
Chapter 42. Family Ties

We are out of that burning house, we are back in Ecladias in the privacy of the manor which I have closed off so that no one who isn’t already here may enter. I will not beat around the bush with her, I have no time for that. “Why do they want me on their side so bad? My power, is that it?”

“They love you darling, they want to be a family again.” Emilia rushes.

“See I can not believe that, David has never laid a hand on me before until today and I want to know why. Suddenly he is cruel, why?” I push, taking a drink from my water.

“Your father is frustrated with you fighting against him, them, he wants you to come to your senses that’s all and I think you should.”

“I think you should shut up!” I yell, slamming the cup down, control yourself Serenity. “I did not bring you here to make suggestion, you are here to answer questions are die or we clear?” Okay so that was a bit harsh, obviously I don’t plan to kill my own mother, or anyone if i can help it but she’s here for a reason. One reason.

“Stay away from them.” Her voice is low, a whisper almost, pained. “Danielle isn’t who you think she is, she’s not some druggie step mother and David isn’t all sunshine and rainbows.. I, I’m not all bad heartbroken abandoning mother, no one is who you think they are.”

“What do you mean? Who are they really then?” Her revelation has made me afraid in a way, who are they?

“Darling you are lost in the middle of these worlds, you don’t know the half of what your up against. Trust no one, not even me.” I feel the truth she sputters at me, but still I’m confused. “I can’t tell you anything else, all I can tell you is, the prophecy you first heard isn’t the only prophecy there is, and all prophecies will be seen through.”

After that, I can’t get her to mumble a word to me, a word other than “I’m sorry”, she won’t tell me what other prophecy there is. She won’t give me hint, just these riddles like she’s a prophecy herself. So I get her chained up in a room with someone on watch, she had said don’t even trust her and I didn’t trust her from day one, in her favor.

“I’m at a dead end here.” I muse to Gemini and Libra, Gemini who hasn’t stopped glancing at the new green of his brother’s eyes this entire time. A green my so called family hand’t even given me time to admire, no, instead they gave me a scar on his face that never fails to make me angered. “We can’t stay cowering in the manor forever.”

“Family ties.” Gemini says, looking at me finally, examining my confused face.

“Family ties aren’t real.” Libra rolls his eyes, ha, his eyes.

“You said the same thing about the corners, and look at them.” I snap, he looks away from me. “What are family ties?”

“Its a human thing, the way you’re bond to your family and we thought David was human just as you did but since he isn’t it might not work.” Gemini half explains.

“I asked what they are, not if they’ll work.” I snap at him as well, I am trying to push this anger down if only they knew.

“I just said that family ties are the way you’re bond to your family.” He snaps back at me, I smirk at this, is Mr. Cool fed up?

“Sorry Jerry you didn’t explain it far enough.”

“Serenity.” Libra means business any time he doesn’t refer to me as love, so I stop the childish taunting and listen.

“To cut a family tie is to.. how do I put it.. Libra, help.” This day can’t get anymore opposite, Gemini needs Libra’s help on something educational.

I turn to him. “Its to basically change your blood, you won’t be related to that person anymore which means they won’t be your family. It shouldn’t be done in your case, if David isn’t biologically your father anymore you may not be the keeper of elements.”

“Why would I want to be ripped from my father anyways?” I question.

“Because, then he will have no place anywhere you are. Cutting family ties pushes that person away physically.” Gemini says.

“Like a restraining order, but a literal one?” I look between them both.

“Yes, so if they really are plotting something against you, family ties is your best option.” I think it through, I think and I think until I’m up and making my way to where Emilia is kept.

I tell Libra and Gemini I need help making this decision and they nod in understanding, my mother, I find her and stand in the doorway of her room. “Should I cut my family ties to my father?” Her head snaps up, eyes wide.

“Of course not, do you know what comes with family ties?!” Her eyes move frantically around the room, then back to me. “David is your father, do you really want to strip him of that?!”

“I want him and his posse of corners to stay far away from me, seems fair.” I reply.


“Serenity.” I raise my hand, correcting her. “Just because I have spared you doesn’t make us all mother daughter, Emilia.”

“Serenity, sorry.” She rolls her eyes, ha, so this is where my sass comes from. “As I was saying, you wont have that father daughter bond to him anymore, are you really ready for that? One mishap, that’s all he did, he loves you.” She reasons.

“A bond.” I mutter, am I really ready to let that go? My father, my best friend and refuge all my life, my go to person, the one who provided everything for me and acted as my mother all in one. “I didn’t come here for convincing me otherwise.” I snap at her, control yourself, you can’t be angry because she’s right.

“Oh please, don’t be such a brat.” Emilia rolls her eyes. “You are angry because I am right, blame your father for that anger by the way, he is the Reclenand who holds anger.”

Reclenand. If my father is supposedly a corner, which is a Reclenand, and my mother is a Morpher than I am half and half. I am a corner, a Reclenand, and a Morpher Queen. I am a corner, anything they can do, I can do, why have I never realized it before?

“Ah,” Emilia giggles, “I see my daughter is a smart one after all, a little late, but right on time all the same.” I look to see her smile, a genuine smile and it makes me happy in the weirdest way. “I hope one day you can really be my daughter, Serenity, my only regret is missing out on that.” Raw regret laces her voice and it makes me wants what she wants, a bond, but she has just helped me more than anyone ever could, corners,

its time to meet your match.

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