
Chapter 41. Strive

Libra is way angrier at me than Gemini, and has no problem showing it. Today is a relaxation day, no corners trying to kidnap my people, no mothers fighting or fathers lying, no battles just peace.

It seems odd to have peace after so long of chaos, to have quiet, to be able to relax under a shower and enjoy your sleep I feel like this is the first time I’ve ever had that.

Too bad that in peace something has to be wrong, out of place, and Libra’s anger is that thing. “Are you seriously not going to eat this with me?” I force the fried octopus on his lips to have him push me away and return his attention back to his book. “It’ll be just like old times.” I push the food again, and again pinching him to make his mouth open before shoving it in, he chews it stubbornly with a scowl, not giving me time to admire the cuteness of his angered face as he grabs me and I’m falling onto him.

The cool ground is under him and me on top, “just like old times?” he mutters from beneath me, referring to the incident where he’d tried to pull my hair from my scalp. It feels like just yesterday he wanted to kill me for the prophecy, now look at us, letting it be. “Those times are behind us.” I skim my hand over the scabbing wound Repoeine inflicted upon his beautiful face watching him wince and his eyes glimmer green, taking my entire mind off the position we’re in.

“Lets put the anger behind us then.” I stare into his eyes as they never static and go away, leaning my head down so that my lips can brush slightly against his. “Please?”

“No.” Libra groans, kissing me and pulling me down but I push back up, needing to see those eyes before they go to thank the heavens that they aren’t gone yet. “I hate a tease Serenity.” I ignore the playful way he calls me by my name, looking at the way his eyes don’t change back to black. So I kiss him again, feeling his hands grip my waist in a protective gesture.

A few more minutes and I look up again to see those same green eyes glimmering up at me, my heart flips in my chest. “Love,” he groans, “my head hurts.” I get off of him immediately, pulling his hand so that he’s up with me.

“Libra?” The excitement shows in my voice. “Do you guys have Motrin here? Its great for headaches.” He looks at me, with his eyes, his gorgeous green eyes.

They don’t leave me, they study me as if I’m an unknown species to this world and I feel naked under his gaze. “You do know I love you, right?” My heart, it swells so much that I have to hold it in my chest. “Its been thrown around but I’ve never really addressed it but,” his hand finds my chin and he tilts it upward, leaving a light kiss on my nose, “I love you, and if I had to choose between mind and heart I would chose my heart every time- I would chose you, every time.” I fight back a tear at the love that I have never had- love, I love him back.

He has been here since the beginning, the constant, the boat in the waves, the anchor in the shore, the moon in the night, that person that made the storm still. I have loved him all this time, each time he made me love him more. “I love you.” I whisper, looking into his eyes. “I can’t be selfish when it comes to mind and heart choices, but I love you, Libra.”

“You’ve been staring into my eyes this entire time.” He whispers, I notice he doesn’t say depths, he says eyes. “I’m guessing they are eyes now.” I nod, at loss for words. He rushes to a shelf, rummaging through until he finds a mirror and stares into it in silence, a few minutes pass by before he speaks. “They are your eyes,” he says softly, “you’re the reason they are here.” I smile as he stares into the mirror.

The first good thing in all the bad things.

“Grab the queen!” There it is, the bad thing that ruins the good moment.

Libra moves around frantically and while he does I trap us in air, whoever is here to get me won’t leave so lucky. The two people I expect to walk in do, my mother and father.

David and Emilia, how lucky am I, and they are not alone. Some very fed up looking long lost relatives of mine stand behind them. “No one will be grabbing me.” I snarl, Libra grips my hand.

“Honey if I wish to take you from here I will, your mother and I need to talk to you, you’re on the wrong side here.” I can’t believe my father would say such a thing, I don’t even see him as my father at this point.

“If you all don’t go far, far away from me, it will be hell to pay.” They are making me more angry than I have ever been, betrayal, lies, betrayal, lies, betrayal, lies an endless cycle.

Emilia chuckles. “Darling, listen to your father and come fight with your family not against them.” Okay, fire. I release my anger in setting the entire room on fire and listen to the screams of everyone, I hope Lira forgives me for remodeling his room, from the looks of his wide green eyes, he might.

“Enough of this nonsense!” Kelenimen silences the fire, and I watch the corners- including my father heal the nasty burns I’ve inflicted on me, David then on going to touch Emilia and she heals as well, how on earth do I kill them again? Oh right, we don’t know that part. “Ren, you are only making us angry, come now and we’ll spare this manor full of nitwits.”

“She’s not going anywhere.” My ″uncle’ looks at Libra, amused as he studies his eyes.

“In love? That’s great and all but we had her first.” I’m pulled from an air bubble that I had thought was invisible, pulled into the arms of my father. “Keep the eyes.” With that, I vanish with them to a home I know all too well.

I thrash in David’s arms, father is a title he has to earn all over again. And to my great surprise, he throws me, throws me and lets me fall onto our kitchen floor while his siblings laugh and to m surprise again, Emilia takes up for me.

“David don’t handle her that way!” Emilia shrieks, helping me up from the ground while I feel a sting in my knees. “You always were a show off for your siblings.” After I’m up I mutter her a thank you and pull away, David has never handled me like that before so I’m confused, what’s going on.

“I am going to get to the sweet, sweet little point. Serenity you are going to free my mother and come home or else.” David seethes, the others humming in approval. I back away from him, clutching the wound that has since begun to throb again on the back of my head, for once I’m afraid of the man who has always been nothing but sweet to me.

“I will free no one, stay away from me!” What has my life come to.

“Watch your tone, I am fed up to here with you, go to your room and think about it.” Go to my room?

“I am not a child, David.” One thing I have learned this year, when in doubt, burn.


So what better to do to escape this situation is summon the fire station? I burn the entire room, the entire home trapping myself in air so that I won’t burn, and Emilia as well. She did help me, she’s not trying to hurt me from what I’ve seen and the others can save themselves, she needs them to save her.

A plan, I clutch the back of my head feeling it start to bleed again while I think of a plan to get out of here. Well I am burning this place, my home, to the ground, isn’t that an escape plan?

Faster, I burn faster the room faster each time one of them attempts to put the fire out, I need to get out of here and take Emilia with me, she will answer my every question. When I am done, I will strive to make all of them regret this.

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