My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 14


I expected to feel pain but I felt nothing. I opened my eyes and realized that Insuvai and Alec were gone. I was stuck and I couldn’t get out of this dreaded plane. I looked around me and most of the people where dead. I saw the mom with the little boy on the aisle beside me, and a tear slipped down my face as I looked at their dead bodies. I unbuckled my seat belt and surprisingly walked with ease. I expected some form of pain, after all, I did survive a plane crash.

I jumped out of the plane that was torn in half. I heard many sounds of crying and grieving. Some survivors were hugging their loved ones, but most of them were weeping hysterically and begging for gods help. I looked at everyone slowly. Then there was that white little boy with brown eyes. He sat down motionless and stared into space. Tears streamed down his face. That was impossible because I saw him, he was dead. “Hey!” I called out to him. I walked in front of him and kneeled down. “What is going on?” I said out loud. I was so confused at everything because nothing made sense. He stared at me with his brown eyes, “Don’t you get it?” He asked.

“No what is this? I saw your body.” I gulped.

“I’m supernatural, my sister wasn’t.” He said explaining who the women were. I started putting it together.

“No,” I whispered. “Am I dead?” I asked and it seemed to echo throughout us. “We are dead. This is the other side for the supernatural.” He stated. I couldn’t accept this, it was not supposed to happen this way. I was shaking at this point. I looked at myself. I was covered in blood, and I had visible wounds, but they didn’t hurt like they were supposed to. I looked around started to slowly panic. I saw Insuvai and Alec sitting down on the ground a couple feet away. They both were covered in blood. I walked over to them, stepping over a dead body in the process.

My walk seemed to last forever, and my feet seemed to drag in the dirt with every step I took. I stopped when I noticed Alec’s body shake. I assumed he was crying, and I believe Insuvai was as well because her back shook. I heard heavy heaves and whimpering sounds. I continued walking to see what they were crying about. My body was on the grass, and there was blood everywhere.

I crouched down on the dead grass between Alec and Insuvai, and I just stared at my lifeless body. “I’m sorry about you leaving your mate behind.” The little boy said from behind me. I looked back at the boy who had blood in his hair and on his forehead. Tears streamed down my face, but when the tears fell off my face they evaporated into the air before it even touched the ground.

“I hath tried Leah, I understand not why it did not work,” Insuvai said to my dead body.

"Do something!" Alec growled to Insuvai.

“I’m trying! I already opened up the portal from the other side for all supernatural forms that died near me. As long as the wounds aren’t serious, she can come back.” Insuvai yelled back.

“You can still go back.” The boy said.

“Who are you?” I asked the boy.

“The little boy you tried saving, now I want to save you.” He said and I started fully crying now.

“I’m sorry I couldn’t save you,” I said and the boy hugged me tightly.

“You did. Thanks to what you did I didn’t have severe wounds. I had the choice to go back, as you do now. I have no one left. So I didn’t want to go.” He said.

“How do I go back?” I asked. “Thank you for saving my life.” He said and pushed me to the ground. I landed on my own dead body, and I felt like I was being sucked into a black hole.

All the air rushed into my body. I awoke with a gasp. I sat up and held my sore stomach. All the pain hurting me at once was unbearable. Insuvai eyes widened beyond belief. I saw Alec and the tears stopped rolling down both of their faces. Seeing them eased my pain slightly. “Leah?” Alec asks and hugs me tightly. “Why did you move,” Insuvai demands. I didn’t speak because I was in shock. “Why did you try to saveth those folks?” She asks. “Save who?” Alec butts in. “A little boy and his sister,” I said. “You almost died because of those folk.” Insuvai states. “Don’t you dare say that. I am here because of that boy.” I told them. I tried to stand by I stumbled, but Alec caught me. “You need to rest. You basically died.” He whispered and sat me down. I was too exhausted to fight back with him. “Where are we?” I asked. “A rescueth team is coming to receiveth us,” Insuvai answered. “The company will be owing to the survivors’ money for all this fucking shit.” Alec angrily said. “Now I can receiveth yond new crystal ball.” Insuvai happily stated. I chuckled a little, “Really? A crystal ball.” I said.

“Judgeth not me, it has magical properties.”

Alec rolled his eyes. “This is really sad.” I looked around at everyone. “Don’t be so fucking sentimental,” Alec complained. “It’s hard not too when people have died and lives have been ruined. Families destroyed.” I said. “Showeth some respect.” Insuvai agreed. “What the fuck ever.” He growled. Alec stormed off away from us and sat down on the ground. “Are you well?” Insuvai asked. I simply nodded my head. “What do you mean thee are here because of that lad?” She asked.

“It’s a long story,” I said.

“We have all the timeth in the world.”

“I’d rather not say,” I told Insuvai, and she let it go. I looked around to see the little boy again. I sighed in defeat when I couldn’t see him. “Who are you looking for?” Insuvai asked. “No one,” I replied. I looked around the forest and observed all the wildlife. Insuvai, Alec and I had walked a long ways away from everyone. We wanted our privacy. For now, we were laying on the ground until help arrived.

A growl echoed through the forest. “What was that?” Insuvai stood up and stared at the forest. “It sounded like a wolf, like us,” I answered. “It’s a wolf followed by a pack, the pack is a couple miles away. I can hear the thundering of paws.” Alec said. I was amazed because I didn’t hear anything yet, except for the growl. “How can you hear that because I don’t,” I asked.

“It’s called training your ears.” He emotionlessly said.

