My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 13


The next morning Insuvai and I packed up our area. The tents were folded and put away. The fire went out since last night so we didn’t have to worry about it. Alec put his sunglasses on, so he could change his eyes. “Are we ready?” I asked them. They nodded their head and we started traveling down the mountain again. It wasn’t going to be that hard, only time-consuming.

“So we are going to Alaska?” I questioned her for the millionth time, in a high pitch kid-like voice, to annoy her. When I was young I always was the one that asked the questions, and she would become so irritated. ”Marie, if you do not stop it, I shall turn you into a toad.” She threatened. I put on an innocence kid face as I use to when I was younger. She rolled her eyes. Alec had a questioning expression on his face. I assume he still thinks we know each other, and what he doesn’t know won’t kill him. We were almost near the bottom of the mountain.

Since it took most of the day to reach the bottom of the mountain, the sun was already starting to set. “Well shall go back to the hotel for now. Tomorrow I’ll get plane tickets for Alaska.” Alec said as we walked back to the hotel. My feet were killing at this time. “So where is this place at on Alaska,” I asked Insuvai. “Thou art going to hate me, but it is on Mount Denali.” She answered. I groaned. “What is up with witches and mountains,” I asked. She shrugged her shoulders, “What is up with wolves and mates.”

“This is going to be a long journey,” I said.

When we got back to the hotel, we were all very hungry. “Would you guys liketh for me to receiveth food?” She asked. I nodded hungrily, but Alec didn’t. “Yes, he would,” I answered for him. He growled at me, but I ignored it. Insuvai glanced at me but soon left. “I’m not eating.” He was being stubborn. “You say that all the time, but really, you’re very hungry. So stop it.” I said. He growled more, “Really you want to tell me to stop. When all your fucking doing is leading me on some adventure and hanging out with some lame ass witch.” He slammed his hand down on the table and stalked closer to me.

“Really. Really! I’m leading you on? And that witch is the second most powerful witch on the world. She could easily kill you.” I angrily said.

He smirked, “See how would you know that.” He thought he was on to something.

I simply crushed it, “Maybe because that is what we talked about. She will help us find the others, but don’t you mention it once to her. She doesn’t want to know why we are seeing the rest.” I told him. He growled but nodded, “I need to make a call to the Pack.” He walked out the door. I seized this opportunity as a good time to check my phone.

I called Alice, and she was relieved to hear my voice. “Hello?” Alice answered.

“Hey, it’s me, Leah. I can’t talk long though.” I said into the phone.

“Oh my gosh. I was starting to worry about you.” She sighed in relief.

“You don’t need to. Everything is fine and going well.”

“Are you serious?” She asked.

“Yes, I assure you,” I replied.

“I can’t talk for long.”

“I know, Rem just got a call from Alec. I’m assuming he left to make the phone call.” Alice said.

We had a small conversation before I told her I had to go. I wanted to call my mom. We had a short conversation until the doorknob jiggled. I quickly ended the call without a word and turned my phone off. Alec walked in, “The pack is doing well.” I put my phone up. “That’s great,” I said. Insuvai came back with delicious food. Insuvai and I ate out in the open, but Alec ate in the bathroom by himself. After that eating, I curled up in the hotel bed. Insuvai was flipping through the hotel channels with excitement. Alec came out of the bathroom and crawled into bed with me. It was easier to fall asleep when Alec was by my side.


The next morning we packed up our suitcases and headed to the airport. No one said anything, but I was grateful it wasn’t an awkward kind of silence. Alec said we would be in first class, and I was thankful. When we got to the airport, Alec talked to the flight attendant who loaded our luggage in the plane. Soon all the passengers boarded the plane, starting with coach then first class.

“Ah, thee knoweth how longeth it has been since I hadst first class in a plane,” Insuvai said excitedly as she sat down.

“I love it,” I exclaimed.

“So Alec what doth you do?” Insuvai tried making a conversation with him.

“I am an alpha.” Was all he said.

I could tell that he did not want to talk much. “Well, how doth thee keepeth up with the finances of a pack. I at each moment wondered. Tis a very different world than the medieval and ancient times.” She still pushed forward for the conversation.

“I own a couple business corporations.” He keeps the conversation short and sweet.

“Oh very much, who kneweth you were business savvy at times.” She said. This is going to be a long plane ride.

It has been a very long time since we left the airport. I wondered when this thing would land soon. I already had fallen asleep and I wasn’t tired anymore. There wasn’t much to do to pass time, and I sighed as this was very boring. I observed the plane as an attempt to cure my boredom. The seats were a light green color, and I couldn’t begin to describe how amazing they felt. The floor was a nice red carpet like the color of wine. The walls were a shade of tan. One of the best things is that the lights weren’t too bright because I had a killer headache.

