My Cruel Blind Alpha

Chapter 16


“Hey,” I spoke softly to Insuvai as I sat down beside her, on the shiny roof. “Hi.” She simply said. “Thee knoweth I liketh not killing,” Insuvai stated with misery in her eyes. “I know. I’m sorry.” I gave her a hug that she returned. “It was the only way.” She said. “What do you mean?” I asked. “There were many other wolves coming from the clearing. Thee and alec were doing fine.” She continues, “But Logan’s packeth was not. The rogues seemed to say away from you guys.” She said. “You did what you had to do,” I told Insuvai hoping to make her feel less guilty.

“I knoweth I just scorn it.” She was sad. “I know, I hate the way people looked at me after I fought Anna. They were fearful of me.” I said. “How doth thee bethink those gents art gonna feeleth about me? I just ripped limbs of the bodies of wolves, without even touching those folk.” Insuvai said in pain. We hugged each other in silence and looked out into the cloudy grey sky. The sun was going to set soon. Leaving a pink tint with the grey color. We sat there for a good ten minutes because it felt right, and that’s what we’d do when she comes to visit my pack, in my young childhood.

“I never was the one for violence.” Insuvai broke the silence. “Yeah.” I agreed. “Now your grandmother would killeth anyone without even blinking, Achira would doth the same.” She chuckled. “I am the black sheep,” Insuvai stated and looked at the ground. “She wouldn’t kill her mate.” I tried defending my grandmother to a degree.

“Sometimes I wondereth,” Insuvai replied. She looked to me, “She actually almost killed him, by accident of course. Luckily he’s still alive.” Insuvai laughed. “Where is grandpa anyway?” I asked. “The elder council took a trip to Switzerland, those agents wanted to establish peace because there was a war between packs,” Insuvai replied to my question. “War?” It wasn’t common for packs to fight. Which is why the war with the Knine Pack, of course, years ago, was such a big deal.

“Yeah, can thee believeth, it’s over a lady that isn’t even their mates,” Insuvai said followed by a chuckle. “Dumb bloody wolves.” I laughed when she said that.

“Speaking of that, Logan want’s to see you,” I told Insuvai and her face lit up. “What’s going on between you too?” I asked. She looked up innocently at me. “What do they mean?” She sweetly said.

“That’s how I know your hiding something.” I caught her red handed. “Ugh.” She groaned. “I’m just trying to useth a spell on him to easeth his bloody pain of his late mate. It takes a great while.” She said. “Nothing is going on. I just liketh not seeing people did hurt, you know that.” Insuvai said.

“Okay,” I said.

We both went down the sketchy ladder and left the attic. Insuvai went in a different direction, but I went to my a temporary room to find Alec. He was laying down on the bed. “Where were you?” He asked.

“I was trying to get Insuvai to come off the roof,” I said. “Oh.” He still played on the bed. “Why?” I asked. “Because I wanted to know where you were, got a problem with that.” He snapped.

“No,” I replied.

“I’m going to go call the pack.” He said and walked out slamming the door shut. I took this as a time to call the Rem and Alice, hopefully, my family as well.

“Hey,” I said as Rem answer the phone.

“Leah! Why haven’t you called sooner?” He asked.

“Well, Rem apart from getting attacked by vampires, rogues, and being on a plane that crashed to the ground. I’m doing great.” I wasn’t being sarcastic, I was just letting him now that I was busy. “See, you shouldn’t have gone.” He gritted out. “Are you okay?” He asked. “Yes. I almost died, but it’s cool. No biggie.” I laughed nervously.

“You almost died!” He yelled.

“It’s fine,” I said.

“It’s not fine. Well, will you be home- wait I have to go Alec is calling me.” Rem hung up. I tried to call Alice, but she didn’t answer. Instead, I called my mom and dad.

“Hello.” I heard my mom’s voice.

“Mom. I miss you.”

“I miss you more, Honey is everything okay? I haven’t heard from you in a while. I hope everything is going well with Alpha Knine.” My mom said.

“Yes. I have just been helping the pack out a lot.” I said, hoping she’d buy my words.

“I understand.” She said.

“Love you,” I told her.

Before she could answer me I turned off my phone because I heard footsteps in the hallway. I put away my phone just as Alec walked in the door. “Where are you talking to someone?” He asked. I froze up, “No.”

“Don’t Lie. I hear-” He was cut off by Alpha Deniero walking in. “Alpha Knine, can I speak to you for a second?” He asked Alec. Alec looked at me angrily, his face went neutral when he looked at Alpha Alec. “Of course.” He said and they both walked out of the room.

“Luna Knine, would you like something to eat or drink.” Hispanic women with dark hair and eyes appeared at the door.

“Please call me Leah. And yes I would.” I told her and followed her down to a kitchen. Even though I ate at the cookout, all the fighting made me hungry again. She was cooking up a dish with rice, chicken, and beans in it. I sat on a barstool and rested my forearms on the cold dark red countertops.

