Rosa woke up the following day feeling restless. Something was also moving under her skin—something she had never felt before. It made her nervous, but she put it back in her mind, but not before Mia said, "Our time is up." Rosa wondered what she meant but still put it back in her mind and continued as usual.

Rosa then carefully moves Luca's arm to avoid disturbing him and goes to the bathroom to shower and change for the day. Rosa then comes out of the bathroom dressed and ready for training when the time comes to train. She looks up and sees the empty bed when she notices Luca is up, too. She watches him as he stretches his body out. Then she notices him suddenly going still. When he turns around and sees that she is watching him, he smirks and asks her, "Are you enjoying the view?" Rosa smiled at him, saying, "Yes, as a matter of fact, l am enjoying the view very much", she replied. Luca laughed and told her, "So am l," he said as she blushed. Rosa laughed before saying, "Are you going to go and get ready for training?" Luca answers, "Yes, l was just on my way to the bathroom to get ready," he tells her as he gathers his clothes and heads towards the bathroom. Thirty minutes later, he came out and was dressed for training.

Before long, there was a knock on the door, and Luca told them to enter. It was both Arianna and Cristian together. The doctors see the two beds together and look at them curiously. Luca informs the doctors that after Rosa's check-up, they both will be moving into the packhouse. The two doctors looked at each other and then at Luca and Rosa. "Alright then, l will go and get the discharge papers for you to sign, Alpha Luna," said Cristian as he left. Ariana checked on Rosa. As Arianna began writing her notes into her charts, Cristian returned with the papers. Luca signs them, and Arianna finishes writing her notes in her chart. Arianna informs them that Luna is in good health, but don't do too much; you are still healing," she says to them both. Rosa remembered what Giovanni told her about doing light exercises and informed Arianna, who told Rosa, "Yes, but do not do anything too strenuous because it could set you back in your recovery." She told them both. They both nod their heads in agreement. Arianna and Cristian tell them they will check on her periodically to see how she is recovering. Luca and Rosa agreed with the doctors and thanked them for assisting Luna Rosa in recovering and healing. The two doctors replied to the Alpha pair, "You're welcome, and it was an honour to help our Luna in the time of need." they said to them both, "You two had better get to the dining room. It's time for breakfast, and Luna Rosa is now cleared to leave," Arianna informed them. Rosa hugged both the doctors and thanked them again, replying, "You're welcome, Luna Alpha." As they left the room, the Alpha pair left for the packhouse with Rosa in the wheelchair and towards the dining room for breakfast.

They arrived and went straight to the dining room, where everyone was already seated and waiting for them to arrive. They sat at the table, and the food was brought out and placed on the table. Rosa thanked them as she waited for Luca to serve himself and her. Then it was Gabriel, Stefano and Costantino's turn to help themselves, and the rest of the packs' turn. The food was delicious, but the food was always like that. It made your mouth water when you could smell it while cooking on the stove and in the oven. The food smelt heavenly.

After everyone had finished their food, Luca then announced that Luna was ready to move into the packhouse, and he would be moving back as well. All the pack members at the table were clapping and cheering at hearing the news. Luca then dismisses them to get ready for training. Everyone heads out to change into their training gear, like Luca, Rosa, Stefano, Constantino, Giovanni, Lorenzo, and the twins Riccardo and Dominic were already wearing as they headed towards the training grounds. Ten minutes later, everyone was ready to train, but most especially Rosa when Giovanni showed the Alpha pair the light exercises that Luna Rosa could do to help her get more assertive while they were training.

But an hour into the training session, everyone, including Rosa, was sweating so badly that water dripped down their faces and bodies. They were taking a five-minute break when suddenly, out of nowhere, everyone heard a scream. They all look up and see Luna Rosa screaming on the ground. Luca rushes over to his mate, worried. "Rosa, what's happening?" Rosa tries to speak but can't because of the pain that she is in. When she is finally able to say something, she says, "It hurts," she tells him. Luca then asks her, "Where does it hurt, sweetheart?" Rosa then tells him, "It hurts everywhere," she said as she grimaced.

Then it dawned on Luca after she had described where the pain was coming from; he then realised that Rosa was about to shift for the first time. He then picked her up time. Luca then picks her up, trying not to increase the pain while doing this and takes Rosa somewhere more private for her to shift. Rosa then asks him, between breaths and gritting her teeth from the pain, "What is happening to me?" Luca replies to her, "Rosa, you are shifting for the first time, which is painful when we are supposed to shift at a certain age, but because you couldn't shift then but you are going through it now, it's going to even more painful for you to go through but Mia, Diego and l will be with you while you are going through the shift l know that you are terrified, but we are here for you alright?" Rosa nodded as she winced with the dreadful and excruciating pain. Now she knew what Mia had meant when their time was up. A few minutes later, Luca found the perfect place for her to shift. He placed her on the ground and stayed with her as he groaned with the pain. He explained that Luca told her to let Mia through and not to force the shift because the pain would hurt even more if you do. Then they heard the first bone breaking. Rosa screamed, and then another one broke. As they continued to fail, Luca, Diego, and Mia were there to help and support her during the shift.