A gray wolf comes out the clearing and shifted. He had clothes in his mouth. “Is it actually you? The one and only Alpha Alec Knine.” He bowed his head at Alec for respect. I was puzzled, we were a long ways away from home. Then again, I guess the name Alec Knine would be known around the world by all shifters. “Greetings,” Alec said. “I am Beta Zain Mercali of the Deniero Pack. My Alpha will be here soon to welcome you.” Zain said nicely. “Luna Knine.” He bowed respectfully at me and I blushed. Insuvai glared at me. “Hello, ma’am. What are you called?” He asked Insuvai. “They call me Insuvai. Although thee may not knoweth me.” Insuvai answered. The man’s eyes widened. “The original witch,” Zain said. “I supposeth thee doth knoweth me then. After all, it wasn’t too longeth ago, I help your packeth.” Insuvai stated. “I remember, you also helped us in the medieval times. It’s in our history books, and we have a statue of you.” Zain said completely amazed that he was meeting Insuvai. Insuvai blushed fiercely, and they continued their conversation. I looked over at Alec and he was sitting on the ground motionlessly. I sat beside him, “Hey.”

“You almost scared me.” Was all he said. “I’m sorry.” I was happy that he showed he was starting to care about me. “You need to stay alive, you can not die or I won’t be able to get my eyesight.” Replied. I sighed in defeat and stood up. “They are here,” Zain said. A group of wolves shifted into their human forms and got dressed. There was one strong girl that had red hair and she warmly smiled at me and the rest were strong looking males. They must all be warriors due to their muscle tone. A strong male with black hair walked forward. He had big muscles but they were not as big as Alec’s. “Good evening, I am Alpha Deniero, I represent Pack Deniero. I have come to offer you a place to stay until you guys get back on your feet. My scouts had reported the plane crash, and I understand the pain you all must be feeling.” The alpha kindly said. “Thank you for your kindness Alpha Deniero,” Alec said. “Don’t mention it. Any members of the Knine Pack is welcomed here, let alone the Alpha himself.” He beamed at Alec, “It is a pleasure to finally meet you Alpha Knine. Luna Knine.” He acknowledges my presence as well. “What is your name?” Alpha Deniero asked Insuvai. “I am Insuvai.” She said. His eyes slightly widened. “You helped my father seven years ago. He’ll be happy to see you.” I zoned out on their conversation. We waited for an SUV to arrive since Insuvai couldn’t shift.

Alec, Insuvai, and I were in the SUV with Zain and a couple wolves. Most of the shifters were running alongside the vehicle. The pack land was a very decent size. The land compact was busy with wolves running through the forest. When we arrived at the packed house, there was a big crowd. “You’ll have to excuse them. Alpha Knine is a really big legend, they are excited to see him for the first time.” Zain said to me. One of the shifters in the car opened the door for us to get out. The conversation stopped and all eyes were on Alec and I. There were gasps and whispers from the crowd. Many people were pointing to the scars on his face. Alec growled lowly and everything went quiet again. “Everyone show respect.” Alpha Deniero said. The crowd then bowed their head toward Alec and Alpha Deniero. “Come. Let me show you your rooms.” Alpha Deniero said. As the crowd parted we walked forward to the huge white house. Before I could move another step, Alec grabbed my hand and walked with me. I reminded myself that it was only because he couldn’t see. We walked through the living room and up the wooden stairs. Pictures of children and decorations hanged on the red painted walls. “This is very quite quaint,” Insuvai told the Alpha. “Thank you. My grandparents built it. There is an indoor swimming pool, a gaming room, and a personal movie room downstairs.” The Alpha replied. Insuvai and the Alpha continued to talk. I zoned out and focused on Alec. “What? I can feel your stares.” He said. “You look good today,” I said. “Thanks.” He pushed out. “Do they have a mate?” Insuvai’s question toward the Alpha spiked my interest. “I did once. She rejected me and said she couldn’t be with an Alpha. She ran off, I tried following her but rouges killed her.” There was great sorrow in Alpha Deniero’s eyes. “Awe, I’m sorry.” Insuvai consoled Alpha Deniero and engulfed him in a hug. His back was faced toward me and I gave Insuvai a weird look. She put her finger to her lips, telling me to be quiet. After the weird hug, Deniero showed us to our rooms.

Alec and I had to share a room and Insuvai was across from us. The room was decorated as a light blue. The light blue silk blankets were soft, and the pillows felt like clouds. The floor was made of a soft carpet and the wall paint was navy blue. We even had our own bathroom, which looked like someone cleaned it every day. Insuvai busted into our room and stopped me from admiring it. “Have you felt the beds?” She asked. “It is incredible.” She continued and jumped on my bed. “Get out!” Alec raged. “Maketh me.” Insuvai tempted. Alec grabbed her by the arm and tried to drag her out the room. Insuvai held up her hand and Alec fell to the ground. He was grabbing his ears and hissing in pain. “Stop. That’s enough.” I yelled. Insuvai walked toward the door, “Logan wanteth us.” She said and walked down the hall. “Who is Logan?” I called down the hallway. “Alpha Deniero!” She yelled back.

We made our way down the hallway and out of the house. “I’m sorry about Insuvai,” I told Alec. “Shut up.” He said. In the backyard, there was a barbecue going on in full motion. All you could smell was chicken, steak, and lots of barbecues. There were kids running and playing in a pool. Parents were drinking and talking amongst each other. The elderly were cooing over all the children, and watching over the young. Everyone was very nice to each other, it felt like a big family- which is what a pack should be. Judging by the way everyone acted it seemed like they were all very close. “Hey, I thought you’d like to join the fun.” Alpha Deniero greeted us and handed us drinks. I had an actual normal conversation with Alec for a couple minutes but it was short lived.

“I, Annabelle Warren, Challenge the Luna of the Knine pack for her position.”


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