My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 39: Bitten

Are you absolutely sure about this?" Lydoran asks seriously. “There is no going back afterwards and bare in mind that you need blood to survive. Do you still want to do it?”

Lyra looks Lydoran directly in the eyes. “For the first time in my life I'm making a decision of my own. I'm using my own mind and free will. If there is anything, I have been thinking seriously about it would be my life. I want this.” Her voice is firm and determined when she speaks and her eyes never strays from his. Lyra is done cowering under men like EImir and she is tired of walking around in constant fear. From here on out she is taking charge of her own life and the person she wants to be.

“I apologize if I came out sounding like this is some fun and games to you which isn't my intentions. But after hearing your answer I feel foolish. I should never have doubted you.”

“No need to apologize. I know you only asked because you care. You both do and for that I'm thankful.”

“You have come a long way kitten. Can't wait to see how far you will go from now on.” Stroking her cheek affectionately with the back of his hand he looks at her with pride in his eyes. “Are you ready to begin?”

“Never been more ready.”

Lydoran smiles at that. "Are you ashamed of feeling pleasure? I'm asking because of everything you've been through and I don't want to put you through anything that would make you feel uncomfortable or bring up bad memories.”

“No, I don't feel ashamed.” She answers after giving it some thoughts. “Mostly because Jaze showed me how it's supposed to be. Before that I associated sex with pain. Something unpleasant and yes shameful. Why do you ask?” Jaze smiles warmly at her and she can almost feel his affection surrounding her like a warm blanket.

"Lust helps ease the pain and take up the venom. Don't be afraid to take what you want. Nothing shameful in feeling desire. Okay?”

Nodding she smiles softly. “Okay.”

Tentatively Lydorna lifts his hand to softly stroke her lower lip with his index finger and from there he follows an invisible line down to her collarbone and back again. His touch is light, almost inquisitive. She shivers as his finger traces her jaw bone and when he lightly lifts her head up, she is blown away by the amount of tenderness, care and desire showing in his eyes. Leaning down slowly he silently asks her permission to kiss her and following his words she takes what she wants. Going up on her toes she captures his lips shyly at first but when he encourages her to explore, she gives in and allows her body to guide her. She can feel his fangs press against her lips and remembering what Jaze shared about vampires, Lyra caress one of his fangs with her tongue and smiles when he groans in response. Deepening the kiss, she pushes herself flush against his front not shying away from the intense feelings he invokes within her. Giving as much as he gets Lydoran nips at her lower lip then sooths it with a tantalizing lick making her release a breathy moan. The way he alternates between kissing, biting and licking has her entire body humming in anticipation. Placing both hands on his abdomen she explores his taut body relishing all that strength radiating off of him and the way he seems to appreciate her touch. Snaking her arms around his neck she entangles her fingers in his silky strands giving it a playful tug.

"That's it, love. Feel me. let me drown you in pleasure.”

Suddenly he hoists her up and moves her legs around his waist before pressing her up against the wall without breaking their kiss. Feeling just how affected he is Lyra shamelessly grinds against his erected cock and is richly reward with a pleasured hiss. As if passing some invisible border Lydoran let's loose fully and starts exploring her body in earnest while dry humping her, coaxing one moan after the other out of her. It's insane how riled up she is from only being kissed. His skilled hands wander all over her body playing her like a well-known instrument as he pleasures her in ways, she never thought possible. His soft lips tickle her skin as he leaves a trail of open-mouthed kisses from shoulder to neck and she is barely aware when his fangs sink deep into her, giving her that last push over the edge. Keeping count of her heart beats he greedily drinks her blood while also pumping her body full of venom but it takes lots of effort to stay focused from how deliciously she writhes in his arms. The way she grinds against him nearly makes him shoot his loads in his pants like some adolescent youngster. Slowly guiding Lyra down from her high he extracts his fangs and gives the puncture marks a good lick to heal them. He smiles at her blissed-out expression.

"We need to keep an eye on her the next twenty-four hours.”

"I know it might be the wrong time but, damn, seeing you bite her and all that shit was really erotic. Lyra was like a doll and your eyes was full vampire.

"Yeah, totally the wrong thing to say but I know what you mean.”

Both sits down by the bed silently talking among themselves while she lies in bed seemingly resting but Lyra is far from tranquil and sleeping. Her entire body feels uncomfortable as if her skin is too tight, too warm crowded, warm. She can hear them talk but not make out what they are saying. Trying to move proves to be a wasted effort since not a single part of her body seems to be responding to her commands. More pain comes crashes in waves. Each more hurtful than the last on and there is no end to the level the pain either. She feels like screaming, clawing, withering but nothing happens. It's like being paralyzed and strapped down. Very unpleasant feeling.

"It's starting now." Lydoran says eyeing Lyra. "The venom has nearly spread into her entire body. She will be in great pain soon.”

Unable to move and trapped inside her own head Lyra tries her best not to panic. Something tells her panicking will only make everything worse so she tries to put focus elsewhere. The muffled sounds of voices help a little but not enough to fully distract her. Somehow the presence of Lydoran helps more and she can also feel him sitting close to her. When the next wave of pain hits she focuses solely on Lydoran, his warmth, strength and overwhelming closeness. Jaze is there as well but nothing more than a buzz compared to the strong tingling feeling that shoots out from Lydoran. When wave after wave of pain rolls in the tingling feeling spreads. Inside her head she screams out in pain. By now her body is on the verge of burning up and ripped apart by the ever so increasing levels of pain. Accustomed to pain she mentally screams at herself to endure, that this is nothing compared to all the other shit she’s been through but eventually she admits to herself how excruciating this really is. The burning sensation is indescribable.

"I got you." Lydoran whispers while holding her arms to keep her from clawing at herself. He knew there would be a maker-child bond but he can already feel the bond forming and it is very strong. He can sense her. Knows she is calm but in pain. Lots of pain. He can also sense that she knows he’s there. It's an unbelievable feeling and very rare.

"Can I do anything to help?" Jaze asks worried.

"Get a bucket, fill it with ice water and grab a towel. We need to cool her down."

Hurrying out Jaze sprints off to fetch what they need. Grateful to have something to do. Lydoran gently straddles Lyra when she shows signs of withering in pain. Still holding down her arms he positions himself so that he won't crush her with his weight. Only an hour has passed since bitten and she has already reached the first stage.

"I'm back.” Jaze comes jogging into the room with a bucket filled to the brim and towels hanging on his arm. "How is she?"

"Only one hour has passed and she has already reached the first stage. If she keeps this up, she will be the first none royal to change this fast.”


"Want to know another impressive thing? I can already feel our bond and I can even feel her." High pitched scream interrupts their conversation. Lyra screams right out like a banshee and trashes around more violently. Her body convulsions underneath Lydoran but he doesn't move or release his hold on her. It pains both to see her like this but everything has to have its course. After twenty minutes of nonstop screaming and thrashing she suddenly goes limp. Quiet. Her body is still burning hot.

"First stage clear. She will be sleeping until the second kick in about an hour or two from now. Three if we are lucky." Lydoran explains.

"It will be a tough twenty-four hours."

"With the pace she's going at all will be done earlier than that.”

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