I eyed the kitchen and instantly fell in love. The cabinets, fridge, and stove were black. The wall had a pretty tan design, and the flooring had light tan tiling. There were more pictures hanging on the kitchen walls. Most of them were children or other designs for decoration. “Here you go.”

The Hispanic woman placed a big plate of food in front of me. “Woah. This is a lot. Thank you.” My stomach did growl, and I wasted no time digging in. She sat beside me and we ate together in peace. When I was done eating I washed off my plate and put in the dishwasher. I went back to the room Alec and I shared.

“Leah,” Alec said when I entered the room. “What.”

“We are going to stay for about a week. Logan asked for my help. Apparently, the rogue issue has been going on for a couple months. He also wanted us to call him Logan for now on.” Alec said. “Of course anything to help,” I said. “You’re not helping,” Alec told me.

“Huh?” I asked. “What do you mean?”

“You’re not fighting. You’re going to get hurt.” He said.

I growled. “I’m not going to get hurt!” I shouted. After all that the fights that he has seen me in, I feel like he should know that I can handle myself.

“This is not up for debate.” He growled out.

“Your right. Because I am helping, Alec.” I crossed my arms over my chest.

“No.” He simply said with no emotion. “You know. I would be starting to think that you care about me.” I said. He chuckled. “How many times do I have to tell you. I need you alive to get my eyesight. When I get my eyesight, I am done with you.” He menacingly said.

“Fuck you, Alec,” I said and walked to the door. He grabbed my arm and pulled me hard against his chest. He whispered in my ear, “No, but I’ll fuck you. If you want.” His voice sent a shiver down my spine. His hand caressed my back. I was so close to him, and his scent made me hypnotized.

I broke out of his hypnotizing scent when he slammed me to the wall. He urgently kissed me. Our lips moved in sync, and I felt the sparks ignite my skin. It felt perfect, it felt right. I suddenly forgot the argument and gave in to my desire. My hand cupped his face, as our tongues battled for dominance. Alec lifted my body with ease, and I wrapped my legs around his torso. He set me down gently on the bed and got on top of me. We continued to kiss with such haste. I craved his touch more than anything. He stopped and stroked my cheek. “I wish I could see you.” He whispered. “I know,” I said with guilt. “I’ll help you don’t worry. You are able to see them.” I said. “See who?” Alec asked. “Your pack,” I answered.

“I want to see you.” He kissed me softly. “How many pups do you want.” He asked and my face hardened.

“I don’t want pups,” I said sternly, even though I wanted a huge family.

“You’re my mate, you have too. I’m the Alpha and your the Luna. We must have heirs.” He seemed almost pleading. “I said no Alec,” I said again with the same stern tone.

“Your such a bitch.” He said and got off me. I sighed, as now the cold Alec appeared. At least I know he did care a little bit about me, he just cared for his eyesight more. I stood up from the bed.

“Alec?” I asked.

“What!” He snapped.

“If you were giving the choice. What would you rather have, your mate or eyesight? Whichever one you choose, the other will have to be gone.” I asked.

“I told you I’ll never want you. Sadly my wolf needs you. I want my eyesight, you could drop dead after I get my eyesight and I wouldn’t care. My wolf will get over it.” He cut me deep with his words.

“And here I was thinking you would change,” I said trying not to show my sadness to much.

“That makes you a fool.” He growled at me.

“I just want you to know that I am a fool in love. I don’t know why or how I could even love you. In the short time that we have known each other, you have pushed me away in every possible way. Maybe it is the mate bound. I don’t know why I feel like this.” I was confused by my feelings and emotions for him. I did know that I had feelings for him, or I wouldn’t have risked my life to go on this journey with him. I wouldn’t be willing to give up everything for him.

“You don’t love me. We don’t even know each other.” He said. His words made sense, but I couldn’t accept that.

“Name another girl that would give up their time to try and help you get what you want most,” I told him. “Tell me, Alec. What is love?” I asked.

He remained quiet. “Love is giving up everything you have to make someone else happy. Putting someone else’s needs above their own. I have risked my life. I almost died! I was almost raped. And all I’ve done is try to help you gain your eyesight. I get nothing in return. I am doing the most selfless act, just for you.” I agree with him.

He scoffed, “You act like your laying your life on the line!” He yelled. I groaned out in frustration, “That’s not the point!” I shouted and walked to the door.

He grabbed my head and slammed into the wall. I felt dizzy but I still stood my ground. His fist collided with my cheek. I stumbled a little but I wouldn’t let myself fall this time. Tears appeared in my eyes. Not only was the physical pain there, but also emotional. I swung my foot to hit him in the abdomen. He charged at me and grabbed me by the neck, then he slammed me into the hard wall. On instinct, I kneed him in the balls. He feels to the ground in extreme pain. I knew it was a low blow, but he has hit me many of times. I ran out the bedroom door and out of the house.

I ignored anyone that called my name. When I was out of the house I shifted into my wolf. I ran into the forest as fast as I could. When I was in the forest I didn’t stop running, and I didn’t look back. I don’t know how long I would be out here, all I knew was that I wasn’t coming back anytime soon.


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