Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Eleven


“If she won’t wake then I cannot ask her the relevant questions I need to determine if this is your promise. I can see she is definitely your fated mate though”, Luella said, sounding annoyed.

“You saw it didn’t you. You too, and you, you all did”, Gabe asked turning around in a circle.

She heard my inner voice and I answered hers.

We did, admitted Caphy.

“Stop this mind linking rubbish, I need to be leaving and am only slightly more the wiser”, Luella said huskily. “I need her awake and talking”.

“No! You saw how she reacted when she realised what had happened. Goddess knows what she must think of everything, everyone”, Gabe said holding his mate in his arms while she slept so peacefully.

The thought of taking her back upstairs was too much, so he was carrying her around everywhere. Like a baby!

“Then show me her car and then I shall need to leave, I cannot be late for the convention after I have such pending news to report”.

“And what news is that Lu-ella?” Gabe asked directly.

“That I believe you are both the promised”.

“Both?” asked Bart bewildered.

“But the evil that lurks, I fear it is just the beginning until we find the answer”.

“The answer. The answer to what? You speak in riddles old woman while I hold our Luna in my arms. How do you know there will be more. Surely, we were destined by the grace of the Moon Goddess herself”.

“You’re so fueled with lust you cannot see what is unfinished you fool! It is not as simple as finding your fated mate but claiming and then bonding with her. Just because she can now hear your thoughts and communicate the same way, there is still the evil that lurks”.

“To take her away? Is that what you meant, after I ... am to die? Then who ever has been sending the rogues will claim and then bond with Mine", he growled angrily.

“If I am to take a guess, yes. If Gabby won’t wake, then I need to make haste and inform the council. This is graver than any of us first imagined”, Luella eventually said. “Be watchful, by nigh they shall try once more”.

"Now show me to her car”, she ordered.

When Luella left, there were four sentinels, one Zeta and a very pissed off Alpha all looking down at an innocent human female who refused to wake and may just have started one of the greatest conflicts between the Mon Goddess and pure evil.

By Goddess she was worth it.

How can I claim and then bond if she has no wolf? Gabe asked his most trusted pack members.

Claiming is done publically Alpha and then you ... urgh! said Tristan grabbing Tylers hand for support.

Consummate, she finished for him.

I know that you twits, but bonding, that is usually done on the night of a full moon and with both of your wolves ...?

Looking down at the little woman he held in his arms he felt the beginning of his arousal once again. Goddess, what was this, the eighth time this day?


‘Moon Goddess. Dare I declare to all, that I, Alpha of the Deep Water pack claim this human woman as my Luna?’

There was nothing but the sound of battle practice in the distance and the occasional bird which flew overhead, then ...

Rogues on our Northern borders.


Gabby was tucked beneath some freshly woven linen and cashmere blankets, hidden and ordered by their Alpha to protect.

The young women, children and pregnant wives all looked on in wonder. This was their first introduction to their Alpha’s Luna. An unconscious woman in her early twenties who lay sleeping, unaware of the dangers they all faced.

Melissa organized everyone in the small confines of the escape room before settling next to her brothers future bride? Wife? Mate? Who knew!

Young pups were crying in the darkness. Some young girls were sniffling while their mothers soothed their worries away, the wiser, remained quiet.

Melissa was one of the wise.

Gabby Moon River was an incredibly stunning young woman, astonishingly she didn’t see that beauty from within nor in her looks, which made her even more so ...


Report, Gabe ordered making his way up North. He was delayed after settling his mate amongst his pack members. As hard as it was, he needed to avoid their questions because they were once again under attack.

There might be twenty or thirty along our Northern line, said Zeta Caphy. Sentinel Bart and Tristan are here with five more warriors in training.

Who’s guarding the Western shoreline?

Ten warriors in training.

The Eastern border?

Beth has already left with Tyler, Paxon pack have not responded to our request for any intel.

The south?


The south? Report


Christ, he cannot leave a border unguarded if the situation was as dire as he imagined. If evil lurked, climbing a rugged coast could not be ruled out.

I'm heading South, Gabe said now panting with adrenalin.

Not without back up Alpha, Zeta Caphy yelled through the mind link.

Too late I am closer than you all, I have left seven guards with the women and children.

Gosh he missed his Beta!

James, Michael, leave the western shoreline and protect your Alpha, Caphy ordered.

Confirmed, he heard back.

Devon lived for moments like this, breaking through the undergrowth and pounding the ground with his paws. Landing with lightning speed, gripping the soil with his claws to push off with more stride, gaining headway, he was met with silence.

Running back and forth, Devon looked down as the waves crashed against the southern wall below. The freshness of the salty air filling his lungs to capacity.


They are attacking Alpha, Caphy grunted where he was positioned on the Northern side.

Beth, Tyler?

Their guards were unaware we were trying to make contact, Alpha Paxon has sent an extra fifteen guards. We will split five to each border, Tyler's wolf Scythe replied. Beth and I will head North.

Guards on the Western, who leads you?

Kappa Rick. We are under attack, ten rogues.

With eight Deep Water guards, I expect victory.

Grunt, growl, Yes Alpha.

Devon kept patrolling back and forth the great shoreline, covering his mileage when he stood at the peak which jutted out far enough to see far to the east and to the west where his borders ceased.

James and Michael came bounding up behind their Alpha and waited for his command.

All is quiet. Too quiet! I fear this stillness is a ruse.

Alpha? both men questioned, their gnarly teeth showing their frustration at missing the action and anger with this silent delay.


Devon howled in pain.

Stay here and report, I must protect our Luna.

With that Devon ran the fastest he had ever done in his life. His paws had begun bleeding, he had ripped a dew claw completely off his lower back right leg and a branch had hooked inside his mouth and torn his gum down to bone.

Fueled with anger and fear, Lyacon Quade never lessened his speed, but it was all in vain.

The stench was almost unbearable, the thickness near depleting the oxygen in Devon's lungs when he descended the stairs and saw the open metal door.

Its catch damaged from the inside, as if by magic.

"Gabby, Gabby, GABBY!" Gabe yelled.

Gabrielle was enraged, the blood that ran through his veins felt like it was past boiling point. Behind his eyes the heat was nearly blurring his vision, he was so consumed with wrath.

Melissa believed he was borderline ballistic, it was terrifying to watch.

"Report", he shouted in her face.

"It was a man's body surrounded by a black mist, it smelt putrid, made it almost hard to breathe. Gabby was beside herself and he, it ... just carried her away scr. No words were spoken, we were all just ..." Melissa said crying "... too petrified Alpha".

Gabe turned and threw himself against the roughened stone wall, smashing his fists until they bled, time after time after time.

He was lathered in sweat; his face was contorted in pain and his heart ... had finally been torn apart.

He wanted no assistance, he shoved everyone's hands away when they tried to help their Alpha. He transformed and ran off towards the cusp of his forest, then disappeared.


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