My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 37: Craving

"How many times have you tried escaping now?”

Four fast lashes rains down on her back in rapid succession causing her to scream.

“Oh, I'm not done yet, wife."

Another four hits her. More screams of agony.

'Wait till 1 get a hold of you this time..."




Screaming Lyra sits up in panic and starts flailing around with arms and legs. Fat tears streams down her cheeks and her entire body is coated in a thin layer of sweat and trembling. Fast approaching footsteps further increases the fear and nearly paralyzes her when then door is suddenly, rather violently, being flung open. Soon after strong, warm arms softly holds her against a solid chest.

"It's just a nightmare. Nothing can hurt're safe.”

"Jaze...?" she asks insecurely.

"It's me, I'm here little mouse. Not going anywhere.” he whispers to her over and over.

Wishing more of his warmth and comfort she crawls into his lap, straddling him and nuzzles into his neck wanting nothing more than for all the bad memories to go away. To leave her alone. Feeling desperate she starts leaving feather like kisses on his throat down to his collarbone and back again.

"What are you doing...?" Jaze asks with a whisper.

Not answering Lyra goes bolder and alternates between kisses and biting while grinding against him. Deep inside she knows this isn't the right way. This might be something to regret but she yearns for it. Her entire body screams to be used. She truly is broken beyond repair. Feeling Jaze hold himself back she bites down hard between his neck and shoulder, earning a lustful grunt.

"This isn't what you want. Look at me, little mouse" he tries to stop her and make her look at him but she refuses. "You will regret this later and I refuse to take advantage of you, hey...look" Ignoring his attempts at stopping her, Lyra delivers another hard bite effectively halting him mid-speech and coaxing a moan out of him.

"Give her what she wants. Just be rough in a gentle way. Show her love." Lydoran interrupts from the doorway. His face serious when talking to his blood son.

"I don't want to take advantage of her. Make her feel used.” Jaze struggles to speak properly while Lyra keeps assaulting him with harsh bites while grinding against him. He can’t deny the fact that he is very hard under her.

"You won't. "Lydoran says with certainty. "Lyra knows perfectly well what she wants right now and she is very much with you in her mind. Am I right, love?" looking at each other he gives her a soft smile when she nods at him. Nodding back Lydoran leaves the room and shuts the door. Jaze looks at her, silently asking if she is okay. If she really wants this. When she doesn't shy away or show any signs of moving, he captures her lips in a greedy kiss. Teasing her by gently nibbling and licking her lips, coaxing her into being the one deepening the kiss and he doesn't have to wait long before she plunges her tongue inside his mouth. She explores him with same greed as he first displayed. Thinking of nothing but here and now, she devours Jaze. Letting hands roam freely around his well-toned body. Allowing his warmth seep into every corner of her body. Feeling his hardened length against her butt she can honestly say that he is far from little. Involuntarily a shiver runs through her body at the thought of having him inside. He will be the biggest she's ever been with. Happy he doesn't wear any shirt she explores his upper body with hands, lips, tongue and teeth. Her greed and hunger know no boundaries and never has it been flared to life like this before. The sensation is foreign, new, but welcomed. "What do you want me to do?" she asks planting her pussy firmly against his hard cock.

"Whatever pleases you..." he moans out, thrusting against her the same way she did to him "Ravish me then." comes her serious response. She looks right into his eyes to let him know she really means it. Smiling Jaze flips them so he ends up above her and spares no time in getting at it by literally ripping her clothes off. Even her underwear is being tossed aside. He takes his time drinking in her naked body with his eyes. Appreciating every part of her and is making sure she knows how beautiful she is. Like Lyra did, he explores her body with everything that is him. Hands, lips, tongue, teeth. He sucks, plays and licks on her hardened nipples. Massages her pussy until she's a moaning, wet, mess beneath him. Grinding against her, loving the feel of her.

"More... want you." she moans almost begs. "All of you. no more playing. “first time she really means what she says. Never did she think a day like this would arrive where she really wants to be taken. Wants to be felt by another. Jaze gives her a wicked smile, loving the sight before him. Her flushed cheeks, lips swollen and a deep shade of pinkish red from all their kissing. Slightly sweaty body from being teased but not allowed to come just yet. Eyes clouded with raw desire and heavy breathing. "So beautiful.” he whispers. Slowly tickling her with feather light touches he strokes his way between her legs where he let a finger slip inside her wetness. Gently stretching her out, one finger at a time. He feels how she gets wetter and wetter the more he fingers her and guessing it won't be long until she reaches her first peak. Wanting her to come he goes a little rougher and is richly rewarded only moments later. Not able to hold out any longer he positions himself and slowly pushes inside. Grunting in approval of her tightness.

"Good?" He asks making sure not to hurt her. When nothing but moaning sounds slips out, he mumbles "Fuck it." and starts pounding hard inside her. Setting a rough pace. He elongates his fangs fully and scrapes them against her delicate skin. "I'm going to make you scream my name." he whispers in her ear. She relishes in the feeling he gives her and meets him thrust for thrust. Clawing at his back. Just before she hits her second orgasm, she feels his fangs pierce her skin and the feeling of getting bitten only intensified the feeling tenfold. He, indeed, made her scream his name. Loudly. Several times

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