Rosa and Mia started walking down the stairs when they heard the men talking. They entered the loungeroom, walked towards their mates, and kissed them both on their cheeks. Both men turned red in embarrassment. The two women laughed at their reactions. Then, the four sat down on the two separate couches and discussed Rosa and Mia's transformation in detail until Rosa started to yawn. Luca and the others see this, call it a day, and let Rosa and Mia rest for a while. Arianna and Cristian then leave. Rosa heads towards the bedroom and falls asleep as soon as she lies on the bed. Luca comes in a few minutes later, sees she is sleeping, and puts the covers over her to keep her warm.

While Rosa and Mia slept, Luca decided to dismantle his temporary office in her old hospital room and bring his things over from the hospital; he asked Emma if she could come over and keep Luna company while he was doing this. Emma answers that she tells him that she will be right over. Luca thanks her for the help. A few minutes later, there was a knock on his door. He went and opened it and found Emma on the other side of the door. He let her enter the room before shutting the door behind him. Luca then informs Emma of his plans while Rosa is sleeping and asks if she could stay with her and keep her company while he does this. Emma agrees to stay with Luna. Luca thanks her as he starts walking out the door.

Twenty minutes later, Luca is back at the hospital and in Rosa's old room. He looks around to see that he needs some help and is linked with his brother if he can come and help him pack. Constantino replies that he can, and so can Angelo Moretti. Luca then tells them to go to the hospital because he is already there and has started to pack a few things into the boxes he had kept from when he set up his temporary office. His brother replies no worries, be there in a few minutes as Luca answers him okay. While Luca was waiting for the others to turn up, he kept packing as quickly as possible so he could get back to Rosa before she woke up. A few minutes later, Constantino and Angelo arrived and helped him with the rest of the packing.

As they are about to finish, Stefano comes in through the door, sees what they are doing, and offers to take them to the packhouse for him. Lucas thanked him for his offer, who returned with no worries and then left for the packhouse as the others continued to pack. Half an hour later, Stefano returns with a couple of extra pack members to assist in removing the table and the additional bed from the room. Luca thanks them both for their assistance. Everything was packed and ready to go to the packhouse, Lucas's office, and room two hours later. They all ensured the room was clean and tidy for the next patient needing it. Seeing everything was done, they left the door and window open to allow the fresh air in, and then they all left and headed towards the packhouse. They arrived twenty minutes later. Stefano and the others head towards the Alpha office while Luca heads towards his suite and his mate.

When he enters his suite, goes to the bedroom, and sees that Rosa is still asleep, Emma watches over her and nods in acknowledgement as she smiles at him. Luca puts his things away, returns to Emma and Rosa, thanks her for her help as she walks out the door, and nods in acknowledgement back to the Alpha. Luca sighs before sitting on the bed, thinking about what Rosa was talking about yesterday about the marking. Was she ready? He thought to himself. It's too early to know, he said to himself when he heard a voice saying, "A penny for your thoughts voice said to him; he looked up and saw that Rosa was awake and said to her, "I was just thinking about what you said yesterday about the marking" he said to her "It sounded like you were thinking about doing it that's all l thought we were going to wait until you are ready?" Rosa replied to Luca with a smile when she said, "I am ready, though", as her eyes widened in shock after she said it. Luca shakes his head and asks, "Are you positively sure because once we mark each other, it cannot be reversed?" he informed her. Rosa takes his hand into hers and says to him, "I know that, and l am sure I love you, Luca" she said to him as she blushed after she told him of her feelings towards him. Luca was surprised but happy too, as he told her, "I love you too," and leaned over to kiss her as Rosa did the same.

As their lips met when they kissed, fireworks, sparks and tingles were going down both arms, causing them to shiver in excitement and nervousness. They then started to kiss each other on the neck on the left side, down near where it meets the shoulder and kept on kissing each other until she was a total and complete mess with the pleasure from his kisses. Then they bit each other. The feeling she felt was immense but painful at the same time.

Then Rosa heard a voice in her head. It sounded a lot like Luca; still, it couldn't be his lips weren't moving, and then he said, "It's called linking. You can now link everyone in the pack, including me, but the mark will allow us to feel each other's emotions and let us know where the other person is. We can let the other pack members know if there is any danger around." He had told her what the marking entailed before they marked each other a while back when they talked and got to know one another. Rosa was tired and fell asleep. Luca joined a few minutes later after ensuring everything was safe and secure.

Hours later, Luca woke up and looked down at his mate. She was still sleeping, so he let her. Marking someone takes a lot out of a person, hence the tiredness afterwards. Luca then gets up and freshens up in the bathroom as Rosa sleeps. Exiting the bathroom and looking towards the bed, he saw movement from under the covers as Rosa began to stir from sleep. Then her eyes slowly open until you can see the brilliant blue colour staring at you and her magnificent smile appearing when she becomes fully awake. Luca smiles back at her and asks, "How was your nap?" Rosa replies, "It was good feeling much better. Why?" Luca answered, "Nothing, just was wondering how you were, that's all, but l do need to ask you about something though", he said to her as she sat up in the bed and looked at Luca, then asked him. "What's wrong?" Luca replies, "Nothing is wrong per se, but l need to ask you when or if you would like to do the Luna ceremony. There's no rush if you want to wait a few more days," he said to her. Rosa frowned at what he said but asked, "What is a Luna ceremony, and what does it entail? How long does it usually take to organise one?"

Luca replies, "A Luna ceremony is like a wedding by human standards; in our world, you are officially made the Luna of the Ferrera Wolf pack, our pack, by making vows to the Moon Goddess and cutting our hands. Luna's power comes from the Moon Goddess herself, and l think about two or three weeks? Why?" inquired Luca.

Rosa replies to him, smiling. "Well, we had better get organised then, shouldn't we?" she said with a grin when Luca's eyes widened, realising what she had just said. Luca jumped on the bed like a little boy would and kissed her all over her face as Rosa giggled in amusement at his reaction. They both leave bed and plan their Luna ceremony in three weeks. Luca linked the pack and announced that the Luna ceremony would be held in three days. The pack cheered at the news, and the preparations began as quickly as possible because they could not wait for the ceremony and to celebrate their new Luna. But little did the pack know that one special guest would arrive as the ceremony started. Can anyone guess who it could be?

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