
Chapter 20. Awake

Gemini runs his fingers through his hair and sighs as we walk to the battle . “He thinks I don’t want to let him ‘shine’“. He shakes his head in frustration. “Really I only want to be the smartest, I’m jealous of him in a way.” I cock a brow of confusion.

“Why?” I’m genuinely curious as to what Libra has that Gemini would want.

Gemini chuckles. “Because he’s him.” He shrugs, turning the corner. “I was always the kene, and he was always in the know. Liked, handsome, cocky, funny, father’s favorite you name it.” With out even asking I know kene means nerd, Gemini always is the one to make the plans, to figure stuff out- and he wanted to study worms, lets not forget.

“You look exactly the same.” I giggle at the part where he called his twin handsome, Gemini only laughs sadly at this.

“He was cooler than me, still is. No one wanted to be around the little Depth prince twin who studied the very grass he walked on. Everyone wanted to be around the one who had no problem jumping off the manor’s roof. That made him more handsome to everyone, even me.” He says truthfully. I try to imagine Libra as a kid jumping of the roof, and I can.

“Your handsome too, you don’t have to be popular to be great.” I tell him, he looks up at me and furrows his brows.

“Being smart is the only thing I’ve ever had that Libra didn’t, that’s where my spotlight came in. He’s not dumb by a long shot but he has never been one for science and such, I felt special to find something I could have, you know?” I can’t stop the laugh that spurs from my mouth at this, Gemini looks confused and I laugh harder at this.

“I can’t believe you think that way.” I finally stop laughing. “If you think being smart is the only thing you have, you need help.” I tap him twice on his shoulder letting out a small laugh. “First, your not just smart- your a genius from what I’ve seen. Who else can map out an entire plan in an hour tops? Not to mention your hot, and polite, a combination that’s very rare. Girls on Earth dream about men like you.”

“Honestly I never thought that was the type of thing that those gears you’ve got up there produce.” I motion to his head. “Your so noble and put together all the time. I mean you single handedly tracked me down and came in a carriage car to get me from Earth. And you, are jealous of some popularity?” The truth sputters from my mouth in one of my infamous rambles and Gemini looks at me wide eyed.

“You really think that about me?” He asks quietly.

“Are you serious? You make wearing a suit on a Saturday look good and still manage to run an entire city.” I smile at him, he really is amazing and I don’t know why he would think different. Though he did keep a lot of stuff from me, I can’t hold it against him. We walk on the concrete, almost to the battle room.

“Thank you.” He replies, smiling.

“No need to thank me for the truth.” I smile back. “By the way, I’m deeply offended that you think popularity overrides smarts.” I joke as we enter the building. Gemini is giving me my battle lesson today instead of Aisha, apparently she’s out on business.

“Why is that?” He tells Dorraine his name and she opens his side, revealing many weapons, just like on Libra’s side.

“I read like nobody’s business and I’m no dummy myself. People find that.. weird and boring on Earth. Personally I find it better than anything, I’d rather read than jump of a mansion’s roof.” I laugh, and Gemini laughs along with me, grabbing two swords and commanding Dorraine close.

“Well I am sorry your highness,” he says handing me one of the swords, “it was only meant to be offense to myself.” I have my sword at his chest before he can utter another word.

“Never engage in conversation with your opponent.” I smirk, moving the blade further up, so that it rests at his neck. “It would have been as easy as breathing to slide this through your neck. Gemini smirks at me, ducking under the blade and flipping smoothly.

“Never engage in conversation with your opponent.” He recites me my previous words. Throwing his sword at me, it passes right through my hair cutting a few strands of it before landing in the wall. Gemini smirks and just as I flip to gather his sword so that I’ll have the upper hand, the room goes black.

I move around on alert, my sword pointed straight forward as I listen for any little movement. A hand grasps my waist and a cool metal blade presses firmly against my throat. “Never take your eyes off your opponent.” Gemini whispers, his breath fanning my ear. “Something like this could happen.” I jump as he tightens his arm around me and presses the blade almost hard enough to draw blood.

“I couldn’t see.” I say, trying to map out my next move. His arm is two strong and the way he has the blade pressing against me, with one slight move to the side my blood will be on this floor. “Let me go Gemini, that’s enough.”

The room regains light, but he doesn’t let me go. “Find a way.” He says. “If you don’t find a way out, you might die.” Libra’s voice booms through the room and Gemini’s head snaps to him.

“Honestly brother, can you not keep your hands to yourself?” He asks. Gemini steps away from me, a frown on his face.

“We were just training, don’t be a jerk.” I snap, angry for the way he’s made Gemini frown, I’ve never seen him frown and I don’t like it.

“Your so clueless love, he’s obviously pinning over you like the lovesick moron he is.” I throw my sword at him, it passes through his hair, cutting some strands off before landing in the wall.

“You two are so annoying.” Libra rolls his eyes, stepping closer to us. “Pretending everyone wants me to gain life, when really my brother has been plotting to steal my only chance at it away from me this entire time.” He snarls.

“Are you crazy? Why do you always pick a fight with him he hasn’t done you anything.” I defend.

“Yes, yes, defend your lover. Lead me on then kick me to the side how splendid.” Libra’s eyes burn with anger as he finally makes it in front of his brother.

“Lord Libra, Serenity, he’s asleep!” Aisha’s voice echos and her image is blurry as she stomps toward us. My head feels fuzzy as I seem to snap out of a day dream, and Libra stumbles back when both of Gemini’s eyes- which looked to me to open this whole time, actually open.

Now, Aisha is visible and well heard as she explains that Gemini caught her up on our problem only a few minutes earlier, but when she couldn’t find him anywhere she came here and found us. We were all dazed, walking around and talking like zombies while Gemini sat there asleep.

We were inside his dream, his dream was brought to life and I know the corner creature won’t stop here.

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