Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Twelve


It was beyond freezing where Gabby had been taken, the dampness ran down the murky walls and the ground beneath her cot looked soft and moist.

She was shackled to a wall by a heavy bracelet was around one wrist, at least that was a small comfort. There was an old-fashioned sconce, the low flame flickering against the wall, its black soot licking up the wall as it hissed away at the moisture.

The light shone enough for Gabby to view her surroundings; a dungeon fit for madness. Chains hung from the walls, more bracelets attached at each end, high enough to either hang a very tall person by their arms or hold a very large creature like a werewolf Lyacon.

Chilled, Gabby tried wrapping the dirty material which was draped over her body to keep her warmer.

Drip, drip, drip was her constant companion, its monotony was like a mantel clock.

"Aaah! You still awake Gabby Rivers. Very good, very good indeed".

Gabby heard the man's voice but couldn't see who it belonged to.

"I shall reveal myself in good time human Gabby, but for now you will stay down here until it is time?"

"I'm cold", she dared shivering, her teeth chattering together involuntarily.

"If you are the promised, that small matter wont concern you when the time comes", the voice said.

He must be standing on the farthest wall thought Gabby or around the corner on purpose, because she couldn't see anything but darkness beyond her celled room.

"You're speaking gibberish. That Gabe did as well until he agreed to send me home. The promised, the promised", she muttered through clenched teeth.

"Then you have heard, understand I cannot let you go?"

" I was only going for an overnight drive and stumbled across another person property by accident".

"You're a liar Gabby Rivers, I know who you are".

Gabrielle please let this thingy work in my head.

"Who am I?" she asked chittering away again.

"A gift, a delightful gift who I intend to mate with on the next full moon. The mating ceremony will be ... intensely satisfying when I claim that tight virgin pussy of yours and mark you as my future Luna. Our bond will be eternal little human, or that is until you transfer which... I know will occur".

Gabrielle, oh please, oh please, oh please.

"You're mad Mr. whoever you are. I'm not what you say I am. That's fable and fairytale bullshit, like Santa clause and Cinderella", she said chittering some more.

How could she transfer when she had no goddamn wolf! Gabrielle, please hear me ...

The voice laughed, that's when Gabby saw a dark shadow move on the far left of her vision.

"Please, give me some blankets or take me to a warmer room, I'll get sick down here. These ..." Gabby said shaking her left arm, the heavy chains barely moving an inch "... are a bit much don't you think?"

"Perhaps, in time I shall decide where you sleep. For now, you stay here".

He won't be going anywhere near her lady bits, he can eat shit and die, she thought angrily.

"Eat shit and die". She heard as he walked away, his laughter reverberating off the unseen walls.

Trust Gabby to voice her thoughts at a time like this ...

Gabby began to cry; this was the second time. In all the years she had been orphaned, never had she felt so alone and sooo lonely. Wasn't magical higlety piglety supposed to be romantic!

She knew now werewolves were real, the Moon Goddess too but how much more real were things going to get?

She was living and breathing a real-life situation of Stockholm Syndrome, and that was not romantically fairytail'ish in the slightest.

Gabrielle Quentin Quade the III, if you are my fated mate ..." Gabby sniffled "... Come for me ...


Gabe raged as Devon tore towards the boundary and ran, ran beyond the point of exhaustion, ran till his muscles were aching and his mouth was so parched his lips stuck to the inside of his mouth, ran until he could no longer run but limp.

The pads of Devon's paws were raw, his eyes were so dry, blinking felt like sand granules behind his eyelids.

Both man and beast didn't speak, they refused to accept that their mate had been kidnapped while they tried to protect her from the very evil that took her away.

Slumping down beside a low, slow running creek, Devon lapped lethargically. Not even the freshness of the water could quench his thirst.

Gabe was too far away to hear his pack members through mind link, even if he wanted. Where he was, on whose land, in what territory he had no clue, he ultimately didn't care. His time waiting and then finding Gabby had been a joy to short in time.

Then he slept ...


"We came to give thanks for your services Alpha Paxon".

"It's the least I can do. I heard you lost seven strong wolves; guards I believe and those pesky rogues. Please, I offer you my solace for those men, let us share a drink. Is there anything else I can offer you and Alpha Quade of Deep Water?"

"He ... he will be grateful of your offer. When we receive more orders, we shall let you know of our plans", Beth said, bowing out of respect to a fellow Alpha of their neighboring pack lands.

"Yes. Appreciated. Do let me know and I shall pull all of my resources to make sure, we are all kept safe".

Beth and Bartholomew sat at his premise and watched as members who needed to pass by shuffled quietly, nodding their heads politely before scurrying away once they passed a certain point.

"They've heard about your constant attacks and are weary as you can imagine. They don't want the same to happen on their Territory. I have assured them; this will not happen but ... as you can see. Hearing my words won't dispel their worry", Alpha George expressed, taking a sip of his brew.

"You cannot be too careful George, rogues may still enter unannounced, or travel through your lands to gain access to ours", Bart said joining George by having a drink as well.

Beth just looked out over the Paxon grounds and couldn't help but compare, Deep Water was a sensational place to live with her mate. Where she looked was desolate and rather depressing.

"Like Gabe, you are also unmated. By the Moon's I bode you well. May the Moon Goddess grant you reprieve and bless you with a Luna", Bart said sincerely.

"Haven't I told you, I have found a Luna. Preparations are to take place on the next full moon", he said smiling broadly. "She is incredible, thank the Moon Goddess indeed".

"The next full Moon, why that's in three days", Beth said joining the conversation.

"It is. My intended is quite shy, not of royal blood but the Moon Goddess knows what kind of woman I prefer. Demure, quiet, her nature perfect to allow me to continue with my duties as Alpha. It was her words to me, something I promised I'd abide by, to have a quiet ceremony", he added, nodding at more of his members who shuffled then scurried away.

"Goddess that is brilliant news. Blessings to your both. May I ask your chosen mate's name?" Bart asked genuinely happy for the Alpha.

"Why she will be known as Luna Brook. Luna Brook ... Luna Abby Brook. Fitting I believe", he said quite eagerly.

Beth didn't buy it for a moment, but she let it pass, she just kept watching everyone else as they distanced themselves from their Alpha. Well, all except the guards and his most trusted.

"Abby, beautiful name. Well, our wishes to your both, we shall pass on the good news to our ... Alpha when we return", Bart said standing, then turning to his mate to leave.


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