
Chapter 21. Xen

After determining that this new threat has capabilities of every dream creature on record, we switch subjects. To the cave of Emilia, it seems that plan is all we do these days, and now we need a plan.

I let go the fact that Gemini was dreaming about me for now, because for now there are bigger things to worry about but the question is stored in my mind. He looked embarrassed when he realized that his dream was brought to life, and I didn’t want to embarrass him further with asking why I was the main person in it.

He stutters as he tries to map out a plan, its the first time I’ve ever seen him not composed. The snake I forgot the name of is here to- Bayn, and he has gave me the stink eye at least five times already. He’s well trusted by Gemini and Libra, and loved by Aisha as anyone could see but I don’t like him at all.

He tries way too hard to be something he’s not, a threat, and I don’t like that about him. If practice makes perfect then soon enough, he will be what he fakes to be. I raise my hand, and when Gemini looks to me, his words falter more. “I think you should let me take it from here.” I stand and he only nods, taking my seat at the table.

Bayn looks at me like I’m stupid again and I can’t help the harsh words that I spit at him. “If there’s a problem, snake, then you shouldn’t hold your slithery little tongue.” His slits of eyes widen in shock and so do Aisha’s, but she stays quiet and I’m happy for her, because she made the right choice.

“Now, if everyone is done. We need a plan, lets go over what we already know.” I demand them all, the look at me as I pace the floor. “We have the pix, which is? Eureka! They key to the cave of Emilia.” They nod and I continue. “What we need however, is a third class pixen, and a morpher queen to unlock it. Here is your queen,” I point to myself, “any ideas where we could find a third class pixen?”

Bayn raises his hand and I point at him, signaling that he can speak. “Across the second sea there is an entire tribe of them.” I stare him up and down.

“See Bayn, the problem with that is, you don’t like me. Why would I trust someone who does’t like me? Next.” I shrug, pointing at Gemini when he raises his hand.

“I have a friend in Xen, he’s a third class pixen and he knows where more of his kind are.” I nod.

“Xen is where we’re headed then unless anyone has a better proposition. Sound good?” Everyone nods in agreement except Bayn, I ignore him and go on. “General, I need a list of the creatures that reside in Xen, your dismissed.” We’re no longer friends, now its on a professional level and professional only. She nods, giving me a sad smile before leaving.

I turn to Libra. “You haven’t talked to me since the dinosaur age.” I pretend to think. “Your not coming. Since this pretty little mansion is yours, you can dismiss yourself.” He widens his eyes and furrows his brows but I talk over him ignoring every disagreement he spits. “Bayn, you hate me. Hate drives people to do things and I won’t have you mess this up, dismissed.” He snarls at me and speeds out.

“Gemini, I need a description of your friends personality, likes and dislikes anything important and a run down of do’s and don’ts in Xen, you’ll be coming with me and let the general know she’s coming as well.” Libra throws a chair and I still ignore him, having a temper tantrum isn’t going to change my mind, how am I suppose to travel with someone who won’t even look at me. “Tell the others we’ll meet again at the same time tomorrow to discuss the plan.” He nods and stands, leaving as well.

Now its just me and Libra, I walk to the door as he speaks. “That’s unfair.” He spits, his harsh tone does nothing to me.

“No, what’s unfair is that you can try to pull my hair from my scalp all because you don’t want to be forced to fall in love with me, but the first time I complain about not having a choice either, you bolt. Don’t talk to me about being fair.” I say just as harsh. s

“Its not the same.” He says in a disgusted tone. “You don’t know what its like.”

“I don’t have a choice in this either!” He’s making me angry and I need to leave before its through the roof, things burn when I’m angry and we all know what happens when things burn. Corners open. “So how do I not know what its like?”

“All you are is a child, you don’t know what your getting yourself into.” He growls.

“This child is more mature than you could ever be.” He steps closer to me, closing in and me and I only laugh at this as he proves my point. “See, talking to you always ends in a boxing match are me being pinned against someone’s wall.” Breathe, breathe and nothing will burn.

“Talking to you always ends in problems that I don’t want, emotional problems but you would never understand.” Libra says, attempting to step away from me but I see the urge in his eyes, he wants to be violent and I can’t blame him, its in his nature.

“Don’t talk to me then, or make me understand. The choice is yours and no one can make it for you.” I roll my eyes, annoyance slowly taking over my anger and I’m grateful for how aggravating Libra can be at this moment.

His dark eyes scan me before he nods. “Sure enough, Serenity.” I ignore how my name sounds coming from his mouth and darts to my coaches office, I have lessons today and I desperately need them.

I go to his office and we do the usual, talk about what makes me angry and the different levels of my anger, about how much I can take before I set something on fire, go over my progress so far and how well the breathing techniques are helping me and go over the breathing techniques. He tells me how stress can add to anger, can turn into anger and that I need a stress reliever. Ha, I don’t think I know the meaning of the words.

My arm muscles burn as I repeatedly punch the sleek black punching bag of the battle room. This was what coach said could be my stress reliever- my anger reliever and I must say, taking my anger out on something is feeling great.

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