Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Fifteen


Gabe made his way along a small pathway, one not often used but known, winding through bracken and damp vines, muddying the cuffs of his pants.

The Paxon grounds were alight with fire pits, white linen was draped over hedges, more hung from tress near a clearing on the grounds near the pack house... impressive, not!

Wanting a lowkey event, George had gone above and beyond for such a low affair. Proving the liar and the betraying bastard he was ...

A newly made wooden structure had been erected, covered impressively in Paxon’s family color’s, a heavy woven cloth bearing the coat of arms of a half man half wolf emblem hand stitched in the centre for all to see.

Hundreds of years old, obviously brought out for such a grand occasion.

There were small clusters of men and women dressed in their finest, laughing lowly and drinking wine from goblets as trays of food were passed around to the guests.

“So much for wanting a small affair for his intended”, muttered Beth.

“There is Alpha Marcel from Moona Links and Jordanville’s Alpha”, Bart said under his breath.

“Ally or foe, we won’t know until we disrupt the ceremony. Smile and show our hosts how grateful we are to be attending George’s last grand venture”, Gabe said through gritted teeth, his smile looking anything but relaxed and pleasant.

Alpha George nodded his head as Gabrielle approached; for a werewolf who had taken someone who belonged to him, George looked impassively calm. His clothing imposing as he stood in a fine linen suit and a stark white shirt.

Relaxed in his stance while he conversed amongst his peers, George laughed at some small comment made by an invited guest, eventually smiling at Gabrielle when he stood before him.

“Abby Brook I believe”.

George let his facade slip for a second but recovered momentously.

“She is divine. Although such a small affair, I would have liked grandeur”, George said, making those who had heard chuckle at his slanderous gesture for George had gone to a lot of trouble.

“Where is your intended George, isn’t it customary to introduce your mate for all of us to meet”.

“I am waiting for a few late arrivals which merely builds the anticipation Alpha. You came uninvited, though as our nearest Neighbour I’ll overlook your digression. Tonight is a joyous occasion, one I look forward to consummating”, he said winking which made Gabe growl in disgust.

Devon growled loudly also which made it hard to keep him at bay, his anger pressing firmly on the boundaries of his thoughts which Gabe usually had under control. Both man and beast could only remain calm and stay tame for so long.

“Many guests George, are they all familiar with your intended?”

“No one had met my future Luna. Her beauty has only been seen with my own eyes. Why? I’m sure your mate will come along as suddenly as my own”.

“Ah! But she has”, Gabe gritted out, his rage thrumming through his body as the blood started pumping through his veins.

He looked over at the building where Gabby said she was and inhaled deeply, Gabe still could not smell her fragrance in the air. What had they done to his woman.

“Ah! Have you met Chantelle. One of many invited guests”, George said extending his hand towards a woman who was so breathtakingly beautiful, Gabe heard Caphy and his wolf Sleek, sigh.

“My dear, these fine guests are from the Deep Water pack, Alpha Gabrielle Quade”, George said placing his hand on her lower back which made Caphy growl deep within his throat.

“Mine”, he growled instinctively.

“Surely not”, George said taking a step back but changing his mind at the last minute, refusing to let his hand drop even an inch. “This is Chantelle Spellman, she is here under the protection of the witches covenant of Tamera. The second priestess in line to Theodora, the Moon Goddesses' last known sister. Stand down for your own good”, he ordered Caphy.

“Mine”, he growled again which had Chantelle laughing audibly.

“Tut! Tut! Little wolf”, she cooed, drawing him closer with her long talons. The deep purple almost looking black from the evening sky. “My, my! What big teeth you have”, Chantelle said licking her lips.

Caphy was panting, his chest heaving up and down with effort from the sheer adrenalin coursing through his veins. He was so engorged, his manhood bordered on painful as he slowly stepped towards her.

“Not this one you fool”, George hissed in her ear.

“I shall devour whom I want whelp”.

As Caphy made his was slowly towards Chantelle, Devon near burst through Gabe’s defenses and transferred.

No, Gabe seethed internally. We must remain non-threatening until the council arrives or Luella gives me a sign.

“Stand down Caphy, I order you”, Gabe demanded of his war general, blocking him from taking any more steps towards this woman named Chantelle.

Mate or not, something was definitely wrong, Caphy couldn't possibly feel attracted, he had to be lured in some manner by her spell.

Gabe threw an almighty punch at Caphy’s jaw line, snapping his head back like a twig. Growling back at his Alpha with frustration his feral instincts started to kick in, Zeta of Deep Water wanted to claim what was his.

His mate!

“Come to me and let me satisfy your desires”, she almost whispered which drove Caphy mad with lust.

“Strawberries and chocolate”, Caphy drooled focusing on Chantelle once more, his large canines breaking the skin inside his mouth, his own wolf Sleek driving him mad with need for this enchanting woman.

Crack! Gabe threw another almighty punch at his friends now clenched jaw.

“You hit me a third time I shall attack you Alpha!” Caphy yelled through bleeding lips, looking ferociously at Gabrielle. “Move aside or I shall tear that throbbing vein from your neck”.

Chantelle started chanting her strange language, if it wasn’t for Gabe’s keen hearing it would have been missed; whispers through darkened lips, her mouth partly open while her eyes rolled gently into the back of her head.

Gabe turned his attention to Chantelle and pounced, knocking her back a few steps.

She must not complete her spell, remember Luella’s words. Interrupt her, disrupt the closure, Gabe ordered his most trusted, but they were either immune to his mind link or were as entranced as Caphy.



Tristan, Tyler?

Nothing, but in his peripheral vision he saw them walking around like he had asked, they just weren’t responding to the link.


“What the hell is going on. What have you done to my pack members George?”

“I think now is my moment”, he declared instead.

Chantelle regained her standing and began again, louder this time. Throwing her arms out wide as the strange words were once again spoken from the start.

Gabe needed to decide quickly, whether to disrupt her jarbled spell which would take heed and ignore his Zeta or protect one of his dearest friends.

The evil was more threatening than the loss of a loved one so he turned his back and went to pounce again but Caphy growled before he could move, turning absolutely feral, “Mine”.

Gripping the back of Gabe’s shirt collar and yanking as hard as he could, Caphy hauled Gabe from his feet and threw him backwards, so he landed on his back. To his horror, guests and his own most trusted kept walking and talking like there was nothing going on.

Begging the Moon Goddess for some intervention, Gabby appeared in the distance like a vision instead, waylaying his thoughts.

Her tiny little toes just visible beneath the long flowing dress she wore, it’s transparency catching Gabe’s attention while he watched her come closer.

Her dark nipples and virgin juncture between her thighs mesmerizing him, motionless. She was beyond a vision, she was enthralling.

“Friends, guests, pack members and fellow leaders, my mate Abby Brook, Paxon’s future Luna”, George bellowed.


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