
Chapter 15. Overload

Everyone runs to the carriage but we fail to get in on time. Birds swarm above us, brown ravens. Just my luck, from what I heard Aisha mutter on the way here, they can spit something nasty from the bottom of their tongues as a defense mechanism. Something that can wipe someone’s entire face off if touched by it.

Aisha does what she’s here to do, fight. She pulls arrows from her dress and makes plenty birds drop, flipping past the brown gunk they spit at her. As the gunk hits the ground it burns holes in it like its acid of some sort. Though many fall, many still swarm, spitting in every direction.

She throws Libra a bow and pack of arrows that she pulls from under the carriage, I notice the Libra sign on it. He catches them both and shoots like a professional, never missing a shot.

The brown acid spit flies right past my head, I move and raise one hand seeing the damage it has done to the carriage. As I twirl my hand, the winds visibly pick up around us. The birds flap their wings but the winds are too high, forcing them to stay in place. After one spits, and the spit flies onto another, leaving a hole in its body, they stop spitting.

I raise my other hand so that the many that fell and changed forms go back to birds. I know where I’m going with this, but I don’t know if it will work. Everyone needs a warning and this will be it.

As my hand raises more, stones, rocks and dirt raise with it, my attention centers around my task. Everything spins, wrapping the birds in the middle of the windstorm I’m creating. Each time one tries to switch forms, I narrow my eyes and change them back.

There’s plenty materials from the ground, but dirt won’t hold together without water. In a weird sense, I feel for water. I hold everything together with one hand, and its all heavy, it feels like I’m lifting weights and my arm strains. I let the other hand wander around, closing my eyes in search for water.

Once I feel something moist, I pull it to me and just as I can feel the weight of holding the things I already have, I feel the pull of the water. Soon enough, little droplets of water begin to come and collide with the other materials.

“Where is there a body of water?!” I yell.

“Lake Zuraine is in the middle of the trees!” Gretel responds over the winds. I nod, thanking him silently as I call the lake by name. It takes me a while to pull enough water, but surely it floats in mid air. I open my eyes amazed at this, I smile a weak smile. Like a spider, I web everything together, trapping all the birds inside. The result is a ball of nature, I slowly put it down.

My feet are stinging now, they are cut and I feel it but I pay no mind to it as I stand there in amazement. I hear the others yelling, and Gretel is even clapping but they all sound so distant and their voices only make my already weird feeling head pound.

I try and move my feet to get to the others but my limbs have betrayed me, they aren’t working at all. Nothing is, my eyes slowly close and I feel myself fall to the rigid cold ground but still I can’t move.

Even as someone picks up my dysfunctional body, and my head continues to throb, I can’t move. I can hear an echo of the world around me, the worried voices of Aisha and Libra and the strained roll of the damaged carriage wheels.

This goes on for what seems like an entire day. The carriage wheels struggle to roll and echos of conversations enter my mind, in one ear and out the other. I know its only six hours at the most as I start counting seconds at one point, but it feels like twenty four that I try to make contact with my own skin. I’m conscious most of this time, but I can’t see nor can I move. I can’t even feel my own limbs, its like my hard drive has crashed.

“Serenity can you hear me?” Its the first audible thing I’ve heard in ages, but I don’t recognize the voice. “If you can, can you please call the Delaware here to speak for you?” The female says, its a good idea that I would have never though of. Since they could speak inside my head I should be able to do the same.

I call Delaware as she asks, telling him to speak for me and he yawns before complying and coming here- wherever here is. “Queen Serenity says she can hear you fine but she can’t feel.” He begins to speak my thoughts in his tired voice and I wish I could sigh at the relief I have at finally having someone know them.

“She says first she only could here echos, but she hears you fine doctor. Can someone tell me what’s going on here? Is my queen well?” I want to smile at Delaware’s concern but its physically impossible at the moment.

“She seems to have had a power overload, powers never seen had by morphers in the rein of Ecladias.” The woman tells him.

“What sorts of powers?” Delaware asks, I hear him pacing the room. “Species don’t have powers, they have aspects to their makeup. Powers are for storybooks doctor.” I transfer him the memory of my work and now, he isn’t pacing from what I can hear, he’s stopped in his tracks.

“Oh my, the corners have begun.” Delaware mutters in disbelief.

“Corners?” The woman asks. “It can not be.” She gasps. “Have her tell me exactly how, she trapped the bravens before she collapsed.” I hear rummaging, like someone is looking for something.

“With a wave of her hand, she picked up dirt and other things from the ground and held them up, it felt like she was lifting something, really lifting and it was heavy, then she pulled water from Lake Zuraine and put it all together. All the pulling and holding took a toll on her.” Delaware recites my thoughts.

The woman tells him thank you, and has me send him off, I tell him not to worry for me and tell the others not to worry as well. A few pinches and pokes at my skin later and I can move, I nearly jump for joy as I open my eyes.

The room looks to be some kind of hospital room, there are medications and tubes filled with different colored liquids everywhere. In the middle of the room stands a white haired woman in a burgundy lab coat, the doctor I assume.

“Hello, I’m Melinda.” She says, rushing to my side as I struggle to stand. Melinda, despite her white head of hair doesn’t look old at all.

I look her up and down, deciding whether or not I trust her. “Thank you, Melinda, for waking me.” She is the one who woke me, so she has a partial amount of my trust. “I’m Serenity.”

“Save you thanks for the lord Libra. Whose to know what would have happened had he not acted so fast.” She has the smile of a mother, not that I ever witnessed one of those smiles from my own mother. Her words take me back to when my eyes first closed, the cold hands that gathered me from the ground, his kind words moments before.

“Take me to him.” I command lightly. I need to see him, to thank him for carrying me, but deep down I want to thank him for something else, for the moments before.

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