
Chapter 43. Annihilation

The plan that will put all other plans to shame, that’s what I have. Libra and Gemini stare at me in awe of what I’ve said, yes, they heard me correctly, we are going to bring the war to the corners.

The corners who for a month, along with my father, have tormented Ecladen in drastic ways. New diseases have broken out in several cities, there has been massacres and so much more, many acts of cries for war.

So what am I going to do? Give them war. “The pixens request entry to the guests weapons, your highness.” Dorraine drawls out.

“Add Satchel to the weaponry column, every pixen will go through him if arms are needed, other than that tell them their mouths are weapons.” I stomp through the manor, in a black jumpsuit with black boots in memory of a soldier who will be watching over us all during this.

Our battle angel.

Instead of the Gemini and Libra sign clashing, a humble red butterfly sits on my chest, this gives me comfort, a piece of her being with me.

“The Detomins ask what should they do.. who should they burn?” Seconne, its refreshing to see a familiar pale face.

“Everyone who tries to force their way.” I respond, watching him chuckle at me before nodding and dashing away.



My old friend is with me in each step I take. All the way to the front of the manor, and out of the manor, where a line of the manor’s finest in battle follow behind as well as many pixens, those in the battle of spells.

“Hello, niece, so you really plan on our annihilation?” Kelenimen smirks.

“Uncle.” I return his words of family, knowing he will never be my family. “How are you?”

“I’d be better if you’d stop this war nonsense.” As he speaks I use a trick I’ve picked up, with my powers, and the corner powers I have been working on all month, I trap him and smile when he realizes it.

“Where are the others?” I ask.

“Do you get stupider by the day? You are no match for us, little Ren.” He laughs, surrounded by plenty species, some I don’t even know the name of.

“No, Uncle Kele.” He smiles at the mock nickname. “I am figuring myself out day by day, I’m one of you, so how am I no match?”

“You use to call me that in the dream world.” He mutters, emotion lacing his voice, emotion that I have to shake my head to delay, contagious emotion because he is right. “They are waiting for you, heard of your little proposition for family ties so they are angry, good luck, Ren.”

“No luck needed, Kele.” I nod, motioning with my hand for everyone to start walking again.

“Ren!” He calls, I look back to see his signature smirk. “There’s a rat in your pack of wolves, how else would I know of the family ties?” My heart drops to my stomach, I look at the many that walk behind me, and they look at each other.

“Who is it?” I ask him, he laughs, of course he would.

“All outsiders get revealed, be careful next time, Ren, trust no one.” I don’t let this get to me, these same words my mother had told me, then Kelenimen vanishes before my eyes, maybe I did the trap wrong.

This gets to me but I push it away, practice makes perfect and I just haven’t reach perfection yet. But there’s a part of me that thinks, maybe he’s right, maybe I am no match for them.

No, I shake this from my head, she taught me better than to let doubts consume me when going to battle, I motion for everyone to continue again and we do.

I know where they are, where it all took place, the place that is a threat to me. So we board up on birds and we fly there, to see them all standing there, all except the one who had floated into the volcano that day.

“Serenity, I will ask now for you to surrender.” David calls.

“David, I would ask the same of you but I’d rather destroy you.” He chuckles at my very serious statement, I have pushed emotions aside to be this cold leader that I am now, a rational leader.

“There’s that anger.” I nod, there it is. “You don’t even know what to do with it, you’re a scared little girl Serenity, come and let daddy fight the monsters for you.” He opens his arms, smiling sadly at me, and I laugh at him.

“No see, this is the part where you are the monster.” I raise my hand and with it, the ground beneath the dear corners feet. “And I have to fight for myself, you are pathetic.” They yell in protest while my army stays silent behind me, we didn’t come here to talk, we really came here to figure out what my corner is, what my father’s corner is.

We came here to settle a score, to set things right in Ecladen, to take Ecladen back. I watch in amazement myself as they all switch back to their small clear and colorful selves, floating in the air to escape the hole I created for them. “Are you insane?” Analexania seethes, I smirk at seeing her a little purple flying creature again.

“Are you?” I question, seeing her squint her eyes in anger. I look at them all, confused on which is which since I have never seen them all in this form, I can tell my father apart though, his eyes, the same blue as mine snarl at me. I fill the hole back, seeing they have the upper hand and with one hand up, and one hand on the red butterfly on my chest- a warrior who taught me that sometimes battle’s have to be fought physically, I yell,

“Time!” Everyone moves from the line they are in behind me to circle around the corners, I protect them in the same way I had trapped Kele but in a way where their aspects would still work. “Pixens!”

The pixens get to chanting immediately, and I do my part, I stand in the middle of the chaos and make the ground rise, me with it. “Give up now and I won’t place you back in the corners you came from.” I tell them, they fly around frantically but I keep my eye mostly on David, I need to see what we can do.

I see soon enough, part of it at least, he disappears, it seems that no one else sees him because I see the pixens look around for him but I still see him.

