Luca and Rosa headed towards the dining room and breakfast three weeks later. Today was going to be very busy. The day everyone had been waiting for has finally arrived. It was Rosa's' Luna ceremony today. The ceremony was going to be held in the backyard, and chairs had been set up for seating to assist with accommodating the pack members and a critical guest, Elder Gabriel. It started at six in the evening. As everyone continued their day as generally as they could, Rosa was the most nervous as she contemplated today's event that was happening later in the evening. Luckily, the weather would be warm but more relaxed towards the evening.

Luckily for Rosa, Emma had found her outfit two weeks ago when Emma had taken her shopping. Emma had already gotten her dress. They entered a boutique store owned by the pack, which shops for special occasions such as Luna ceremonies and other special events. They looked around at the dresses, but none appealed to them until Rosa looked behind her and said to Emma, "What about that one?" Emma looked at where she was pointing and saw the dress, then nodded in agreement and replied, "Yes, it's' beautiful. Go and try it on", she said to her. Rosa nodded and headed towards the changing rooms as Emma followed behind her. Rosa arrived at the rooms to try the dress and went inside while Emma waited outside for her to come out. A few minutes later, she came out and put on the dress to show Emma, whose eyes widened when she saw the dress on Rosa. Emma then said to her, "Yes, that's the one"," She told her as Rosa looked into the mirror and loved the long, strapless white dress that went down to the floor and had beaded lace embroidered on the bodice. It was perfect. Rosa nodded her head in agreement with her friend.

Once Rosa went back into the changing room to remove the dress and get back into her regular clothes, Rosa and Emma headed towards the cashier to pay for the dress. They spent the rest of the day finding shoes, makeup and other personal things for Rosa before getting lunch and heading home. Rosa was tired when they returned from their three hours of shopping and putting everything away with Emma's' help in her and Luca's' room. She said, "Thank you" to Emma, thanking her for her help today and saying she would lie down and rest for a few hours before dinner." Emma replied, "No worries, and you're welcome," to Rosa and left her to rest.

Presently, everyone went about their regular duties except for the ones with Rosa's' help to finish with any last-minute details for the upcoming ceremony and those who were not training. This afternoon's training session was cancelled so that all those attending the ceremony had enough time to do their duties and prepare for the ceremony. The kitchen staff were equally busy, if not even busier, preparing the food for the big feast after the ceremony to celebrate their new Luna. By four in the afternoon, everything was done. The meat that was slowly cooking on the spit was nearly done. It would be cooked by the time the ceremony was finished. The roast vegetables and desserts were kept warm in the ovens. There were also various cold desserts, different salads cooling in the fridge, and homemade muffins and cupcakes. It is going to be one big massive celebration with all the other food that was being prepared.

Luca and Rosa had agreed to dress in different rooms for the ceremony. Little did Rosa know that Luca had been doing something with the help of some of the pack members, including Emma, as a surprise for his mate. Luca and his pack members had helped him clean up and around her family's property for the last few days as he would bring her here after the ceremony and give her the letter from her late father. They all knew it would be a very emotional time for Luna when and after she read the letter.

After helping the others with any last-minute details, Rosa was in awe of their achievements in organising everything for the ceremony. The chairs for seating were white with white chiffon material through one section and tied with white roses on the chairs at the beginning of each aisle. The aisle was covered with a long white carpet from where the chairs started and headed up towards the white draped chiffon and rose-covered pergola decorated as the chairs had been done. The chairs were placed in a large circle so everyone could see the ceremony. There was also a table in the middle under the pergola, with the ceremonial knife and bowl on it. Rosa took a last look at what they had done before she headed up towards the pack house.

