped out a small chunk. I was about to go for his neck, but he was ripped off me by Alec. The wolf charged at Alec, and Alec put his arm in front of his face. The wolf latched on to his arm. Alec raised his arm up and jammed his hand, with extended claws, into the wolf’s side. My wolf stared in horror as Alec’s hand went inside the wolf’s body. There was a sickening snapping sound, and Alec had a rib, that belonged to the wolf, in his hand. Alec took the wolf’s own rib and stabbed him in the neck. The wolf whimpered and cried in pain, slowly bleeding out.

“Leah looketh out!” Insuvai shouted. It was too late because two wolves attacked me from the side. I stood my ground and fought the wolves. The grey wolf clawed my side, and the brown one jumped on my back. I bucked the wolf off my back and charged at the one that clawed my side. I bit into the leg of the wolf, and another wolf came and finished it off. He was a warrior from Deniero’s pack.

I looked at the forest lining and thirty more rouges appeared from the lines. I was about to charge and fight one of them, but all the rogues were magically raised in the air. I looked at Insuvai, she had her hands raised in the air. She interlocked her fingers as if holding her own hand. Then she quickly pulled away from her interlocked hands in a very fast motion. I watched as the limbs of the rogues were gruesomely ripped off their body. They fell to the ground, dead.

She had a fierce murdering look on her face. Insuvai’s face then twisted into anguish and guilt. She turned her back toward as without a word and walked to the house. She lifted herself up to the roof on the big pack house, where she wanted to be alone. The pack members looked at her confused, but I knew what she was doing. Most of the wolves shifted into their human forms, completely naked. They went behind trees and pull out clothes for them to put on. One lady hands me a dress to put on and I gladly accept it. With the cloth in my mouth, I run over the lining of the forest and change behind a tree. I walked out into the clearing.

“There you are.” Alec used his wolf eyes to walk over to me. “Where did Insuvai go?” Alpha Deniero approached me and asked worriedly. “Up on the roof,” I said hoping he wouldn’t ask any more questions.

“Why?” I was wrong.

“One thing about Insuvai is she hates taking lives away. No matter if innocent or not.” I decided to tell him the truth.

“She wants to be alone,” I told him.

“Can you talk to her, maybe to get her down. I want to see her.” He sounded desperate.

“Fine. Give her an hour first.” I said.

After an hour passed Alpha Deniero wasted no time on finding me, and led me to the attic. Is was cold and dusty. This place sent shivers down my shine. “Is this the part where you kill me?” I was trying to be funny. He chuckled, “No, any family is Insuvai’s is my family as well.” He said. I gasped and told him to keep it on the down low. After all, there were many wolves, including Alec. “She told you!” I was shocked, how could she. That is secret information that no one is supposed to share. “Don’t worry. Your secrets are safe with me. Anyway, that ladder leads to the roof.” He pointed at across the room at a rusty metal ladder. “Thank you.” I told him. “Anytime. I’ll give you some privacy now.” He said and left. I took a deep breath and made my way up the ladder.


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