
Chapter 44. Fight

I can’t take it anymore, I can’t hold on for much longer my arms feel like burning noodles waiting to deteriorate any moment. The last thing I want is to give him the satisfaction of proving me to be something I am not, weak. Yes, I’m not stronger than him just yet but I am far from weak.

What to do when there is nothing left to do? What will save me, save Ecladias? Gemini had told me that the world can be anything if I only morph it, and I haven’t morphed something in a while. Maybe that’s the key, I try to detect him as a threat, break his figure down but I can’t.

A threat unable to read or mold.

Maybe this is that threat that I can’t mold, can’t morph, but I can compromise. I’ll morph this ball of wind we’re pushing against each other, yes. I focus on the wind that’s nearly knocking me off my feet, the wavy edges of it and the push from two different forces.

I think of how I could possibly morph wind, its wind, and soon I am off my feet. The power my father is forcing upon me brings me to my knees, he smiles down at me as the ground stings them but I don’t let my arms fail on me, everything can fail just not my arms.

I can morph a scenery, but wind isn’t a scenery.

I can morph species, but David has shown to be able to reverse everything.

That’s it, I don’t care if he reverses it I just need it to last long enough for me to have the upper hand, literally.

My eyes train on his arms, I’m afraid to take my eyes off the ball of wind but I have to focus for this. A groan leaves my lips as I push my arms to keep the wind balanced, its more on my side because he is able to push way harder than me, but I see his face straining, I see him getting tired.

Soon, one arm is gone and I push mine with everything in me, he stumbles but is soon to get back on guard, even with one arm. There’s no blood or anything, just a stub where his arm use to be, that’s how morphing works, it remakes you in a way.

Other arm.

Other arm.

Mother if I have never asked you for anything, I ask you to be with me now, that the morpher in you be with me, please.

Its like she hears my cry, maybe she does because I feel my arms stop burning so much and go down to a slight sting, I’ve got this. I am the queen of the morphers and this is just one arm no matter how hard it seems and how tired I am.

I stare at that one arm, I stare and stare and think of it being replaced with a stick instead of a nub, a frail branch from a tree. It isn’t long before that is what its replaced with and with a final push of both my arms, my body leaning over as well and my face meeting with the ground, David is blown away. All the wind is released from the ball and onto David, I don’t even see where it takes him with the force it carries but I can’t see much of anything with my face in the ground.

“So you’re not as weak as I’d thought, queen.” Daelortoze, his voice is one I know well, I try and push myself up to find where he is but my arms won’t allow it, they’re too weak. So I maneuver my head up instead, but I still don’t see him, just the corners rushing to find my father. All I can do to get up is call the wind to help me, I barley can call any, I’m drained. “Respect, you have shown yourself to be one of us.”

“I will never,” I groan, it even hurts to talk, my insides feel dry, “be one of you.” I stand, my knees nearly buckling beneath me from the force the ground had put upon them. Even in the pain I will always stand, and even off my feet I will always fight. “Show your face, not back to this cowardice are we?” I dare, he chuckles, there’s no one else here but me, and him wherever he is.

“To be a coward is to be afraid, I inflict fear, not fall stray to it, niece.” I hear the smirk in his voice at his last word, I limp to the entrance of this place, seeing the lava frozen over, courtesy of the unknown.

“Uncle, how grand to have us up to date.” I deadpan.

“It was nice to see you, your grandfather thinks so too.” My head shoots all ways to find him at the mention of Ecladen, I still don’t. “We will come again, queen, until then.”

I feel his presence as I stumble to where my soldiers stand waiting for me, I look up to the sky to thank the one who taught me how to be one.

Aisha, I thank you always, soldier.

“Until then.” I mumble, not having it in me to protest, I feel like I could fall dead any minute.

Its a shame she couldn’t be here to see her work, a tear rolls down my face at this, it gets coated in dirt before it falls onto the collar of my jumpsuit, a tear in tribute to my first friend here, and the reason I am cut throat with a sword.

I raise a hand of victory while my lips raise a smile, the morphers come out from the crowd and raise a hand alike. “I made it, we made it.” I tell them, they say nothing, only kneel to me in a silent thanks that makes my heart swell. “You may rise.” They do, their faces full of admiration and thanks, faces I fight for.

