
Chapter Dictionary


Abrath Age- age from over fifty centuries ago where creatures of Ecladias were very different

Analexania- a corner creature that was bound by water, maker of the morpher species

Ania- the morpher lands, land of the no one’s

Animation- small dwarf like creatures, they have bright spirits and live in a forest that can be disguised as a ball of light, ruled by the morpher queen

Animation Forest- home of the animations, also called (luce)

Antems- ant men

Aumento- Italian for Rise


Bealus- a city of Detomins, neighbors to the Depth lands

Belana- a spiritual creature never before seen which is said to keep the balance of creatures in Ecladias

Bravens- brown ravens

B.R- before record, a time period before record was on paper in Ecladias

Buia- Italian for Dark


Callene: the corner creature who was bond by fire

Capren- a giant bird used as transportation

Cave of Emilia- a cave named after and created by the morpher queen of the fifty ninth rein that no one has ever seen inside

Custode- Italian for Keeper


Daelortoze- the corner creature responsible for nightmares, who was bond by wind

Della- Italian for Of

Delaware- ruler of the animations are always named this, the only animation who has a voice without their queen giving them one

Depth- has pitch black eyes that can lock someone into the depths of themselves, only when they find someone or something that gives them a sense of life is their true eye color reviled

Depths- dark pools of nothingness which act as eyes to a Depth, and can be used to trap someone into the depths of themselves, can only gain color when the Depth finds someone or something that gives them a sense of life (a Depth can not lock another Depth within itself, they could both get trapped forever)

Detomin- has no pigment in their skin, fire red hair, and the ability to breath fire

Dram- can jump into someone’s dream and twist their mind

Dream Catcher- catch the dreams of others and record them into their minds


Ecladen- father to all the corner creatures

Ecladias- another world, the world the story takes place in

Emilia- a legendary morpher queen of the fifty ninth rein

Entry- chapter

Exdias- mother to all the corner creatures


Family Ties- when you cur off a blood relation physically and they are forced to stay away from you

Fifty ninth rein- the rein of Emilia

Formazione- Italian for Formation

Forty-ninth rein- forty ninth century

Flutter- bright colored fly like bug that lives in the animation forest


Gal- girlfriend

Galla- a contagious sickness caught by Detomins that is sort of like the flu

Galleen- a sauce made from greens, vader, and a syrup plant

Garlen- has pitch black skin that feels of leather, able to call the night and delay the day, eyes the color of the moon which can summon the moon to them

Gardeners: a group created in the beginning of the reins, made to collect rare things, study them and do what they chose to with them

Goosh- raw cow tongue


Hawken- a giant bird that acts as a sort of trash man




Kelenimen- a corner creature bound by fire

Kene- nerd


Luce- Italian for Light

Lucid- can make someone feel like something that is really happening is a dream with the smoke that comes from their eyes


Maestra (girl)/ Maestro (boy)- Italian for Master

Mareien- can trap someone in a dream state but only for a short period of time, ten minutes at the most

Morpher- able to morph something to their will, only if it is a threat to them, they are very rare


No one: someone with no specified species or power like a human but born in Ecladias


Overseer- sees what horrible acts someone is going to do, they see the evil in them in a sense


Pix- they key to a cave of Emilia which was sealed a rein ago by Pixens

Pixen- a magical creature that keeps the balance of species in Ecladias



Re- Italian for King

Reclenands- the proper term for corners

Record- a book filled with every creature to ever walk Ecladias

Regin- Italian for Queen

Rein- one hundred years, a century in human time

Repoeine- a corner creature bound by fire


Seer- a creature with the ability to see the future in the form of a few images

Second Sea- sea that splits two lands

Serenity - the state of being calm, peaceful, and untroubled (or; a title given to a reigning prince or similar dignitary.)

Specter- small creatures that hold the eye colors of a Depth, they are kept by the Depth lords

Sixtieth rein- the rein of Serenity


Trilan- a three headed half snake half wolf creature, can only be defeated completely by removing all six of its bright red eyes



Valer- the juices of a liquor plant that taste like your favorite fruit

Vader- when a Depths eyes melt into the place they call home, the darkness of their eyes overtake the place and can only leave when they wish

Volume- book



Xen- a city



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