I see him zip past his siblings and to the other battle-men, whispering in their ear and one by one, they fall asleep, dropping where they are and snoring. Invisibility, I call it, its all I know how to do and soon I see the pixens staring at the place where I stood in mid air as well, I smile at David who looks at me wide eyed.

What else to use but common sense? I float to the corners, starting with Analexania, I mutter ‘sleep’ in her ear, that doesn’t work as she blows more of my men away, so I mutter ‘slumber’ and it takes me plenty more tries to get to the golden word,

“Fall,” I whisper, and she does, straight from the sky she returns to her human form and joins the rest of my men in a slumber, I am on to the pitch black one next, I mutter in his ear and he shows himself to be Repoeine.

The next, Callene, and then I look into my father’s blue eyes, eyes no one else can see. The corners wake back up, I see they are somehow immune to this, I’m guessing its because i am their niece.

They stay on the ground though, and look up to for me and David, everyone does, its just us now, a battle between father and daughter. “Give up David, its not worth it, to do all this to innocent people.” I return to the ground, return to visibility as well. “I love you.” I see his eyes flicker with emotion. “Father, please, it hurts me to have you fighting against me for something bad. You always told me the good is in the good causes, what good cause is this?”

Emotions I had tried so hard to fight come crashing down, I’m only human, right? No, I’m not human I am a morpher corner half breed with unsteady mood swings and burning anger, human or not I still feel things. “Honey.” My father breathes. “We can be a family, I just need you to choose your family, choose me.”

“No.” I croak, feeling a wetness on my face, tears. Another battle between mind and heart, but why do I feel like there’s manipulation involved? “Don’t you pull that card on me, they are not my family, they are for things I will never be for, unjust things. I will choose my best friend and my safe place, you, every time but I will never choose them. I choose my people.” I push my hand and he falls to the ground, his invisibility leaving him, by choice I can see.

“They are our family.” He urges, groaning, standing back up.

“Your family! They are your family and I won’t let you force them upon me, I’m sorry.” The last part is a whisper as the pixens wrap up the last part of their chant and with it, wrap up every corner, David included. In a bind we wait to see if it holds. It doesn’t hold, not David at least, the binds vanish off him little after they’re put. The others however stay put, they do not even thrash against the binds the chant has woven, a chant which I provided a dream for, a dream where all my uncles and aunts had visited a three year old me.

Satchel pulled a strand of hair from each of them in the dream world, and went on to get a strand of David’s from Emilia, she tends to play both sides.

Annihilation? Not that exactly, but something along the lines of that, something that will rid of us this problem even if its for a little while.

David stands again and looks directly at me, he waves his hand and the binds disappear from his siblings as well, no fair. “I tried to reason with you, no more.” He says, pushing his hand like I had did earlier and making me fall just like him.

I am not at all use to him treating me like this, but I push that aside, this is battle. I stand back up, I look at him, he looks back at me, this is the first battle. “How do you want to do this?” I ask, he looks blankly at me before going invisible and back visible again, so with our abilities it is.

“Okay,” I tell him, I raise a had to silence the soldiers behind me, then with that same hand I pull that stunt with the ground beneath my father again. He is caught off guard and so the ground consumes him, its painful to hurt him but I have to or else others will hurt, so I blink away the tears and help the ground eat him with swipes of my hand.

I hear his yells of protest, muffled through his dirt caked mouth and I take this time to pull pieces from the volcano and drop them onto him, to bury him. I see my mistake when lava starts to flow out of the volcano, lava I hadn’t even seen because it seemed to dry up after I had set Ecladen free.

I use this to my advantage, my father pushes me from under the ground so I fall again, but I don’t even bother standing back up just tilting my head up to make the lava float in the air. David pushes his way through the ground, his face caked in dirt and he even coughs some up, then he pushes the dirt to me and it encases me, making the lava I had been forming above his head fall onto him.

An agonizing scream rips through him and in this, I shake dirt off me ans dig from the darkness, standing again and pulling more lava room the outsides of the volcano. I can’t let it touch my people. “Guys, go back!” I yell, David pushes wind at me and I push back at him, a force forms in the middle that takes all my strength to keep. If I let go now, I’ll probably be hurt very badly from force, I can’t let go.

If I just call a little water I can flush David away, he is so much stronger than me, I feel him winning. The lava is getting closer and some of the others still haven’t fled the seen yet, I love their loyalty but I fight for them just as they fight for me. “I said go! That’s an order!” They look unsure, I yell in frustration, pushing my arms to add more force to my wind, they see me persevering and go through with my order.

Now its just me and him and our audience of corners, our ‘family’ as he says it, I see Kelenimen appear in the audience with a worried look on his face. I also feel a burn in my arm muscles, I of course ignore this, I have to give this my all.

The threat is a I would have never expected, just like the prophecy had said. A threat unable to read or mold, my own father who I though had only good intentions, me against him.

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