“How long is this plane ride?” I asked.

“Twenty-one hours,” Alec answered.

“What! I’m so bored.” I groaned out loud massaging my temples.

“It is only four o’clock,” Insuvai said.

“Excuse me sir, but you have to take off your sunglasses. It’s the policy of the plane.” A young flight attendant told Alec. The woman’s hand with long polished acrylic nails rested on Alec’s shoulder.

“Don’t touch me,” Alec said and moved her hand.

“Sir, if you don’t take off your sunglasses. You will be fined.” The woman was getting on my last nerve.

“Excuse me?” I said loudly causing her to focus on me. “How are you going to tell him he can’t have his glasses?” I said with a pissed tone.

“Ma’am, it’s our policy.” She said being snobbish while looking at her long nails.

“I want to talk to the flight attendant supervisor,” I said. She rolled her eyes, my wolf immediately growled at the disrespect. “I dare you to roll your eyes one more fucking time!” I yelled with my warrior tone. She jumped back and put her hands to her chest. At the commotion, a supervisor comes rushing to us.

“Is there a problem here?” The elder woman asked. “Yes, I would like to speak with you.” I got up out of my seat and walked with the woman, to a private space.

“What’s wrong?” The woman asked kindly.

“My husband is blind due to a machine accident. I will not go into details, but he does have damage to his eyes and around them. Having sunglasses hides that from others. He hates it when people stare. So how are they going to take that away?” I told the elder woman.

“I see. I will make sure the other flight attendants leave him be.”

“Thank you,” I told the kind woman.

I returned back to Alec and Insuvai, “All taken care of.” I said. Insuvai smirked, “You’re a keeper.” She said.

“I heard. Thank you.” Alec thanked me.

I patted his leg, “Anything for you.” I said.

I watched the blue sky out the windows. This was going to be a long plane ride and I was beyond bored. Flight attendants periodically offered beverages and food to all the passengers. They also offered some sort of entertainment like word searches and cross puzzles. Since I didn’t want to be bored I requested some. Time passed more quickly when I did fun activities. I saw the light blue sky turn dark blue, signaling it was night time.

Flight attendants passed out pillows, blankets, and sleeping masks. I gladly accepted the pillows and blankets. “Goodnight guys,” I told Insuvai and Alec. “Night,” Alec replied. I looked to see why Insuvai did not say anything. I laughed when I saw her snoring. I easily fell asleep, even if Insuvai was snoring.


I woke up before Insuvai and Alec. The sky was a light blue again. I laid up against the fuzzy soft seats. I hummed, and tapped my feet waiting for Alec and Insuvai to wake up. My wolf was beginning to become restless, which was strange. Usually my wolf only became restless when signs of danger appeared. I carefully eyed everyone on the plane in case of any suspicious activity. My wolf was now loudly whining and crying in my head. It became very painful to even think, and my head started pounding.

Everyone felt the plane shake, and Insuvai immediately woke up along with Alec. There were gasps and whispers among us. “What was that?” I asked. “Hopefully nothing,” Insuvai replied. I notice that Alec had gripped his armrest really hard. He was starting to panic. I put my hand over him, “Don’t worry everything will be fine.” He relaxed a little bit but he was still tensed. I could tell it was hard for him to cope because he could not see what was going on. The plane shakes again, this time more viscously. Everyone was started to get nervous.

“Attention! Ladies and Gentlemen, please do not freak out everything is fine. We just passed through-” The speaker cut off.

Many of the humans were overexaggerating, saying that we were going to die. “We will be fine,” I assured Alec and Insuvai. “Leah?” Insuvai sounded really nervous, “Look.” She pointed at the jet engine. It was on fire.

Insuvai calmly stared at it, and it went away. On the other side of the plane, loud crying and panic were heard caused by the humans. “Everyone calm down!” A flight attendant tried to calm everyone down, but there was no use. I looked on the other side, outside the plane, another jet engine caught on fire. I concentrated hard on the flame and closed my palm calmly. Soon the fire slowly disappeared. Everyone sighed in relief. I looked around, and most were crying. “This is a sign of god!” One lady shouted.

“What’s going on?” Alec worriedly asked.

I looked over to see Insuvai closing her eyes and whispering something. Then on our side of the plane, the engine exploded. The air masks deployed, I put Alec’s on first and buckled his seat belt. Insuvai already had hers on.

Before I put mine on I noticed a little boy crying. His mom seemed to be passed out in shock. The plane tilted sideways and most people fell to the ground. I quickly went to the seat where the boy and mother was. He stared at me with his big sad brown eyes. I put both of their air masks and seatbelts on as fast as I could, and he looked relieved. I sat in my seat and buckled up. I put on my air mask, and terror set into to me as our plane plummeted to the ground.


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