Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Fourteen


They had a plan.

The worst feeling for Gabrielle was having to relying on the witches. Who knew what the evil was everyone would be dealing with. Obviously one of their own from a past existence, now no longer a free soul. Who it was and what they had become was invisible to the eyes of all werewolves; was that the same with the blood suckers, did the faeries know? See?

Gabe tucked spare clothes in a hollow log, a pre-victory outfit when he got his mate back. He’d already made up his mind, he would either succeed or he would need to die trying.

His Beta Simeon had brought reinforcements, ten of the best fighters from his own mate's pack. They had already left forty minutes earlier and positioned themselves outside Alpha George’s territory waiting beyond by an extra five miles until trouble began, then come forth and maintain their shield of defense.

What made it strategically less challenging, Paxon only had three borders. Two were reinforced, the last was 40% open coastline and 60% natural forest and beyond, it was there, Caphy ordered five men to seek a position amongst the undergrowth.

Each fighting guard was to ensure no-one left George’s territory. Gabe wanted everyone to be questioned and made safe or refrained and made held accountable.

If found guilty, stand before their One true Mother to all mystical creatures, nature and all of lunar’s realm and see their fate foretold, for only the Moon Goddess held the ultimate power.

This occurrence wasn’t merely the collusion of one Alpha and an evil entity, more of their kind were involved, which fevered Gabe's determination tenfold.

“He will be expecting us, he threw the gauntlet when he spoke with Beth. Remember, act none the wiser”, Gabe said now wearing a pair of slacks and a dress shirt, fitting for a ceremony he had no intention of celebrating nor allowing to finish.

If you can hear me Gabe, I am so cold and I am hurting.

Freezing on the spot, Gabrielle heard Gabby’s unspoken words.

"She is being moved", he said at once. "And my Gabby ..." he added "... sounds weak".

We are coming Luna, Devon howled, revealing his gnarly teeth, his spittle dribbling from his jowls as he inwardly paced in circles.

One of Gabes most trusted, Beta Simeon and a few of his mate's guards remained, spreading wide across Deep Water and Paxon borders. While Gabe's Sentinels and Zeta proceeded to cross the border, they had now entered Alpha Paxon's territory.

"Ah! More guests have arrived my darling. Shame they won't be able to enjoy our rituals, their lungs will be sucked dry of life if they try and intervene before we even commence".

"I told you ..." Gabby said wearily, her body no longer strong. The sores on her body had become more infected from the lack of medical care and the pitiful conditions she had been held in "... I won't. Never!"

George pulled Gabby behind him. His grip on her severe, a little human was no match for the likes of an Alpha Werewolf. When he realised he was easily crunching her slender bones he eased up and smiled.

"You will stand no chance against a man like me little ilk, I shall take great pleasure in taking you over and over knowing you wield little strength nor resistance".

"You are a pig! An animal pig!" Gabby said, trying to free herself.

George just pulled her along less gruffly.

She had no slippers or stockings on her feet, they were bare. The smoothness of the well tread stone blocks hurt her newly pink skin while fresh blisters wept, leaving a wet stains in her wake.

Her arm had been unattended, the plaster removed. Her lower legs were hidden beneath a white dress George had ordered she wear. It was a thin cotton veneer, the long sleeves belled at the cuffs on her wrists, the neckline so very low revealing the soft upper curve of her breasts, the length dragging around her feet. She was ordered to wear no underpants and no bra, not that she had on a bra after the tight bodice dress Melissa had strung her into.

Gabby's mousy hair had simply been tied behind her head in a leather strap, binding her length as it criss-crossed to the ends.

Her skin was pallor, her eyes no longer golden but a dull light brown. Although she felt cold and shivered, the night was still balmy, her body was fevered and malnourished.

Gabrielle would have carried her, held her against his chest and smelled her scent every few moments. He never told her why; she only knew he smelled divine.

Coffee and thickened cream, if she never smelled him again, she would rather die than face a lifetime with this Beast.

"I don't even know your name?"

"I can't tell you until the final moment my darling", George admitted, tugging some more. He didn't want anything to go wrong, least of all her reject him before the spells were spoken.

Gabby whimpered which George viewed as a sign of defeat, in his ignorance, it was Gabby's pain which had her sniffling.

"Please don't pull on my arm, you are hurting me more".

All George did was swap hands and continue until he reached his office.

"Beta, until the final moment she is to remain in here with you. We are protected well, so feed her and tend to her feet, the burns have not healed as I presumed".

"Because I am a human being, person, school teacher you fool!"

"Insolent words Abby Brook, tsk tsk. I shall enjoy taming that defiance". George held her tiny chin in his huge hand and drew Gabby closer, inhaling her scent.

There was still nothing, just the stench of dampness and salty tears.

Releasing her immediately he left the room and locked it behind him, just in case!

What food would you like Luna of Paxon?"

"Dog shit to be honest, I'd rather die".


Gabby do not react. Devon and I are near. Do not be afraid.


I can smell you baby. What room are you in?

Gabrielle couldn't smell the strong essence of lemon and lime, he couldn't smell her at all, but he wanted to reassure his mate. He needed to be more than he had ever been, the warrior she believed him to be, the mighty Lyacon his pack only saw and the mate the Moon Goddess promised. He had to protect his Gabby even if that meant till his last breath.

If he failed and she was, Goddess forbid, mortally wounded, he would rather be torn to pieces, shredded by hungry rogues than face another day without her.

In the beast's office with his 'Beta'? she questioned looking at the said man. He is enormous and scary and smells like a dirty dog.

Has he touched you? Harmed you?

No Gabe. I thought you left me to the beast.

Never! he shouted. The storm in his brain tossing Devon around in his thoughts. The beast you talk about will die tonight my future Luna of Deep Waters.

Gaby gasped which made the Beta turn to her and narrow his eyes!

Why did you never answer me, I felt so lonely?

When you were taken, I ran far, far away. Devon and I shall never run, except to you, for an eternity baby.

Oh Gabe I am so scared.

I'm not, well a little, Gabe confessed.

Truly! It's okay to be a little scared. I believe in you! She said honestly which melted Gabrielle's heart.

Not what I was born to do Gabby. I will fight and protect my mate. I am scared of ... when we bond little human. It is all I have been dreaming about!

Gabby gasped again and turned a deep crimson. Now the Beta was getting suspicious.

"I am fevered and need fresh water and medicine for my feet", she simply said to the Beta guard who held her captive.

He merely growled under his breath and went to pour Gabby a glass of water.

"You may become Luna here, but I shall never accept a waif of a human. You can be fed and tended to by someone else, I shall never see to your needs". With that he slammed the glass on the table and retreated to stand near the window.

"I don't want to become a Luna here ..." Gabby sniffled, wiping her nose and eyes with her grubby hands "... that beast disgusts me".

"Even more so after the mating has taken place ...", he laughed turning around to face her. Petrified Gabby retreated on her seat and sipped the cool fresh water as it washed her throat, cleansed her palate.

"If you are the promised, you will bring wealth to our pack and have many pups for our Alpha. When he is sated, I might even force myself to endure your flesh".

"Uh! You ... all here are ... you would never! I would rather kill myself with a blade than let you touch me".

The Beta just laughed again and turned back to the window.


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