My Bloody Revenge

Chapter 36: Nearly Eighteen

"I have something special for you this evening, wife. Be ready at seven and wear this." he tosses some fabric at her along with a corset and high heeled boots that seems to go high. Lots of buckles on them too. "Lots of makeup. Understand?" Nodding her head yes, she smiles and gives him a passionate kiss to which he responds eagerly.

"I understand perfectly.” she answer after withdrawing from the kiss.

"You have become such a good girl. Come here." reaching out for her again he demands another kiss and she allows him to dominate her as he sees fit, earning a loud moan from him. He roams around her body with greedy hands. She responds by stroking from his chest and straight down to his hardening length. Pressing herself against him she snakes her hand inside his pants and takes a firm grip around his cock. With fast and hard strokes, she starts jerking him off. "You

just keep getting better and better.” he praises between moans. "In your mouth. Now." comes his demand. Obeying she unbuckles his pants and follows them down. Standing on her knees she takes him in her mouth and starts sucking loudly, just way he likes it. Sloppy, wet, loud and all of his length inside with many moans. It doesn't take long for him to shoot his load inside her mouth.

"We have come a long way, wife, and you have improved greatly this past year. I

appreciate your way of displaying gratitude towards what I give you." gently he strokes her cheek. "Be good tonight and I will reward you. Four hours to be dolled up and ready to go." That are his last instructions before he leaves the room. When alone Lyra quickly enters the

bathroom and brushes her teeth several times then takes a scolding hot shower. Scrubbing herself almost raw but still feeling dirty. Same thing every single day. Shampooing her long hair three times and rinsing properly then adding some oils and conditioner. This display earned her many points of trusts. She hopes to keep him this sated throughout the evening and get that reward he spoke of. Shutting off the water she grabs a towel and dries off. Looking at the skimpy looking fabric Lyra notice it's a leather dress that barely reaches her thighs and body tight as well. One shoulder strap. All black. With the red corset on she will stand out the way he likes. Black boots that surely goes thigh high with buckles to match the corset. Sighing she throws the towel in a corner and gets started. First hair. Blow drying it, more oil to keep it smooth and soft, then curls it. She hates every part of this but the better job the less beatings she gets. Hair curled to perfection she proceeds to do makeup. Dark smokey eyes with fake lashes and lots of eyeliner. Deep red lipstick for effect. Last buckling up the boots and like she guessed, they reach a little above mid-thigh while the dress barely covers her butt.

"I see you made it in time." Applauding he hungrily caresses her with his eyes as he saunters into the room. He stops to inspect her more closely before placing himself behind her. "For you." he says holding up a red collar with a lock for her to see just before placing it around her neck with a soft click. Side stepping EImir drinks in his latest accessory with that signature smile of pure ownership. Satisfied he holds his arm out for her to take. “Time to go." is all he says. Getting into the car they drive for little over an hour before stopping outside what looks to be a night club. Before stepping out of the car Elmir attaches a leash to her collar. Surprised she nearly speaks up in protests but manages to hold tongue at last moment. With leash in hand he leads the way. People are standing in line outside, crowded together, in hopes of getting in while they just waltz in without so much as a little squeaky sound from the bouncers. The inside is like any expansive night club. EImir escorts them passed dancing bodies and seated people. They cross the room to a door in the corner. A suit clad bouncer let them pass and the thumping sounds of bass can no longer be heard. Another type of music greets them at the end of the hallway. Darker tunes. Opening the door Lyra is not prepared for the sight. Elmir has taken her to a BDSM club. Her night of earning points will prove to be harder but not impossible.

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