
Chapter 19. Dream Catcher

The aid cleans and patches up every open wound, a white band is wrapped around my foot and a couple band aids on my knee but my hairs still looks like a bird nest. Leaves and sticks all tangled in it. I tell Libra and Gemini what happened in my dream, leaving the parts about my mother and drugs out of it and then we get to work on finding a creature who could do what happened.

Gemini reads now, we’re in the library and each of us has went through at least six books tops. That’s roughly eighteen books including a expert from record- which I’ve come to know holds every creature to ever walk Ecladias, and still we have yet to find anything to do what was done to me.

There has only been three creatures that we’ve come across with capabilities in the dream world. A lucid, which can make someone feel that something really happening is a dream, a Mareien, which can simply trap someone in a dream- kind of like what depths do with darkness and a Dram which can jump into someone’s dream.

None of which have been seen since before the reins, as in when the record was etched onto a rock and paper wasn’t even thought of. There has never been a citing of creatures that can effect someone mentally since the Abrath Age, over fifty centuries ago. And even then, all the woman could do was read the deepest desire of people, she was almost like some sort of seer and her specie never got a name. She had no ability to make someone get hurt in real life if their hurt in a dream, or to play their nightmare on a stereo for all to hear.

“An Overseer,” Gemini begins, shamelessly pushing up his reading glasses, “like a seer they can see future things but they see what horrible acts someone is going to do- they see the evil in them in a sense. They’re still around but there aren’t that many.” He sighs.

“What does a mind reader have to do with our search for a freaky dream killer?” Libra asks harshly, he’s since started back avoiding me and has an attitude is over the roof.

“They haven’t killed anyone, and its a start.” Gemini says calmly.

“Yet.” Libra mumbles, holding up his book to us all. He throws it to Gemini and Gemini reads it, his brows furrowing.

“A Dream Catcher?” He asks in an unbelievable tone. “You realize that all they can do is catch dreams and record them into their minds? They do just what their names say, catch dreams.” Gemini throws the book back to his brother and I watch as Libra laughs.

“For once I feel I’m the smart brother.” He says, and at this, Gemini laughs.

“You can’t be serious, you put dirt in water when we were kids and froze it thinking that was the powder the humans used to make chocolate.” I burst out laughing and Libra scowls as a satisfied smirk plays on Gemini’s lips.

“You said you’d never bring that up.” Libra mumbles, only adding to my laughter.

“And you said I could have the worms from your dirt to study, you lied.” Gemini says, suddenly very serious.

“Let it go brother!” Libra stresses. “It was one little lie and whats the big deal anyways, you got worms from father the next week.”

I smile at their exchange, this is the most simple I’ve ever seen them and the first time I’ve ever seen their brother bond in action, and they have a admirable bond. But the show doesn’t last long as Libra turns his attention back to the book while Gemini rolls his eyes.

“I read an expert a while ago about dream catchers.” Libra starts. “Every creature evolves Mr. Scientist.” He insults Gemini, continuing his explanation. “They have also been said to have the ability to bring something from someone’s dream to life, entirely as in making the person get up an do everything that they’re doing in their dream in real life.”

“But Serenity didn’t get up, you said so yourself.” Gemini says.

“Yes, that’s true but her cuts were brought to life, and everything from the ground from when she fell came from her dream, with her.” Libra explains, making the most sense we’ve heard since we’ve been sitting here. “It was under the evolution of dream catchers section of the article but, had no origin or time period of when this occurred in any of the reins. Even in B.R times which means that no one had ever seen this done when the dream catchers were recorded- but a seer. A seer had to see that at one point this would happen, and assumed it would be in the evolution of a dream catcher since it dealt with dreams and they were able to see a dream fully unlike any other dream creature in history.”

I look at him, astounded at how he just turned into a full on geek and explained something better than I’ve ever seen Gemini do. I’m sure my eyes are popping out of their sockets but Gemini doesn’t looked shocked. “Your point?” Is all he says.

“My point?” Libra asks, chuckling deeply. “My point, big brother, is that we’ve got a corner on our hands.”

“No.” Gemini shakes his head, and I shake mine as well, it can’t be. If it is a corner then we don’t know what this thing looks like, where it could be, what it feeds off of. “Be serious.”

“Oh so since I’m right, I can’t be serious?” Libra points his finger at Gemini. “You brother, are incapable of letting someone else have light.” He shrugs. “But its okay, I’ll let you take the credit.”

“Please don’t start your nonsense.” Gemini says making Libra laugh and I see that they’re about to bicker, and here bickers always turn into fist fights.

“You both don’t need to start.” I say sternly, they both hush, Libra looking away from me and Gemini looking toward me. Libra’s cold shoulder still bothers me but at least they take me seriously. With my mother’s sickening laugh and hundreds of needles steady popping up inside my head I don’t have time to be worried about someone not speaking to me.

“We don’t need to start.” Gemini agrees. “There’s more serious matter right now. Libra why do you think its a corner?”

“Think?” Libra scoffs. “I know, not think. Corners are creatures never seen in Ecladias, not on record and what is this that’s happening? Something never seen.” He snaps, standing abruptly from the table. “Your both welcome.” He mumbles, not even giving me so much as a glance before he darts from the room.

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