In silence, we call the birds back, only Libra and Gemini come land with them. They take in my dirt caked and tired appearance but they speak nothing of it, they only nod humbly and I do the same back. I decide to have ‘the speech’ here since everyone is here. “Morphers and people of the depth manor, today a great victory acted in our favor, one victory to pave the way for many others.” I start, trying to hold my balance. “I fought today, against blood relations.” Awes and mutter work their way through the crowd, they didn’t know the corners and I were related just as I didn’t at first, they were confused when I had refereed to Kelenimen as uncle, well the confusion is over now. “I fought against them, against David, my own father with everything with me do you all know why?” I yell despite the burn in my throat, I stomp despite the burn in my legs.

“Because though they are my blood,” silence at my words, “you all are my family.” I mean each word like I have never meant anything before, and I see the Detomins and more start to fall in, I see Seconne smile humbly at me. “I have come to love you and the manor just as I would love my own, you are my own and so I will continue to fight alongside you no matter the foe. Now Ecladen has been under attack for months now, as you now know the enemies are my immediate family, something I didn’t know at first either and something that didn’t change what they are in my book- enemies. I stand with you, for you, as a queen, as a friend, and together we stand as a family, yes?”

They nod, looking among each other with a look of brother-ship, all different species from different places with stories that don’t collide, brothers and sisters. “I didn’t know another world existed until I was forced to come to this one, and I don’t regret it at all. I thank Gemini for throwing me into this world, I needed you guys more than you all needed me,” Gemini smiles at me, the first one he’s given me in a while, has he ever given me one before?, “I thank Libra for throwing me into the swing of things,” Libra walks to beside me and grips my hand in his, it gives a sense of security, “I thank the manor itself for become my home and the people within it for becoming my family, we fought today, a good fight.”

“A good fight!” Seconne yells, followed by more repeating his phrase, I smile at them.

“We fought with the spirit of the General Aisha with us, she would proud, and if there is a battle in the morning we will fight again, a good fight!” I raise my aching arm.

“A good fight!” Again.

“I will fight against my blood if it is for my family, it hurt me to go against my father and to have him go against me, yes I have emotions just like any I love him, no I will not stand for unjust things despite that love.” I assure them, I know they may have doubted me, thought that David being my father would get in the way of my mind. I want to call out the rat in the pack as Kelenimen called it, but I don’t, its not time for that. “I am tired and feel like crap.” Chuckles sound around the crowd, I chuckle with them. “It was all worth it though, to a good fight.” I deem this the last time I will be able to raise my weak arm, but everyone raises one of there’s with me and I see what a kingdom I have.

Even if its not even my kingdom, these people have become mine just as much as Gemini and Libra’s.

We all aboard the birds, I slump onto the support of mine with a sharp intake of breath that hurts my lungs feeling Libra slip behind me and place his hands around me.

The flight is a blur just like my first, this time its because I can’t deny the fatigue I feel both physically and mentally and so I fall asleep. Kelenimen visits me there, he tells me he is proud of me for the warrior I have became, he hugs me and it makes me feel safe, then he’s gone just like that and I’m left with the peaceful darkness again,

When I awake my eyes scan a foreign place, the dirt is cleaned completely off me and for that I’m thankful, for the fresh feeling but my limbs are still soar and my throat still dry.

I look around with my curious eye, I’m laid on a what seems to be a thrown and I was obviously placed here. I step down nearly losing my balance and falling off my burning legs, bricks litter the floor from a hole in one corner that lets the sun peak beautifully through, there are more cracks in the wall and things- even swords on the ground, I soon see that I am in a castle the thrown room to be exact.

An abandoned castle from what it seems, and I stumble silently to to walls, skimming my finger over this seeming so familiar face that is a stranger to me. I sense someone here with me, in the one corner I didn’t dare look in, it could be Libra, he was with me last but still it could be anyone.

I dare to look, curiosity killed the cat.

Emilia smiles at me, a smile that reaches her blue eyes, I don’t know whether I have her eyes or David eyes anymore. She stands in front of a picture of a blue eyed baby I know all too well,

a baby David’s house has plenty pictures of.

“Hello Serenity, welcome to Ania.”

Satisfaction brought it back.

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