As she entered through the door, she saw that Emma was waiting for her, her dress for the ceremony folded over her arms, in the lounge room. They were both getting ready for the ceremony in her room while Luca was going to get ready in his brother Constantino's' room. Emma helps Rosa with the hair and makeup they bring simultaneously, and they get her dressed for the day. They had already given Luca his black tie. They rushed up, but not too quickly for Rosa, to her and Luca's' room, where she helped Emma by hanging up her dress while Emma was preparing the makeup and hair. Rosa then took her shower, quickly washed her body, and rinsed off. She was out of the shower within five minutes before drying herself with a fluffy white towel and putting on a white satin robe, which she got the same day as her dress and even got Emma one as well to wear while they were doing their hair and makeup before they put on their dresses and shoes. Rosa brushed her long, thick locks thoroughly until they shone, leaving her with glossy locks of hair.

A few minutes later, Emma exited the bathroom wearing the same robe as Rosa. As Emma was doing her hair, they had already previously discussed what Rosa wanted to do with it. She wanted a high bun hairstyle. They both came across an advertisement for a device that could help make the perfect hair bun without putting their hair up in a ponytail first. The Hair Bun Maker device made it much easier for them to create their desired hairstyle. After Emma had done her hair, not before putting a lot of hairspray in to keep her hair in place and not have it flying in every direction, she slid the accessories that they had purchased, which were two white rose hair combs to match the white in her dress and put it around the hair bun. Next was her makeup; Emma gently put a light foundation on her face using a makeup sponge; next came the light powder. Then, using the different shades of brown eyeshadow, Emma finished her eyes with black eyeliner and mascara. Emma then applied the bronze-coloured blush and the champagne-coloured lipstick.

All Rosa had to get into a dress and put her white chunky heeled shoes on, and then she was done. Rosa was ready, and she looked even more beautiful than before. Please wait until the Alpha sees her. Emma then sees the time. There are only forty-five minutes left before the ceremony starts. Emma quickly uses the hair device and does her makeup, and fifteen minutes later, she puts on her white laced crop top with a white skirt and high-heeled shoes. They are both ready for the ceremony. Emma hears a knock on the door and opens it. Angelo is on the other side, dressed in his suit and a black tie. Angelo whistles at them both before taking Emma's' hand and letting her know that someone will shortly escort her to the ceremony. Rosa thanked them both for their assistance as they left her room, saying, "You're most welcome, Luna Rosa.'' Rosa replies, "I'm not the Luna yet,'' she said, smiling at her friend. Emma returned the smile and said, “Not yet but soon.’’ Emma and Antonio leave.

Not long after they had gone, there was another knock on the door, and she heard her name being called. It's' Stefano coming to take her down to the ceremony. She opens the door and looks at the Beta dressed in his suit and black tie. He scrubs up well, she said to herself. Stefano's eyes widened when he saw his Luna after she had opened the door. She looked so beautiful in her dress and her makeup. She looked stunning, taking in her outfit. He was so proud of how far she had come to arrive at this moment. Stefano then took her hand, placing it on his forearm. He then leads her out of the room with her arm through his while he tells her how stunning she looks in her dress. Rosa blushes at the comment. Stefano sees this and laughs while he leads her towards the stairs and helps her down the stairs so she won't fall and hurt herself. Luca would have his head if anything happened to her and he quite liked where his head was for the moment.

After helping her down the stairs, he retook her hand before heading out the backdoor towards the backyard where the ceremony was being held. As they walked towards the ceremony, where everyone was seated, she saw someone she knew sitting next to Elder Gabriel. It was her boss from work, Gianna Gallo. She wondered why her boss was there and looked at Luca standing in front of her for an explanation. Luca mouthed later to her, and she nodded her head in acceptance. Everyone stood up as they walked down the white carpet and towards the table under the covered pergola. After they reached the rose-covered pergola, everyone sat back down and waited for the ceremony to begin. As they waited for the ceremony to begin, they were looking at how beautiful she was looking. They also noticed how Rosa was taking everything in and around her as she had noticed that her boss from her workplace was here and had looked at their Alpha in curiousness as to why she was there. Rosa had no idea Gianna was one of them, a werewolf, when everyone had settled down after Luca had put his hands up, palms facing the pack to quieten them so the ceremony could begin.

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