Three hours later, it was all over, and where Rosa once stood was now a beautiful wolf with dark brown coloured fur all over and the most brilliant blue eyes. Rosa had finally shifted, and now Mia was standing before him and Diego, who had come through Luca's eyes to see his mate for the first time since they spoke to each other. Luca then reaches her and begins to stroke and pat her head as he says to her, "You are so beautiful," he continues to pat and stroke her, then says, "Welcome, Mia. l am so glad to meet you finally, and so is Diego," he tells her when Mia barked in agreement with him. Luca then decides to take his clothes off before he shifts into Diego so Mia can meet him, but before he does so, he asks for Mia's and Rosa's permission. They bark as their tail wags from side to side in happiness and excitement at meeting Mia's mate for the first time.

Then, Luca shifted into Diego, an exact copy of Mia except for the eyes, which were the gold colour Rosa knew to whom they belonged. Diego barked and pranced around Mia like he was a puppy all over again and was showing off to her, causing Mia to start barking. Diego then began to walk towards the woods and barked at her to follow him, so she did. They walked until Diego barked again, then ran slowly so Mia could keep up with him. Mia had other plans and passed Diego, barking at her to slow down. Mia slowed down for him to catch up to her; for the next three hours, they ran before it was time to return to where he shifted and got dressed again.

Thirty minutes later, they were back at the training grounds where it had all started. They realised training had finished, but everyone, including Elder Gabriel, had stayed. They had waited to see Luna Rosa in her wolf form. When they all saw Luna Rossa in her wolf form and what she looked like, they clapped and cheered for her to shift into a beautiful and robust wolf. Mia barked, and they laughed when Luca introduced her to them. "May l introduce you all to Diego's mate, Mia?" he said proudly as he looked at his mate. The cheers and clapping got louder as she sat beside Luca and waited to go inside the packhouse and shift back. Luca dismissed them, but not before they welcomed Mia to the pack. She barked back in reply to them as they left the Alpha pair.

They both entered the packhouse and saw that Arianna and Cristian were there. Where they looked at Mia and smiled at her. Mia walked over to them and brushed up against them. Both doctors and Luca laughed at her antics when Luca asked Arianna if she could help Rosa to shift back and dress again, who replied to her Alpha, "It would be my honour to help the Luna," she said to him, then followed Mia to their room. As the girls headed towards the Alpha pair's room, Cristian asked Luca, "So, how did her first shift go?" Luca replies, "Other than the pain, she shifted brilliantly. l told her not to fight the shift and to let Mia come through. She was a natural," he told the doctor. Cristian replied, "That is good to hear," he said to the Alpha. Luca replies, "Yes, it is," As they continued to talk about other things, Luca wondered what was happening upstairs.

Meanwhile, Arianna helps Rosa return to her human form. She tells her it's like reversing the shift; instead of turning into wolf form, you shift back into your human form, so you must remember to let the change go through you, not force it through. It will be more painful if you shift that way, she informed Luna as she started to run the bath with not-too-hot water filled with bath salts and bubble bath to assist in relaxing Luna's sore and tired body after shifting. As soon as Rosa changed back, she immediately got into the tub and sighed as the water soothed her sore and aching muscles. Arianna then asked her as she sat on the end of the tub, "So how was it?" Rosa replies to the doctor, "It was excruciating, but it was also exhilarating to be able to shift after all this time finally," she tells the doctor, who then asks, "Did you feel anything before you shifted?" Rosa thought about what the doctor was saying before she said, "Well, l could feel something moving under my skin and felt restless this morning after l woke up, but l didn't think much of it until l shifted and l heard Mia say that it was time did she it was time to shift?" Arianna replied, "Yes, what you felt was Mia moving to let you know that she was there and ready to come forward," the doctor informed her, then continued, "You were lucky that you were shifting when everyone was outside training when it happened if you were by yourself you would have been terrified and wondering what was happening," she told the Luna who nodded her head in agreement with her. Arianna then suggested that she get out of the bath because she had been there for an hour. The men were probably what was going on up here. Arianna held a big dark blue fluffy towel out for Rosa to wrap around her body before drying off and getting dressed again before they went back downstairs. Rosa chose her most comfortable pair of black pants, a soft light blue sweater, socks, and sneakers. They both head back downstairs to join the men waiting for them.

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