
Chapter 23. Dream Date

It was like every tear I had ever cried came crashing from my eyes at once, and it soaked me entirely, but I told no one, embarrassed that I would have such a dream and angry at this corner for tormenting me so.

At least fifteen creatures of the mansion have had nightmares since this corner made its presence known, and seven of those fifteen have nearly died- or killed others in those nightmares. Gemini demanded that before anyone began conversation with another, that they told each other to wake up. Just in case it was a dream brought to life, so they would snap out of it.

There has been look out for anything suspicious that could lead us to the corner, but other than the dreams there has been no sign of the creature in the mansion.

Satchel is waiting for me now, I don’t know what to expect from this ‘date’ but it is my part of the deal and as I said, i’m a woman of my word. Satchel’s personality is easy going from what I’ve seen, but he’s serious when need be and I like that about him, so I don’t mind his presence for however long this date will last.

The water is beautiful, its a blue so light that its almost see through and those same pink flowers from in front of the mansion border it. I sit down at the table in front of Satchel, he smirks up at me on an instant and I give him a smile.

“Don’t you look nice.” He says, taking in my turquoise dress before his eyes land back on my face.

“Thank you, vice versa.” He wears a deep blue suit shirt and after I return his compliment I look around. Its simple but cute, the sun shines down on our table and the water sits comfortably still, there are two menus in front of us and I open mine.

“So, have you missed me? I am dear to your plan so I would hope so.” Satchel teases. I shake my head at him, smiling faintly as he picks up his menu as well.

“When do we get a waiter?” I question, seeing no one here but us. Satchel laughs, his frost hair shaking as he does so.

“Just tell me what you pick, yeah?” He says, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips.

“Sure jack frost.” I joke, and at this he scowls at me.

“I’m so much more handsome!” He pouts, rolling his crystal blue eyes. I laugh, my eyes still scanning the menu. “And unlike him, my hair has been this color since the womb. Thank you.”

“I’m sure.” I say. “However, jack is my favorite fictional character.” I lie to get the reaction I know he’ll give me.

“Slap some hair dye on me and call me jack then.” I laugh once more, finally coming across something that sounds good.

“I’ll have a Crisp Vader Pepper wrap with a side of Galleen and some grape juice please.” It sounds delicious even as it rolls off my tongue, I have always been one for peppers now and then and so a crisp pepper what not sounds efficient.

Satchel begins chanting lowly, a smirk on his face as his eyes turn stormy grey. His words are incoherent and sound as if their in a different language entirely. I grip the table, trying to keep myself steady as I watch.

Slowly, my food forms before me. A plate first, then piece by piece a large golden brown wrap forms before me, a fork and knife, then lastly a cup full of apple juice. At least I though it was last until Satchel mumbled a few more words and a sauce cup filled with a brown substance popped up on side of my plate.

“Now,” Satchel says proudly, “for me.” He does the same process all over until his food is in front of him and I look at him wide-eyed when his eyes finally return to their normal state.

“Smell good right?” He beams. “I mastered cooking as a child when my siblings traveled to Bealus. Detomins, obsessed with it.” Satchel forks some of his food in his mouth as questions pound to be let free from my head.

“You just chanted up our food.” I slowly slice my wrap with my fork, almost scared that it might disappear at any moment. “Are you sane?”

He laughs. “Of course.” He rolls his eyes in humor. “Pixens are the balance of Ecladias, we are magical.” Satchel explains. “the twisted human versions of us are called witches, in the story books, and films.”

I nod, understanding what a pixen is. Sure he is going to notice that I’m not from here sooner than later, I didn’t even know what a pixen was for Christ sake, and fear surfaces inside me at that. When he speaks, it doesn’t help that fear, “you remind me of a human I once knew.”

I choke a laugh, washing down the actual choke with grape juice. “Really?” I try and smile, quickly putting a forkful of the wrap into my mouth to avoid more human talk and nearly moaning as the burst of flavors hit my tongue. He nods, smirking.

We talk about something different, I eat my wrap half the time to keep my identity to myself, and in the middle of a bicker of whether water is more beautiful blue are clear, Satchel yawns.

I think nothing of it, I only laugh, teasing him about being tired but when his eyes actually close and sounds start blasting through the open space- sounds that sound like hundreds of soldiers in combat, I start to worry.

“My lord, hide!” Someone seethes.

“Hide? I’m no coward Espen, I fight with my people. Alert the ships!” Satchel commands as shots are fired and commotion sounds, I look all around, hearing the tossing and tuning of Satchel in his sleep and knowing who it is, its the corner.

“Corner! Don’t be so cowardly.” I stand, looking around as Satchel’s war nightmare fills my ears. “Don’t feed on someone who can’t fight back, why don’t you show yourself?” The war gets worst, I hear Satchel mutter commands, shouting at his men.

“Espen! Espen breath, you have to get home to your sister she needs you do you hear me?” Satchel yells.

“Y-yes my lord. My.. s-sister.” Espen mumbles in a raspy voice, he’s dying.

“What do tell the enemy?” Satchel asks him.

“I freed you!” I yell. “Have some damn respect, I’m practically your mother!” My eyes rapidly search every open place for something- anything that looks out of place.

“Tell the enemy, the ally a-always.. w-win, wins.” Espen coughs as Satchel shouts, if Espen isn’t dead already- if this isn’t a rerun of something Satchel watched happen, then I need to get Espen out of their before he really dies.

“Dream Catcher!” I call, figuring if I call it by name it’ll come. A breeze passes by me as Espen gasps for breath, a thought crosses my mind, what if that isn’t its name.

A dream catcher is on record, a corner is not just like Libra said. It does deal with dreams, but the seer called them corners. Yes. “Dream Corner! Show your real face!” The winds go from a breeze to storm like winds.

I shake Espen, his dream going down in volume before it goes down completely. He opens his eyes, looking around as if he doesn’t know where he is. His hair blows everywhere as well as mine as realization sets in his eyes. “Corners are real, and one is here.” I say lifting my gaze, and when I do, I come face to face with something the size of Lijen, small enough to fit in my palm.

It smirks, floating with the most intimidating purple eyes. And purple is the only color it holds, the rest of it is clear and it switches forms before my eyes like a station buffering in search of the right channel.

Satchel stands as well, he watches the corner in amazement as the winds dial down. In an instant he disappears, and I think he’s leaving me to fend for myself until he returns with Aisha, Libra, Gemini and just about every creature that attended the dinner.

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