
Chapter 14. Crashing Down

Aisha is in the corner of the room pretending to flirt with some Detomin as the crowd stares up at their ruler. This has put a dent in our plan, as he wasn’t suppose to be here, he was said to be home sick with Galla.

As he turns the conversation to one about himself, Aisha nods, signaling us to move. Without a word, we wiggle through the people who are absorbed into their lord’s rant about his new baby gargoyle.

Its dark in these halls but that does nothing as Libra waves light in with the swoosh of his hand, something I didn’t know he could do. “Check everything.” He commands, and we do. We check dresser drawers, corners, sofa pillows and even pull out bricks signaling secrete compartments until my fingers skim over an emerald key.

Not the color emerald, but a key made of emerald stones that I can see straight through like its glass. Its beautiful, I’m not sure what its the key to, no one is, but whatever is beyond the cave of Emilia, must be well kept for a reason.

Libra grabs the key from my hands and stares at it. In only a few seconds, it vanishes and he slips air into his back pocket. I don’t question this, but make a mental note to ask about it later.

“Tell me Libra darling, you really didn’t think it would be that easy? The key was but a trap of course.” A female voice calls. She doesn’t bat an eye my way as her hazel eyes examine Libra. Her hair is hazel as well, flowing past her waist and she has the figure of an hourglass, covered by a deep red dress.

Libra says nothing, he just stares at her with a hard and cold look. “As much as I love you, I have to say your plans never were the best.” Her words strike an emotion in me that I’ve never felt before, an emotion I deeply dislike, but they do nothing but anger Libra.

“Nothing to say?” She continues. “Aw, its been so long though. Don’t you miss me? Don’t worry I forgive you, to the point we go. This kind of thing was always Gemini’s job, really, you, settle? Of course this ratchet thing is the morpher, you gave her up so easily.” The woman giggles.

She’s in Libra’s face now, she runs her perfectly manicured fingertips over his cheek and he growls, which seems to amuse her. “Ravania.” Libra says lowly, threateningly. She smirks.

“You sound like father, he always hated you.” Ravania reminisces, its obvious they have history . I clear my throat, a feeling I can now recognize as jealousy growing inside me for god knows why. She finally looks my way. “Ah, the child wants attention, worry not I have some friends who’d love to meet you.” Ravania pouts.

“I’m far from a child.” I spit, the sudden hatred I have toward this women I don’t even know shows through my tone. She rolls her gorgeous hazel eyes, waving me away with her hand.

“Sorry darling our time is cut short. Boys, take them.” She calls. As soon as I see green faces I panic. Our plan B kicks in, the plan for if we got caught. I’ve morphed more than one person before, I can do it again and if I can’t, there’s always plan C. We went over every possible scenario, multiple threats being the first.

First, I focus on the commander, Ravania. She smiles as if knowing my intention. “I’m only the messenger, not a threat to you child so you can not morph me-”

Her words are cut off as she goes flying back, before she hits the ground she shrinks in size and fly’s up as her true form is revealed. She looks exactly like a raven but she’s a hazel color.

I look to Libra, he looks one of the green men in their eyes, trapping them in themselves before moving to the next, but there are too many. They’re everywhere and I duck and dodge them just like Aisha has taught me, but that won’t be enough.

I need to act fast, to examine them and see what to add or remove in order to get Libra and I out of here.

Two grab me, their hands feel like rubber gloves and burn me to the touch. Their hands, are, rubber gloves and more reach for me, burn me, as I try to shake the others off. Rubber gloves are for gardens, these are the gardeners, the people who want me.

A yell erupts from my throat and with it, all the green men go flying back just like Ravania did just minutes ago. Libra gets up from the ground quickly, his entire appearance a mess. “What was that?” He questions, I have no time for questions though, especially those I have no answer to.

“Away.” I command, my voice filled with disgust. I slide my hand to the right and with it, all the gardeners slide out of my way, making a pile in the side of the room. Its like their paralyzed, they can’t move, they can only look. “Come on, now.” There’s authority in my voice that was never there before, authority of a queen and I stomp back down stairs with Libra rushing behind me.

