Moon Goddess ...Alpha's wish #1

Chapter Ten


There had been a tray of food left beside the hearth, so she knew someone had entered her room when she was showering. Freshly dressed in a dress, she had the soft fabric scrunched around her thighs as she crawled once again across the floor.

"I wondered how you had managed", Melissa said standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips. "My brother would skin me alive if he saw what you were doing, and I allowed such foolishness".

Melissa lifted Gabby easily off the floor and carried her, under her arm pits to the chair beside the fire.

By golly she was strong, even Gabby knew she was no shrinking violet.

"Here turn around and I'll lace you up, these garments look pretty but are dreadfully awkward to lace on your own".

Pulling on the laces, Gabby was being drawn in and up when the dresses corset got tighter and tighter.

"There, befitting a queen", Melissa declared victoriously.

"Hardly. I am just a bland teacher to young children".

"The greatest responsibility of them all, like a mother is to her pups. You alone are responsible for molding and nourishing their creative imaginations when they are not with their parent. It's why I became a doctor, to heal and mend".

Melissa disappeared into the bathroom and came back with a brush in her hand, "Let me, I don't have any children of my own. I haven't met my fated mate yet! Elona is so desperately lonely".


"Elona is my wolves name. We all have wolves, Gabby ... Rivers. Sorry, but brother shared your name and your curious nature with me", Melissa said brushing Gabby's dampened hair.

"A-a-and Gabrielle's wolf has a name?"

"He does, fierce, brute of a thing. Frightened me often when I was growing up. Snarly, always nipping at my ankles for fun".

Gabe never did answer Gabby's question when she asked if he was the wolf with the yellow eyes.

"Does his wolf have yellow eyes?"

Melissa laughed comfortably. "If I remember correctly, Alpha Gabe asked you if you found his wolf attractive, and you replied ..."

"Certainly not", they both said at the same time which had Gabby biting her lower lip with worry.

"Do you think his wolf will nip my ankles? Snarl and frighten me too?"

"Never!" declared Melissa honestly, halting her brushing to pull on Gabby's hair so she looked up at her. "Never! Devon and Gabe would die protecting you. If anyone ever hurt a hair on your head, they would both eliminate that threat in an instant".

When Melissa realised what she had just said, she let go of Gabby's long mane in shame.

"Well, like I said. No pun intended, and I'm sorry for pulling your hair. But Gabrielle would never, ever, ever cause you harm or hurt your feeling intentionally", Melissa said resuming her brushing.

Was that why he agreed to let me go home, after she had cried.

No wonder his heart looked like it was being torn in two, and Gabby had caused all of that pain.

"Can I style your hair, something simple. I'm not that adept with hair, as you can see", Melissa said smiling away.

"Yes. Yes, I appreciate you helping me. And for the attention you gave my wounds, I wish to say thank you again".

"Miss Gabby Rivers, you are welcome", Melissa said, concentrating on styling Gabby's hair.


When Gabe strode through the front entrance, he could smell Gabby instantly. It was more commanding than anything he had ever encountered before.

He knew precisely where she was and headed that way in an instant, ignoring the small party behind him as he took large strides towards the kitchen.

Luella smiled.

Inhaling deeply, Gabe then focused on the vision before him.

"Oh my Goddess. An Alpha blessed I am, by the Moon Goddess herself and the entirety of our virtual realms Miss Gabby Rivers. Never ..." he said walking over to Gabby and lifting her up in his arms "... have I ever seen a more beautiful sight".

Then without hesitation Gabe kissed Gabby on her mouth.

"My, my", Luella said walking into the kitchen.

"Gabe", Gabby mumbled wide eyed, her little fists at first trying to push him away but with each passing second it was like she was heavily drugged with lust.

Her fingers became nimble, her jaw slackened and her body lithe. Breathing him in, Gabby kissed him back.

He almost tasted of ... sweetened coffee and thickened cream, all swirled together. His tongue devouring her mouth when she tasted some more.

When she pulled back, he growled, this time definitively. His eyes were still an iridescent blue but the yellow she had seen once before was almost sparking from the centre of each iris.

"Your eyes", she breathed out as Gabe breathed her in.

His cock was not only hard it was painful, pressed at an obscene angle against the zipper in his jeans. He would heal, but the soft skin was getting shredded like a chunk of cheese the bigger he was getting.

He feared at any moment, his manhood would bust out from behind the band on his waist.

"Gabby, I ...".

"I need to speak with Miss Gabby Rivers if you don't mind Alpha Quade", Luella said breaking their spell.

Gabby blinked, then blinked some more, her golden eyes shining brightly when a smile spread across Gabe's immaculate features.

"You are s-s-still very intimidating and v-v-very bold", Gabby said, raising her tiny fists once again to push against his chest.

That was when he looked down and noticed her very generous, bountiful bosoms.

"Goddess", he sighed once again, resting his head on Gabby's forehead. "You kill me with your innocence and what you wear shreds me like no other. After our first kiss I am addicted more now and forever".

"Gosh! ..." Gabby whispered in his ear very, very quietly "... you taste like rich coffee and cream".

"Then I shall taste like that all over", he whispered back, sitting her down in her seat again.

"If I'm not interrupting ..." Luella said again, giving Gabe an impatient scowl "... I need to ask you Gabby Rivers a few questions. Would you mind sharing some tea with an old woman?"

"Not at all, although this is not my home. Please, make yourself comfortable".

"That, it's not", agreed Beth which had Gabe almost pouncing in front of his sentinel in anger. "Leave. Before I change my mind sentinel Beth", he ordered between gritted teeth.

Bart went to intervene, but he knew better. Gabby was to be treated as the new Luna and his mate had disrespected his Alpha's wishes by her remark.

"No Gabrielle. Please. It's true. I have imposed myself, caused all of this unnecessary cloak and dagger and she, Beth is your family ... p-p-pack sentinel", Gabby stammered, admitting Beth's title publicly.

"As you are their Alpha, may I ask that you forgive her honesty, isn't that what a humble man would do and a worthy leader of title?"

Devon bowed down, his front paws lowering his form with his tail wagging madly in respect. My Luna, he howled eventually.

Gritting his teeth in anger, he breathed Gabby in and felt instant calmness.

"Is this what you want?" Gabe asked, bending down so he was eye level with Gabby.

"For her honesty which was not said with malice, I do". Gabby looked into his eyes and tried so desperately to have him see her sincerity and honesty too.

"Then as Alpha of the Deep Water Pack, sentinel Beth I retract my command and wish you to stay and listen with the rest of us", Gabe said still looking in Gabby's eyes.

Thank you, Gabby thought.

"You're welcome", he said. And then it struck him.

Did you just say thank you.

"I did! You know me, always voicing my thoughts", she said ignoring everyone else who was watching on.

My Luna, do you know what this means?

Gabby looked at his mouth, then up at his eyes, then back at his mouth and ... fainted!


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