My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 38: Approval

Seated at the dining table with a bowl of cereals in front of her, Lyra thinks about what happened the previous night. There are no regrets at all. Truth to be told she loved what he did to her. Gentle but not soft. He made her experience a whole new scale of feelings. Among them, true pleasure. But one thought still nags at her and that is, will he be expecting things from her.

"Are you doing okay over there?" Jaze's voice intercept her thoughts and captures her attention.

"Yeah, just thinking.” gives him a genuine smile.

"Regretting anything?"

Looking at him she sees nothing but care and honesty. He's asking for her sake and not for himself, which shouldn't surprise her by now since he has shown her nothing but care. Resting her head against his shoulder she takes a moment to gather the thoughts. "Only a fool would regret that." she starts and gets a light chuckle from Jaze. "I guess habit made me wonder if you will expect more from me now and next thought in line was what it makes us.” she answers honestly.

"I'm not expecting anything and we are whatever you want. If you want it to be a one-time thing it's okay. It doesn't make you a whore or cheap. Okay?" He looks directly into her eyes and she looks back.

"Thank you. I really needed last night and I need this." points between them. "Are you sure I'm not being selfish?"

"You are my mousey. The little scared girl I found in the woods and guess what, you will remain that no matter how many times you ask me to fuck you. So what if you are selfish? I'm not going to stop acting like a big brother or stop caring. Hell! Be as selfish as you wish."

"Amen to that.” Lydoran puts in with a large grin plastered on his face.

Both Lyra and Jaze laughs at his choice of comment.

"How come you always pop up in the middle of a conversation? You did the same thing last night." Lyra asks between spoons of cereals.

"It's my specialty.” he says wiggling his eyebrows.

"What made you so happy. Did you also get laid or what?"

"Please, hearing you two go at it was not pleasant. But at least you were right about the silent type. Our little, love, here could very well be a little succubus in bed.”

"Stop teasing her, although you are right. She is a little closet perv.”

"As much as I like listening to you two talking about me, embarrassing me just for the fun of it, I rather talk about why Lyd is so happy. More smile than usual.”

"Got a text from blood father asking if we got here in one piece and to say approval has been granted. Jaze or I are free to turn you into one of us whenever you are ready.”

Not believing what she just heard her brain shuts down, reboots, repeats the last sentence a few times then registers. "Really? You mean I can truly be one of you?"

"Yes!" Jaze exclaims excitedly.

Getting up Lyra throws herself at Lydoran and hugs him with all her might then dances around shouting. "YES! YES!" over and over before hugging Jaze as well. "Can we do it today?"

"If you wish." Lydoran laughs, drawn in by her display of happiness. "The sooner the better actually. You are going to be fragile, weak even, the first few days. Your body needs time to adjust to all the changes.”

"Yeah, and with EImir searching for you it would be good to have you recover while he's still clueless about your whereabouts." Jaze adds.

"I want you to think carefully about who you wish your maker to be since that is what determiners your strength, what kind of vampire you'll be and the amount of pain you will be in during the transition. Choosing Jaze for example will give you great strength but you will also be his only blood child. You remember the rules?" Lydoran fixes her gaze with his and holds their eye locked.

"I do. As a higher ranking you can be the master of more than one, two even, but Jaze will ever just have one no matter if it survives or not. I will be registered in his name, correct?"

"You already prove to be a good student.” Lydoran praises playfully. "Are you ready to choose or do you need to think it through?"

"I choose you as my maker. “She says nodding at Lydoran.

"Why not Jaze? Which I thought would have been the obvious choice.”

"He can only ever pick one as we have established and I want him to choose that person on his own. It is special after all.” Lyra looks over at Jaze who gives a warm smile in return. "And not to offend or anything but I feel you would be a better choice. Can't explain it but it's a feeling that won't go away."

Lydoran and Jaze exchanges silent looks, as if conversing between themselves for a brief moment. “If that is what you want then I'm honored to have been chosen.”

“This brings up something I have been meaning to talk to you about.” Jaze begins and looks at Lydoran. “First time I bit her she said it felt good. A hunch tells me Lyra is a special kind of human. If she says you are the better choice it's because something within her is more compatible with you.”

“Is that so?” Going quiet he looks to be deep in thoughts as his eye's rests on her without any special expression. Shaking off whatever thoughts he had Lydoran smiles. “I vote that we just lounge around like a bunch of lazy cats until nighttime. You will need all your energy for later kitten.”

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