Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Thirteen


“You are such a romantic, you don’t even possess a skeptical bone in your body”, Beth huffed, running beside her mate in wolf form.

“Skeptical. Why would I when I have you”, he said rubbing himself along her thick ginger fur as they kept pace beside each other.

“His Luna’s name, Bart”, Beth said as they had both crossed over to their own border. “Luna Abby Brook, quite fitting. Who says that? And what is a Brook may I ask?”

“A stream, a creek, running water”, he shot back, biting her tail.

“It’s also another word for River. Abby, Gabby, Abby, Gabby ...” Beth repeated “... Abby Brook. Gabby River”.

“Surely not. Don’t start getting all suspicious. Wait until Alpha Gabe returns, then we shall have a clearer understanding of what’s going on. You know we can’t leave our borders unofficially without permission, until then keep your thoughts between us, hmmm”, he said pushing her with his large fury hips as he ran faster up ahead. “I’ll race you”.

‘A quick ceremony. Finding his Luna. His mate being shy and demure, not of royal blood. Most Alphas Beth knew would be shouting from the hill tops declaring they have finally found their fated mate, not keep it quiet. A quiet ceremony was another thing all together!’, she thought to herself before ...

Sentinels, Zeta we need to contact Luella. When Bart and I return, get Beta Simeon on the line. We have important issues to discuss in our Alpha’s absence.

Really Beth! Bane questioned turning his head towards Tilda, Beth’s wolf.

Bite me, was all she said back.

Beth may just be starting to warm up to Gabby Rivers after all if she was in fact Gabe Quade’s fated mate.

Hearing how Alpha had lost his shit and took off the way he did, Devon and Gabe could be anywhere. Goddess knows there had been enough strange occurrences of late, the mystery man’s body and the black mist taking Deep Waters future Luna.

If what George was true, she had three days before the full moon.

Goddess, too many variables to contemplate. But Gabby Rivers had been kidnapped against her will and Alpha Paxon knew something ... so what if the future Luna of her pack didn’t have a wolf.


Gabe. Am I talking to myself? I am talking to myself. Can you hear me, anyone. Beth, Tyler, Bartholomew, Tyler, Caphy, anyone ...

“Good news my little muse, word has been sent out. I have let others know that I am to be mated with a Miss. Abby Brook. Ingenious, if I do say so myself. Luna Abby Brook of Paxon pack to be exact”, George said coming onto view.

“You’re mad. I will never agree to ... that. I am a human person not a pack member. I ...“, she said with her teeth jittering away again.

“Cold my darling. I can make you warm if you’d prefer”, George offered seductively.

“No. I’ll freeze to death down here rather than ... that!” she spat, or at least that’s what she tried to do. Instead, her spittle landed on her very chilled chin.

“In three days, you will have no choice Abby with no ‘g ’. I have waited a long time for the Moon Goddess to break her vows. You are that vow, and I intend to hold Her accountable”.

“You can’t challenge a deity? That’s like questioning God. Perfection cannot be altered and nor can the Moon Goddess”.

“You are wrong. As much as I enjoy our chats, I have important matters to attend. Know, with or without your submission we shall be mated, and then it will be will great delight that you and I will bond little human, very, very soon”, he said laughing, walking away down the long, darkened passageway once again.

Now Gabby truly wanted to cry, for herself because it seemed like Gabrielle had now left her to her own peril.

“I hate you Quade the III. To think I was going to accept you. Stupid words, stupid Alphas. Stupid, stupid, stupid”, she said now crying.

I Gabby Moon Rivers of no-one special do not accept you Gabrielle Quentin Quade III of Deep Water pack, she tried once again.



Gabe woke from his heavy slumber in pain, torturous pain as the jumbled words that swirled around in his brain suddenly made sense.

He had been rejected; Devon was howling in pain as well.

Looking down at his naked form, muddy and wet from the creek where he had fallen asleep, Gabe curled in on himself and wept.

She has rejected us Alpha, our mate has rejected us.

“It is worth naught unless I accept those words out loud. Remember, urgh! ...” Gabe said in pain “... she is new to our realm. I ... Gabe Quentin, urgh! Quade III oppose ... your ... rejection”, he said through gritted teeth, slumping in a heap.

Far away, but not as far away as he thought, Gabby screamed out in pain!

Devon, we must return and find our Luna, Gabe forced out.

Goddess, grant us your promise and allow me, Devon, Lyacon to your chosen Alpha of Deep water, to declare war on the evil one’s that lurk. As your servant to your realm, guide me, he howled.

Those words Devon were mind linked, she is trying. She has not rejected us, she is hurting. That was our pain.


Gabe stood tall, drew what he could muster then transferred. He knew what direction he had come, and while the sun was high, he trusted Devon to bring him home.

Every five kilometres, Gabe tried to mind link his fated mate, each time drawing up blank.

How far did we travel?

You’re asking me, I had my head down, ears back and ran. You’re supposed to be the brains of this partnership.

I trust you Devon, always have. Together we shall find our Gabby.

Howl, yapped Devon as he bound over fallen logs and soft soil.


It was a full day and a half by the time Gabe arrived at his border, dehydrated, in need of food and hungry for revenge.


About time you showed up, slack arse!

Simeon! You are back!

With my mate, along with an army of hungry mouths to feed. How you are?

Simeon had come with his mate which should have delighted Gabrielle but it didn’t. He felt ...

I am vengeful! he growled.

Your sentinel has found your Luna.

Goddess. Where. When?

She is not with us but ... come brother. Time awaits ...

“I am coming baby, hang on a little longer”, he said as Devon powered forward.


“You look like a hellhound who has been unfed for days”.

“Good to see you as well brother”, Gabe said embracing his younger brother of two years.

“We have news from Luella”, offered Tristan.

“And?” he asked walking straight for the kitchen to feed.

“They will portal as one she said, when the timing is right. To arrive in advance, will only allow the evil to prepare. She simply said, the witches on their broomsticks shall deal with their own, we must do the same”.

It was Beth who stepped forward, “Alpha. Bart and I visited Alpha George the day after to offer our gratitude. He said things that made no sense. He is to marry tomorrow night on the full moon ...”

“This is good news. He has been waiting longer than I have to find his mate ...”

“No! She is to be known as Luna Abby Brook, Gabe. He also offered his condolences for our lost seven guards. I nor Bart mentioned this fact”.

“Maybe his guards when they returned ...

“... were never told of our loss. He knew without being given the correct intel from your most trusted”, she said, cutting him off.

“Our border? Gabby is held in the next Pack, across our borders?” Gabe hissed, feeling the veins bulge in his neck and down both arms.

Beth? Of all four sentinels, she was the one most opposed from the start and it was Gabby who made Gabe see her worth.

"You are indeed the jewel Gabby had seen, thank you Beth. I am indebted to you", Gabe said nodding his head.

Bart thought his heart would explode, sentimental romantic much. At that precise moment, he was glad he was not a skeptic and suspicious wolf.

"Have there been more sightings?'

"Not a single rogue", Caphy offered.

"Grrrr". It was now Devon who was trying to paw his way out.


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