
Chapter 13. Hello Neighbor

We all sit at the meeting table, careful not to miss a word Gemini says, Aisha sits on one side of me and Libra on the other. I’ve come to see who the planning brother is.

“I need you all to put your differences aside for this.” He tells us, I nod. “If you guys even so much as argue, this could be jeopardized.” Gemini looks at each one of us as he says this.

“General, you will keep your distance at all times but be alert. Don’t let anyone know your with them.” Libra and Serenity, play pretend couple and don’t make a brawl out of it.” He narrows his eyes and Libra throws him a scowl. “Remember the plan, stick to the plan, and do not, mess up, the plan.”

Everyone nods, having went over the plans for three days straight. The black contacts don’t irritate me as much as I thought they would, since everyone knows Libra, and no one knows me, disguises were our best option.

After packing the carriage we set off for Bealus. The ride is around two hours, which I sleep through. Aisha’s voice wakes me from my slumber. “We’re here now, I’m leaving.” I shrug her hands off me, opening my eyes. When I do, Aisha is no where to be found, neither is Libra. ′

“They have left your highness.” Gretel says, pointing. I nod, getting out after seeing our bags are gone as well. Gretel leaves, going to his said location and I walk into the bar.

Its loud, some kind of crazy rock music blasts from every wall. I walk toward the end where Libra sits as well. He latches his arm around me, his long dark artificial hair ticking my face.

The rigid looking bartender comes toward us. “Pretty bright place for some Depths.” He shows rows of yellow teeth that look awful contrasting with his fiery red hair.

“Pretty col place for a Detomin.” Libra raises one brow and I wonder what he’s doing, your not suppose to disrespect Detomins that way in their city, your suppose to tell them hello the moment you make contact with them. The Detomin backs off.

They both burst into laughter, the bartender smacking his hand on the counter as he cackles and I see they must be old friends. “If it isn’t my favorite dark lord, I know those depths anywhere. I should after being a victim of them a many times.” Their laughter dies down.

“Give me a shot of Valer will ya, and keep your voice down unless your calling me Jackle.” Libra demands gruffly in a teasing tone.

He comes back with two shots of a green liquid, one for me and one for Libra. I don’t drink it even as Libra gulps it down. “I heard you got the morpher.” He says, smirking. He doesn’t even acknowledge me and I’m glad. “She’s worth a fine cent here, the Gardeners want her for a kill.” My stomach churns.

“The girl is back on Earth according to some, but I think its an old wives tale.” Libra shrugs pulling me closer, the man finally looks my way. His bright red eyes take me in and I look away immediately. “Don’t look at her that way.” Libra scolds, and the man looks away.

The bartender chuckles, ignoring the calls he gets from other customers. “You’ve got a looker there, never thought I’d see you have a gal. Don’t see any color in those evil things though.”

Libra ignores him, so to my dislike, he talks again.

“Do you plan on seeing some truth to the tale? There’s been word of her here, proof of her in the Depth lands and the Gardeners want her before she takes her thrown.” He speaks of me in the third person, unaware of my presence. I soak up this new information, wondering who these Gardeners he keeps going on about are, and why they want me.

“I’m busy, fairy tales are the sissy’s quest.” I can tell he’s referring to Gemini. “What’s it to you anyway? Not enough money in the pigsty business?” Libra cocks up a brow.

The man laughs that sickening laugh again. “You never were interested in politics. I’ll do good to keep my motives to myself because you never were one to keep something from brother dearest either.”

Libra stares at him coldly. “Neither was I ever one for pointless conversation.” He slaps his hand on the bar. “Another Valer.” The man smirks, shamelessly showing his cheesy teeth. He leaves and comes back with another shot which Libra gulps down. I slowly drink mine, its freezing but strong. As it slides down my throat it burns and cools me all at once, tasting of granny smith apple.

“We need to go.” Libra mumbles. I get up and follow him out. We walk to some kind of inn and open one of the small buildings with a fiery red key. Our bags are already here, as well as two outfits sitting on the single bed in the middle of the room. They are both deep red, I raise a brow of confusion.

“The pix will be inside a party tonight, get dressed.” He demands, picking up his suit from the bed and darting to what I’m guessing is the bathroom.


This dress makes me feel self-conscious but comfortable all at once. The sleeves are long and the dress itself flows a good amount pass my knees, but hugs me like a second skin. Off hand you can’t see my chest, but it shows slightly through the lace material covering my chest. My hair has a middle part and flows down in messy curls.

Libra walks out, his bright red suit jacket thrown over his shoulder. The red and black makes him look like a devil, and is he none other than. His eyes go straight to me, drinking me in as I fumble with the strap of my red heels. He clears his throat before speaking. “The Detomins take their color and manners very seriously. When you see your neighbor tell them hello.”

I nod, having already been told this numerous times by Gemini. If I make eye contact with any Detomin, and not tell them hello, they’d see it as disrespect and the plan could go all wrong. Since Detomins loath and won’t tolerate disrespect, one could turn into a threat then I’d have to morph it and blow my entire cover, reveal my true identity to everyone, to the Gardeners. My body shudders at the thought of the unknown people who want god knows what with me.

The ride to the party is quiet, Libra doesn’t look at me not once. We get out of the carriage, letting Gretel go on his way. The building is packed, shades of red lace every outfit and it all seems so elegant. Suits and dresses fill the room.

I keep my head down as Libra and I walk with linked arms. Not until we reach a stopping point do I pick my head up and look over the many people who in my world, would seem to be Albinos who’d dyed their hair. There are other creatures here too, but the Detomins outnumber them.

One catches my stare, his pale lips turn up in a smile, I waist no time to greet him. “Hello neighbor.” I smile back. He walks toward me, his red locks sitting in a perfect mess atop his head, the first three buttons of his deep red suit shirt unbuttoned.

“Greeting beautiful.” He says, Libra’s arms twitches. “We’re far from the dark lands are we love?”

I cringe at the silly pet name only Libra has ever called me. Its always ever sounded glorious coming out laced in his thick accent, but makes me gag now as it seems to only belong on Libra’s tongue. “I enjoy the red.” I lie, all this red is making me nauseates as I compare it to red liquids elsewhere.

“I enjoy the black.” He responds, looking into my contacts. “I’m said to be the weirdest of Detomins because of it.” In one swift movement he kisses the back of the hand that lays limp by my side. Libra snakes his hand around my waist so quickly that I gasp, a gasp that makes his presence known to the stranger.

“Hello neighbor.” He says blankly. “Jackle.” They shake hands. “This,” he squeezes my waist, “is my gal, Carlaya.” I voted for the name Emma, but they all claimed it was ‘too human’.

“Zakeela.” The Detomin responds. “Nice to meet you both.” He smiles a smile that doesn’t meet his eyes.

“Please,” Libra chuckles the most dead chuckle ever, “the pleasure is ours.” Zakeela walks away and Libra drops his arm from my waist. “Don’t look at these dreadful redheads, I have better things to do than play house.” He spits, I ignore him, knowing exactly where reacting would lead. We have a mission to complete.

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