Ravania, my eyes search the parts that still goes on for her. They most likely could’t hear the commotion upstairs over the music, though elegant just as everything else here, loud. When I find the bird girl, flying rapidly, she erupts in flames. She quickly changes forms and I smirk a satisfied smirk as the party stops mid-dance to look at her burnt face. Her eyes widen in both horror, and realization as she screams in pain, sitting on the ground.

I say nothing, I only scurry out the door like the plan B had mapped out. Get rid of the threat, then make way back to the mansion. Gretel is waiting by the carriage and so is Aisha, there’s a bow in her hands and she stands as if she’s ready for battle. I push past her, ignoring the burn in my heels and focusing on the adrenaline pumping like blood through my veins.

“Get in.” I demand them all. “The plan is to flee, we flee, or burn.” I say, referring to the fire Detomins will breath on us for disrespecting their party.

They get in, no questions asked, and Gretel sets off. My nerves begin to calm and I think back to my actions. Back to Ravania’s burnt flesh, I’d burned her purposely. When I burned those ant men, it was a complete accident, an accident based on building anger that came out of no where. But that wasn’t this case this time, this time it was on purpose and based off anger I had just acquired. Whether it was to prove a point to her or myself I don’t know.

I relished in watching her her flap her wings in attempt to put out the fire, in the way I had scorched and ruined her beautiful face. And I liked it, in a sick way it gave me pleasure, And even now as I flee back to the Depth lands, I don’t regret it at all. I feel that I should, know that I should, but I don’t.

I’ve never gained pleasure in hurting someone but I can’t deny the rush of pure pleasure I felt as I hurt her, someone who had done me nothing at all.

The carriage comes to a stop as everyone whines that they need the restroom. I don’t need it, but I still get out, leaving my shoes in the carriage all to let the bitter winds rip at me. I’m trying, trying to rid myself of this darkness that’s trying so desperately to claw its way within me and stay in me. The wind cools me off but I’m still burning inside.

“Why’d you do that?” Libra’s voice pulls me from myself, he’s angry. He’s always angry at me.

“Do what?” I don’t look at home.

“Don’t play dumb Serenity.” He spits, my name sounds weird coming from his mouth, it doesn’t belong there. “You did it on purpose this time, I saw it in your eyes. Your not as perfect as you pretend.”

“What’re you made about your mistress? I don’t pretend anything.” My words don’t even sound like my own, this jealousy can’t be mine. Jealous for what? Libra’s past is his business, his past doesn’t involve me nor concern me.

“My mistress?” He scoffs. “I saw it, but I didn’t think it was real, she’s nothing to be jealous of.” He laughs a cold laugh.

“I’m not jealous.” I lie, my feet scraping against the cool rock beneath my bare feet. “Your unbelievable.” I cross my arms over my chest as his mocking laugh sounds from beside me.

“I know eyes, because I have none.” He says coldly. “So I know that I saw those pretty blue orbs swimming, burning, with raw jealousy. I know you set her on fire because you were jealous, and it was a sight to watch, bu why?”

“Because,” I whisper yell, needing to get it out, needing to say it out loud and see how stupid it really is, “because she’s prettier than me?! Because you to have history?! Maybe its because she said she loves you, I mean really this is beyond me!” I wave my hands around like a mad women.

He grabs my wrist and I finally look at him, his eyes soften but still gleam with anger. “She’s not prettier than you, your gorgeous love. Do you hear me?” I do, I hear his every word but I’m sure its all an hallucination. “History is just that, past stories for a library and I have never, loved her back. I’ve never loved before.”

His words subside my jealousy, jealousy that shouldn’t have been there and some selfish girl I do not know is glad that he has never loved. “I’m angry.” I admit. “Very angry for no reason at all, and the only way that anger leaves is when I burn things. Morphers aren’t suppose to do the things I’ve been doing, Gemini told me there’s no record of it.” It scares me, to be the only morpher in history to do these things, do things other than subtract and add from species.

I have bent air, and fire to my will, and that’s something new to this world. “Black!” Aisha yells.

Libra and I look around frantically, code black means there’s multiple threats. Code black is the worst that can happen after plan A came crashing down.

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