
Chapter 22. Third-Generation

When we all gathered into the carriage Libra had the largest scowl on his face, a scowl which rattled me inside but satisfied me all at once. As we drove away I watched him retreat into the mansion, the anger radiating off him so much that it was almost visible.

It took us less time to get to Xen than it did to get to Bealus and this time, our plan our plan was much different. Gemini’s friend, Satchel, is a lover of women. So the plan involves me in a short tight purple dress, how purple is a horrid color.

We sit in Satchel’s lobby, waiting for our names to be called by the woman at the front desk. And when we are called, we all walk to the back of his office. Gemini and Aisha stand by his office door, while I walk in alone.

Satchel is a curios looking man, he has stark white hair and eyes the color of the sky and as I look at him I wonder if all pixens look this way. “No, all pixens do not look this way.” He answers a question I hadn’t even asked yet. “Its a well asked question by people who’ve never seen a pixen.” He says, ending my suspicion as he ushers for me to sit down, and I do. “Only the lord of pixens looks this way, now I’m guessing that isn’t what a lovely lady like you needs today, is it, Serenity?” He reads my name off a piece of paper on his desk.

“No sir it isn’t.” Habits from Earth are in my sentence and I wonder if others even refer to older people as sir and ma’am here, or if I’ve just ruined my identity. He ignores my slip up, to my favor, and taps on his desk.

“Well gorgeous, I’m no genie but your wish is my command, for a price.” He says, a smirk on his lips and I hold back my laugh at his ridiculous flirtations.

“I need a third generation pixel, put a price on the table and we’ll see what’s its worth.” I smile and he smirks, satisfied with my answer.

“A date.” He answers swiftly, his eyes searching my face. “You’ve obviously been to the human world so you should no what those are.” I nod, glad that he didn’t suspect me of anything but a creature that has visited Earth before, not one from Earth.

“All I need is a time an a place, and my side of the deal.” I say. making sure he understands that there will be no deal without a third-generation pixen.

“Since your a friend of a friend your in luck. I’ll be your third-generation, you’ll be my date and a deal is what we have, just tell me what you need me for and then you’ll get the time and place.”

“The cave of Emilia.” Is all I say, and his blue eyes nearly jump from his scull at the mention of it. “I plan to open it.”

“No one knows whats in that cave, not even the third generations who sealed it saw inside.” He rushes to say, his tone serious and no longer flirtatious.

“So you never wonder whats inside it?” I ask.

“Don’t all the third generations? My grandfather spent years trying to open it and its a fools quest, don’t you know whats needed to open it?” Satchel shakes his head.

“Yes, I in fact do. A morpher, a morpher queen.” I shrug.

“Yes and that is something this world has yet to see since Emilia. A queen doesn’t exist in this rein.” He argues, not realizing that he has just revealed to me something I didn’t know, Emilia was the queen of the fifty-ninth rein. And no one cared to mention it to me, I shrug this off for now and focus on the task at hand.

“A queen does exist, and Gemini plans to gather her from Earth any day now.” I lie, there is a queen and she’s right her in front of him, but no one needs to know that. “I’m a woman of plan and a woman of my word, Satchel. I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t know where I’m going with this.”

“Anything could be inside that cave.” He says seriously. “Once you open it, there’s no sealing it, only third generations who served Emilia can do that, and they all- including her, are nonexistent.” His tone holds a question, and I nod as I silently say yes.

“Do we have a deal?”

“If your sure your ready to open up a hundred year old cave that holds Belana knows what, we have a deal.” Satchel nods once as if to seal it, and I nod as well, standing up.

“The Depth Manor, evening tomorrow.” Satchel smirks as I open the door, I smile and nod, acknowledging the date details.

Gemini and Aisha say nothing as we leave the building, we gather into the carriage and head back to the manor, not talking until we are inside.

“He says he’ll do it, he’ll be here in the evening tomorrow and we’ll figure it out from there.” Gemini nods.

“What do you have to give him in return?” Gemini’s voice is almost a whisper and I can tell he doesn’t want the answer, he probably thinks its worst than it is.

“Only a date.” I assure him and his face looks both relieved and stressed at my answer, I walk into the hall sighing when I see Libra perched up against my room door with a dead rose in his hand.

“Save whatever nonsense you’ve concocted in that twisted brain of yours. Do depths even have brains? Or just black souls?” I turn my door knob as he chuckles.

“We actually have hearts, would you like to see a glimpse of mine?” His words shock me, he follows behind me as I enter my room.

“Is this another set up to kill me?” I raise my brow.

“Of course not, I haven’t made my next murder plan yet love.” He seems in a good mood when he hated me a few hours ago, I can’t trust it. He hands me the dead rose and I take it in confusion.

The confusion shows on my face and he sees it. “There more gorgeous dead, its a peace treaty.” He explains. “I see that it was wrong of me to get angry for something I do all the time, the hypocrisy of it, I’ll have peace if you will.” He almost chokes on his words, his face twisting as he admits how he was wrong.

I cab’t even believe I’m hearing him correct as I examine his face for any sign of lies, all I see is the unsure aftermath of his words. As much as Libra does, he has not shown to be a liar and I admire that about him.

I accept his dead rose- his peace, and kick him out with a laugh at his shocked face as I feel how tired I really am. It has been a long week, but is an even longer night as dreams of drowning in tears fill my sleep, and I wake up coughing on a salty substance that pours from my eyes.

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